Transport Map from the NE Transport Plan
In May 2024 voters in NE England will choose a new NE Mayor as part of the region’s North East devolution deal, with new powers over transport, housing and skills. This will mean that, for the first time since bus deregulation in 1986, there will be control over our public transport by local – and locally accountable – politicians.
In this blog we look at what the deal means for transport in the NE and what candidates for Mayor could tell voters to allow them to make an informed choice. We also look at what other Mayors have committed to elsewhere in the UK.
A full extract of the NE devolution deal is included at the end of the blog.
NE Mayor Transport Powers
The transport powers of the new NE Mayor will include:
- Transport planning and decarbonisation of transport
- Appointing an Active Travel Commissioner and implementing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans
- Maintaining and improving a (yet to be defined) Key Route Network
- Bus franchising and integrated ticketing
- Setting local priorities with National Highways and Network Rail
- Establishing an “Institute of Future Mobility”
Looking at each in turn we suggest what candidates could include in their manifestos to enable voters to make an informed choice. If you have any further questions for the candidates please let us know via the comments at the end of the blog.
1. Transport planning including decarbonisation of transport
Transport North East, has already produced a NE Transport Plan on behalf of the seven Local Authorities that make up the NE Mayoral region. This plan covers the period up to 2035. Transport North East has also created and consulted on plans for active travel and public transport.
The devolution deal confirms the NE Transport Plan will be “finalised by the mayor and combined authority once it is established”.

North East Transport Plan by Transport North East
Mayoral candidates could say whether they will adopt the current priorities set out in the transport plan or, if not, what priorities will they pursue instead. Specifically, do they support targets for:
- Net Zero carbon emissions, and / or
- Vision Zero – no deaths or serious injuries due to road traffic collisions.
On Net Zero, the devolution deal sets the expectation that “the Local Transport Plan will implement quantifiable carbon reductions to the higher standard recommended in related guidance.” Currently the NE Transport Plan doesn’t include any quantification of the impact of proposed transport schemes on CO2e emissions. At the time of writing, the Government had not published the ‘higher standard’.
2. Appointing an Active Travel Commissioner and implementing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans
The devolution deal gives the Mayor the power to appoint an ‘Active Travel Commissioner’. These roles already exist in Manchester, London and the West Midlands.
The deal also commits the authority to prioritise investment in cycling and walking networks, making “sustainable travel the first choice for short trips, or as part of a longer journey”.
In London, Manchester, West Midlands and Liverpool, Mayors have committed to substantial investment into a high quality network of walking and cycling routes covering their regions. See below for more details of the commitments they have made.
Related to this, NE Mayoral candidates could tell us
- will they appoint an Active Travel Commissioner for the NE?
- will they match or exceed the ambitions set out by other city regions?
- what scope and scale do they plan for the region’s walking/cycling network e.g. just leisure routes or a complete transport network connecting people to destinations like shops, schools, parks and workplaces?
3. Maintaining and improving a (yet to be defined) Key Route Network
The new Mayor will have significant powers over funding for local road schemes as “all local roads maintenance funding will be placed under the control of the combined authority”.
The devolution deal states the Mayoral Authority will agree (with Local Authorities) a Key Route Network (KRN) of local authority roads that will be managed by the Mayoral Authority.
We expect that for Newcastle these will be the Primary Distributor Routes, which include Grandstand Road and Haddricks Mill Road but not Gosforth High Street. These are the main road routes that connect to the motorways and major A roads that make up the Strategic Road Network. Key Roads will mostly be used for vehicle traffic and public transport, but will also be used by people walking and cycling to access local destinations or where there are no near alternative routes.
Mayoral candidates could tell us how they plan to develop the Key Road Network to enable residents to travel safely and sustainably.
4. Bus franchising and integrated ticketing
The new Mayor will have access to bus franchising powers under the Transport Act 2000. This will allow the Mayor to decide which bus services should be provided and agree with bus operators to provide those services. The hope is that this will reverse the decline in bus use since buses were deregulated in the mid 1980s.
Will bus franchising arrest the decline in bus journeys in cities outside of London?
— Jack Shaw (@JackTShaw) November 7, 2023
From the FT: pic.twitter.com/gbQwPkqrPS
The new Mayor will have a choice for how they spend their budget on:
- Reducing or capping bus fares,
- Increasing frequency on the busiest routes to enable more bus journeys (ridership),
- Increasing coverage by having more routes covering a wider area, or
- A combination of the above.
This article on the Human Transit blog explains the trade-off between ridership and coverage.
Candidates for Mayor could set out:
- What their priorities are for public transport and will they use bus franchising powers?
- How funds will be prioritised between lower fares, ridership and coverage?
- Any other major changes planned to the Transport North East Bus Service Improvement Plan?
The new Mayor could also set out whether buses and Metro will be fully integrated or if there will just be integrated ticketing. Prior to bus deregulation (picture below) buses terminated at Metro interchanges like Regent Centre and Four Lane Ends, rather than travelling all the way into Newcastle city centre. This meant fewer buses were needed and more destinations could be serviced, as well as making the city centre safer due to fewer bus movements.
1982: The distinctive PTE yellow and white livery on both bus and Metro at Regent Centre Interchange, Newcastle upon Tyne. pic.twitter.com/KokSODDWqo
— Tyne and Wear Transport Flashback (@TyneFlashback) March 4, 2020
5. Setting local priorities with National Highways and Network Rail
The new Mayor won’t be responsible for the Strategic Road Network, nor for mainline rail, but will be able to work with National Highways and Network Rail to agree priorities.
Some road building is already called out in the devolution deal. It says “The North East Mayoral Combined Authority will make the case for the upgrading of A19 junctions North of Newcastle (particularly Moor Farm roundabout and associated work at Seaton Burn and White Mare Pool); and will feed into any business case development work for A1 dualling related to the multi-modal study recommended in the Union Connectivity Review and will press for further work to improve the safety, capacity and speed of the A69.”
These will make the decarbonisation objective in the transport plan much harder. The proposed A1 dualing between Morpeth and Ellingham by itself would cause an additional 1.4 million tonnes CO2e to be emitted. Just to offset this, every resident of Northumberland would have to go car-free for two years.
The A1 scheme is also very poor value for money. National Highways themselves assess the benefit to cost ratio to be less than one, with a return of only 95p for every £1 invested. This compares to walking and cycling schemes that typically return £5-6 for every £1 invested.
As we explained in our blog How much less will we use our cars in future? transport analyses consistently show that to achieve Net Zero carbon budgets we need to reduce total miles driven. Increasing road capacity will induce more traffic and runs counter to that aim.
Mayoral candidates could tell us what their target is for vehicle miles driven and how will they achieve that, bearing in mind that there is little evidence that improving public transport by itself will reduce total miles driven.
If candidates support highway expansion and/or are not targeting a reduction in miles driven, they could set out how they will achieve Net Zero targets, with evidence to show their plans will work and are not just wishful thinking.
While not possible under the current deal, we think the NE Mayor should be given control of the current National Highways budget for the NE to spend in line with the Mayor’s priorities, whether that be on roads, buses or active travel. Our small Twitter poll supported this approach.
Poll: Should the new NE Mayor be given control over @HighwaysNEAST budget for major road schemes like they will have over Leamside Line?
— space for gosforth (@space4gosforth) October 25, 2023
For rail, funding for the Leamside Line was originally included in the Network North funding, but then quickly removed by the Government in an embarrassing u-turn.
Mayoral candidates could set out the key Metro/rail projects they will support and how they propose they should be funded.
6. Establishing an “Institute of Future Mobility”
The devolution deal states “The North East Mayoral Combined Authority seeks to establish an “Institute of Future Mobility”, which will bring together North East universities and colleges together with the region’s transport sector to exploit physical and digital assets for innovation and research and development. … This will help the North East to be seen as a candidate for tests, trials, and pilot schemes of future transport technologies.”
Mayoral candidates could tell us their priorities for this Institute, in particular will the scope of the new Institute include Micromobility – small, lightweight vehicles operating at speeds typically below 25 km/h (15 mph)? These include bicycles, e-bikes, electric scooters, electric skateboards, shared bicycle fleets, and electric pedal assisted (pedelec) bicycles.
Smaller, lightweight vehicles are typically lower-emissions, reduce the risk posed to other road users and reduce air pollution. With electric-assist they have the potential to replace many local car journeys and last-mile freight delivery.
This is local gardener Tim Leigh. He used an @LBRUT scheme to get a cargo bike and trailer, and now moves loads like this for work. 🙂 pic.twitter.com/HfAtMsUswW
— Richmond Cycling Campaign (@RichmondCycling) November 17, 2023
What have other Mayors committed to for walking and cycling?
- Mayor Steve Rotheram (Labour) – Liverpool City Region – has committed to a 600km walking and cycling network to encourage people to become more active and leave the car at home.
- Mayor Sadiq Khan (Labour) – London – has already delivered 260km high quality safer cycle routes.
- Andy Street (Conservative) – West Midlands – has committed to a 500 mile cycle network
- Andy Burnham (Labour) – Greater Manchester – has proposed the UK’s largest walking and cycling network with 1,800+ miles walking and cycling routes.
Liverpool City Region
Two thirds of all journeys in our city region are 3 miles or less.
— Steve Rotheram (@MetroMayorSteve) October 4, 2019
Yet 50% are taken by car.
We're living through a climate emergency so this has to change.
We're creating a 600km walking & cycling network to encourage people to become more active and leave the car at home. pic.twitter.com/tB70EMWQVh
London's road to recovery cannot be clogged with cars. We've seen a 200% increase in cycling with many more Londoners commuting by bike – including me!
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) August 5, 2021
As Mayor, I’ve now delivered 260km of high-quality, safer cycle routes – with much more still to come. #CycleToWorkDay pic.twitter.com/CMubk5vjU2
West Midlands
The Bee Network, which will bring buses, trams and commuter trains together in Greater Manchester, will also include the UK's largest cycling and walking network – 1,800+ miles of routes.
— Urban Transport Group (@UTG_UK) May 16, 2023
Join our 19th June event with @MayorofGM to hear about the plans.https://t.co/wl1aMEbbf3 pic.twitter.com/2HXruSrqmZ
What’s not included?
Despite claims from the Conservative Party candidate, the new Mayor will have no powers over low traffic neighbourhoods nor over the Newcastle Clean Air Zone.
Low traffic neighbourhoods, designed to stop traffic cutting through residential streets, will remain the responsibility of local authorities.
The Clean Air Zone is the responsibility of Newcastle and Gateshead Councils who were required to implement the Clean Air Zone by the Conservative Government. Under law, it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to ensure air quality limits are achieved “by the soonest date possible”. Government technical guidance states that Clean Air Zones that include charging “will achieve statutory NO2 limit values in towns and cities in the shortest possible time.”
We hope all candidates will properly inform themselves about transport-related issues and the role of the new Mayor so that, if elected, they will be able to implement effective solutions for those issues using the powers available to them.
Conclusion – Back to the Future?
When Metro was first built, it was the first time a city had tried to integrate transport by bus and train. As passengers, you could with just one ticket take the bus to the nearest Metro station and get on the Metro to get into town, with the local bus network configured to act as ‘feeder’ services for the Metro.
Following bus deregulation, passenger numbers on Metro dropped by a quarter, from 59.1 million in 1985-86 financial year to 44.9 million in 1987-88, with the the decline mostly attributed to the loss of integration with bus services.
With the new Mayoral powers, the North East could have integrated transport again. It could have decarbonised transport, end car-dependency and build a region-wide cycling network that connects with public transport and enables people to travel everyday local journeys cheaply and safely.
Whether those happen or not will depend on who you vote for.
- Metro and the Integrated Transport System – Tyne and Wear Transport
- Metro: The Way Ahead, from Yorkshire Film Archive
- Remember when buses on Tyneside and Newcastle were banana yellow? – ChronicleLive
Metro and bus linked together across Tyne & Wear. Sadly bus deregulation came into effect in Tyne and Wear in October 1986. pic.twitter.com/SRiNxEGst0
— Tyne and Wear Transport Flashback (@TyneFlashback) June 18, 2023
Transport from the North East devolution deal,
101. A new, directly elected North East Mayor and the North East Mayoral Combined Authority will exercise the following powers and functions devolved from central government in order to deliver the ambitions set out in the North East Transport Plan and associated policy and strategy documents.
Local transport plan
102. Responsibility for an area-wide local transport plan will be conferred onto the mayor and North East Mayoral Combined Authority.
103. In line with best practice as set out in new local transport plan guidance planned for early 2023, the constituent authorities will review and refresh the existing North East Transport Plan by March 2024, to be finalised by the mayor and combined authority once it is established. It is expected that the Local Transport Plan will implement quantifiable carbon reductions to the higher standard recommended in related guidance.
104. DfT will support the North East Mayoral Combined Authority in the delivery of its local transport plan, through collaboration between DfT ministers, officials and the North East Mayoral Combined Authority, and where necessary assisting the North East Mayoral Combined Authority in securing the support and collaboration of agencies such as National Highways, Network Rail, and Great British Railways Transition Team to play their part in delivery.
105. The local transport plan and business cases for investment will reflect the characteristics of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority area including the significant rural footprint of the area.
Devolved transport funding
106. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority will be responsible for significant local transport funding from government. Over the next 5 years this will be worth up to £732.3 million and will include:
- a City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement of up to £563 million capital funding, with £5.68 million resource funding for 2022/23 and further funding to be confirmed in line with other eligible areas
- indicative allocation of £73.8 million of capital funding and £89.8 million resource funding to deliver the combined Bus Service Improvement Plan for the North East Mayoral Combined Authority
- in addition, there may be further funds relating to transport for which the North East Mayoral Combined Authority is eligible
City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement
107. The government will commit to making available a 5-year City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) of up to £563 million of capital funds to the North East Mayoral Combined Authority until 2026/27. The funding available consolidates existing funds including Regional Highways Maintenance, Pothole Funding, Integrated Transport Block (ITB), 2022/23 Transforming Cities Fund, with additional funding for local transport enhancements. Maintenance funding has been consolidated on the basis of current annual funding and CRSTS proposals should include the effective management and maintenance of existing assets and meet existing obligations which the ITB and other funds currently individually address.
Funding that has already been committed to from this pot includes:
- Highways Maintenance 2022/2023 – £66.4 million
- Transforming Cities Fund 2022/2023 – £86.2 million
108. The CRSTS will be determined in line with plans put forward by the mayor on behalf of the combined authority and agreed with HMG. The process for other eligible areas will apply to the North East Mayoral Combined Authority. As part of the process of agreeing this settlement, the government also commits to working with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority to reach agreement on interim options to even the profile of capital funding over the period before a mayor is elected. In the event that this includes changes to their TCF programme, these will be considered through the established TCF Change Control governance and processes.
109. Resource funding for the North East Mayoral Combined Authority to support and prepare for CRSTS will be provided from funding already set aside by government. The government commits to providing £5.68 million of resource funding in 2022/23, payable when the devolution deal is signed. This will allow for CRSTS scheme preparation, prioritisation and delivery planning to take place. As per the 2021 spending review settlement, revenue grant funding in both 2023/24 and 2024/25 is half the levels of 22/23, and the North East Mayoral Combined Authority should plan on the basis that this falls proportionately. Further resource grant funding beyond 2024/25 will be subject to future Spending Reviews.
110. Prior to County Durham joining the North East Devolution Deal, the LA6 had negotiated a CRSTS settlement of £475 million capital funding until 2026/27, alongside the resource funding outlined above. Decisions pertaining to the allocation and investment of the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) will be taken by the new Mayor and MCA in line with its agreed governance arrangements, ensuring that each member will receive appropriate highways maintenance funding, Integrated Transport Block funding and potholes funding. Beyond this, the region intends to invest the settlement in a manner which reflects the development of the deal prior to County Durham joining, for the current funding period to 2026/27. The government acknowledges this intention.
111. The government intends, subject to future spending reviews and the success of the CRSTS programme, that this could be the first of a series of 5-year transport settlements for the city regions. Decisions taken in future Spending Reviews will consider the membership and geography of the new mayoral combined authority at that time.
112. All constituent authorities, or the North East Mayoral Combined Authority on their behalf, may continue to approach the Department for Transport directly to consider funding for local transport enhancement schemes. Any funding requests will be considered in line with wider departmental priorities and would be subject to ministerial decision and the broader fiscal context.
Tyne and Wear Metro funding
113. The government acknowledges the significant economic and social benefits provided by the Tyne and Wear Metro to the North East, and that as well as being essential to local connectivity the Metro features some of the complex legal, operating, safety and infrastructure characteristics and liabilities of the national rail system. The government also recognises the significant safety responsibilities that Nexus has in relation to the Tyne and Wear Metro, including the various regulatory obligations arising from sharing track with freight (including dangerous goods) and other train operators.
114. The government agrees to provide Nexus with the following funding to support the safe operation, maintenance and renewal of the Tyne and Wear Metro:
- £57 million of capital funding in 2023/24 and 2024/25, which includes £23.8 million of capital funding already confirmed by government for operationally essential and safety critical maintenance work. The government acknowledges that Nexus is seeking a higher allocation of capital funding than has been provided in 2023/24 and 2024/25.
- Resource funding will be provided to support operations in 2023/24 and 2024/25 using the 2022/23 allocation of £27.8 million as the base figure for each year. The government will continue to work with Nexus to assess revenue funding asks in light of inflationary pressures.
- Funding for Metro’s Essential Renewals programme and operational support will be paid direct to Nexus as Metropolitan Rail Grant, outwith the CRSTS mechanism. However, £57 million of capital funding has been deducted from the North East’s nominal CRSTS allocation to take account of the additional Metropolitan Rail Grant capital payments in 2023/24 and 2024/25.
- Funding for Metro Essential Renewals and operational support for 2025/26 and 2026/27 will be considered as part of the next Comprehensive Spending Review following the production of a business case and discussion between the government, the North East Mayoral Combined Authority, and Nexus.
115. The government is currently providing £337 million of funding to Nexus to support the £362 million introduction of a new Metro train fleet and maintenance depot, expected to be fully implemented by the end of 2024. The government is also providing £94.7 million through the Transforming Cities Fund to deliver the Metro Flow project which will significantly enhance the frequency and capacity of the existing Metro system. The government has also provided £50 million in revenue funding to Nexus during the pandemic and recovery period and has allocated a further £7.3 million until October 2022.
116. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority may continue to approach the Department for Transport directly to consider funding for future enhancement work on the Metro. Funding for enhancements would be considered in line with wider departmental priorities, and would be subject to ministerial decision and the broader fiscal context.
117. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority will agree a Key Route Network (KRN) of local authority roads. The strategy for the KRN will be developed, agreed and coordinated by the mayor and North East Mayoral Combined Authority. To support this, all local roads maintenance funding will be placed under the control of the combined authority as part of the CRSTS settlement to enable the development and delivery of a single asset management plan for the North East road network in its entirety.
118. The mayor and combined authority will take any necessary highways powers to undertake this, to be exercised concurrently with the highway authorities, as agreed locally and set out in the required scheme and consultation.
119. The government intends to legislate to give the mayor, with their agreement, a power of direction allowing them to direct highways authorities on exercising their highways powers on the KRN, for example to construct, maintain and operate bus priority measures and cycling infrastructure. Use of this power should follow consultation with highway authorities and take account of highway authorities’ statutory duties.
120. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority will also be able to enter into agreements with government, other local authorities and National Highways, including to determine shared priorities for its strategic and key road networks.
121. The North East has ambitious plans to introduce a region-wide electric vehicle charging network and has recently introduced a Zero Emission Vehicle policy, an outline of the region’s aim to lead the country in boosting the up-take of electric vehicles by developing and expanding charging facilities. The government recognises the aspirations of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority to improve public electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the region, which would increase the uptake of electric vehicles in the region and reduce carbon emissions by supporting all motorists in making the switch. Government is introducing a new £450 million local electric vehicle infrastructure (LEVI) scheme for local authorities to support local EV infrastructure delivery and will work with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority to ensure the area is well placed to respond once funding arrangements are announced.
122. The government recognises the importance of good links to the Strategic Road Network to the economy of the North East, and the modernisation of key routes to facilitate economic growth, job creation and net zero transition (providing the enabling infrastructure for electric buses and an expanding EV network). National Highways will work with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority and local highways authorities on the delivery of Road Investment Strategy 2 (RIS2) and the development of Road Investment Strategy 3 (RIS3).
123. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority will make the case for the upgrading of A19 junctions North of Newcastle (particularly Moor Farm roundabout and associated work at Seaton Burn and White Mare Pool); and will feed into any business case development work for A1 dualling related to the multi-modal study recommended in the Union Connectivity Review and will press for further work to improve the safety, capacity and speed of the A69. The government will fully consider these schemes in the round as part of decisions on Roads Investment Strategy 3, taking into account economic benefits balanced against wider factors. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority will also explore whether an agreement with National Highways on assisting local authorities to achieve timely planning application decisions is possible, as the region continues to grow and sees investment in housing and employment sites, and over the use of “designated funds” to mitigate local impacts of major highways developments.
124. The government is committed to delivering improved bus services across the country and has published a National Bus Strategy committing to £3 billion of expenditure nationally over the course of this parliament. The North East has ambitious plans for the improvement of bus services as set out in its Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).
125. The government has given an indicative funding allocation of up to £163.5 million of funding (£89.8 million resource funding and £73.8 million of capital funding) to support the introduction of measures outlined in the North East Bus Service Improvement Plan.
126. The North East mayor will have access to bus franchising powers under the Transport Act 2000. This will provide the opportunity to further develop high-quality bus services as part of an integrated local transport system and help to facilitate the delivery of smart, simple integrated ticketing across all local modes of transport in the city region.
127. The government is reforming the Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG), as per the National Bus Strategy. Following BSOG reform, if North East Mayoral Combined Authority request BSOG be devolved to them the Department for Transport will work with the combined authority to devolve it in line with the consultation outcome. Smart and Integrated ticketing: “Pop”
128. The North East has widespread smart and integrated ticketing on offer through the “Pop” brand and the established back-office systems managed by Nexus to support its use on bus and Metro, alongside single-operator products, as either a smart card or phone-based payment option. It also has a long-standing commercial multi-modal, multi-operator ticketing scheme (Network One Ticketing Ltd).
129. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority and Nexus plan to develop the “Pop” brand so that it can deliver smart, capped, simple integrated ticketing across all local modes of transport in the city region as set out in the North East Transport Plan, Bus Service Improvement Plan and Local Rail and Metro Strategy. The government recognises this is a priority project for the North East Mayoral Combined Authority which they will prioritise in their CRSTS plans. As technical solutions to facilitate multi-operator bus ticketing are developed, the government will seek to work with North East Mayoral Combined Authority and any other parties to facilitate their swift deployment in the North East region.
130. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority and Nexus will work with the Department for Transport, Great British Railways Transition Team and Northern Rail to develop proposals to introduce integrated ticketing using the “Pop” brand and functionality onto the Northumberland Line when it opens for passenger service (target December 2023). This will allow seamless integrated journeys to take place on the Northumberland Line and the Tyne and Wear Metro, with fares subject to a daily cap and discounted fares for young people. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority will develop a business case for its wider deployment on other local rail services in the North East. The government will support the North East Mayoral Combined Authority in discussions with Great British Railways Transition Team and Northern Rail to achieve this.
Smart and Integrated ticketing: contactless bank card / mobile phone bank payment
131. The government recognises that the North East Mayoral Combined Authority and Nexus wish to build upon the “Pop” brand by introducing capped contactless bank card and mobile phone bank payment options on the Tyne and Wear Metro.
132. The government is currently engaging with Great British Railways Transition Team, bus operators and Combined Authorities to develop proposals for contactless capped bank-card transactions across the services of different operators and travel modes. The government commits to working with Great British Railways Transition Team, the North East Mayoral Combined Authority, and Nexus with a view to the North East being actively involved in this work.
133. The government will support the North East Mayoral Combined Authority in seeking a new rail partnership with Great British Railways Transition Team, once established, so that their priorities can be taken into consideration in future decisions regarding their local network. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority, alongside existing Level 3 authorities, will be considered a priority for these agreements which will provide the ability to influence the local rail offer. Local priorities will need to be coordinated and compatible with surrounding areas and the needs of the national network.
134. The government recognises the North East Mayoral Combined Authority’s ambitions for further devolved powers and will work with the region, Great British Railways Transition Team, and Transport for the North to develop a suitable partnership that facilitate the improvements to services, stations, and fares and ticketing that are set out in the North East Transport Plan and Metro and Local Rail Strategy.
135. The government acknowledges the major capacity constraint on the East Coast Main Line that affects the performance and future growth of rail services in the North East. As part of its Integrated Rail Plan the government commits to upgrading and improving line speeds and capacity along the route and has asked Network Rail to begin consideration of how these ambitious plans can be delivered as efficiently as possible, engaging closely with local stakeholders as these progress, ensuring integration where appropriate with local development, regeneration, and rail expansion plans.
136. The government is considering the recommendations of the Union Connectivity Review, including on the road and rail transport corridor between North East England and South East Scotland. The government will continue to work with stakeholders as required including the North East Mayoral Combined Authority on how the recommendations can be taken forward to strengthen transport connectivity for the benefit of all parts of the UK.
137. The government recognises the aspirations of the region for the reopening of the Leamside Line and will work closely with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority to develop the business case for the introduction of Metro services along the line to South Hylton via Washington; and the reintroduction of local rail services to Ferryhill and Sedgefield, and the use of the line by freight services. The government commits to supporting the North East Mayoral Combined Authority and Nexus to generate proposals, develop business cases and identify funding routes for these enhancements, where it is shown that the proposed schemes would deliver appropriate value for money to the taxpayer and subject to funding availability.
138. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority has ambitions to expand and improve rail services as set out in the North East Rail and Metro Strategy. These include Metro services to West Newcastle and Metrocentre, Cobalt Business Park and Team Valley; heavy rail services to Newcastle Airport; upgrades to the Tyne Valley and Durham Coast lines; local passenger services and new stations on the East Coast Main Line, and major investments in Sunderland and Newcastle Central stations. The government commits to working with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority and Nexus to develop business cases for these enhancements and to assist in finding suitable funding mechanisms where it is shown that the proposed schemes would deliver appropriate value for money to the taxpayer and subject to funding availability.
139. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority’s plans for zero-carbon economic growth will see an increased demand for rail freight services. In recognition of this the government supports the North East Mayoral Combined Authority in developing a freight strategy taking into account new technologies, sustainable traction, and where required new and improved rail freight terminals and distribution centres.
Active travel
140. The region is developing a transport pipeline and a key part of this will be to include how the region can meet its carbon targets. A major component of this will be a focus on sustainable transport schemes. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority commits to: prioritising investment in the cycling and walking networks identified through relevant Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) and partner council’s own cycling and walking strategies, and to follow the latest Department for Transport cycle infrastructure design guidance [LTN1/20] and other relevant guidance/standards for all future cycling and walking schemes to deliver a step-change in high-quality active travel provision in the city region.
141. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority seeks to work in partnership with government and Active Travel England. The North East Transport Plan emphasizes the region’s aspiration to make sustainable travel the first choice for short trips, or as part of a longer journey. Devolution will allow the mayor to consider appointing a Commissioner and to publish an ambitious active travel plan. This will take the region’s LCWIPs and bind them together to form a regional network of LTN 1/20 compliant routes, connecting active neighbourhoods to local hubs. The government recognises the North East Mayoral Combined Authority’s role leading innovation in highways and street design and will work with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority and Active Travel England on innovative local schemes. This will help lock in resilience to our local businesses and help us make more healthy communities. With the help of devolved funding, we will be able to sequence and deliver a smoother pipeline of active travel infrastructure.
Institute of Future Mobility
142. The North East Mayoral Combined Authority seeks to establish an “Institute of Future Mobility”, which will bring together North East universities and colleges together with the region’s transport sector to exploit physical and digital assets for innovation and research and development. The government will work with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority and key stakeholders in the future of transport sector to support innovation and research and development in transport in the region. This will help the North East to be seen as a candidate for tests, trials, and pilot schemes of future transport technologies.