Comments on: Traffic Crash Injury 2020 Sun, 01 Jan 2023 17:15:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: SPACE for Gosforth Sun, 17 Jan 2021 19:47:20 +0000 It would be worth you checking out our blog on the High Street here:

We looked at the pollution monitoring and in September 2020 when traffic is usually terrible due to schools re-opening the pollution was actually less than 2019 so what you say isn’t supported by the evidence.

Crawling traffic is also relatively safe compared to fast moving traffic, and having one lane (where it is one lane) + 20mph is very likely to make the High Steret much safer. If you have a particular scenario in mind though please say and we’ll have a look at that but the idea there is now a ‘critical danger’ is pretty far-fetched. The greatest risk to safety on the HIgh Street will be when the Council remove the bollards and return it back to what it was – and we know from the stats that Gosforth High Street is a bit of a black spot.

By: S Falconer Mon, 04 Jan 2021 11:39:31 +0000 Gosforth high street has been made a critical danger to motorists and pedestrians due to the ridiculous coned off area which no one uses increasing the crawling traffic movement on both sides of the high street
The lines of crawling traffic heading south causing massive increase in pollution- between two major schools – the high street was nominated as a clean air area by the same councillors who are making the area even more unsafe
