Tag Archives: safety

Zoe the Guide Dog reviews Salters Road Junction

In October 2016 SPACE for Gosforth arranged a review of recent changes to the Salters Road / Gosforth High Street junction with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association , engineers from Newcastle City Council and Zoe the Guide Dog. Read more [...]

1000 Speeding Drivers – A typical day on Gosforth’s back streets

Even at 20mph 17% of adults are killed or seriously injured when hit by a car. For children or older residents the figures will be worse. Why then do so many ignore the 20mph speed limits in place throughout Gosforth’s back streets? Walking to school should not be an extreme sport. This is the story of three of Gosforth’s back streets. One has a low volume of traffic mostly driving within the speed limit, somewhere we all might like to live and where children might reasonably be left to play Read more [...]

20 mph – the right speed for Gosforth’s children

If we want the High Street to thrive as a family destination and the businesses to prosper, then we need to make the High Street a safe environment where parents are happy to window shop with their children.  A 20 mph limit from Salters Road to the Town Moor would be the first step in making Gosforth High Street as family friendly as its businesses. The sheer quantity and quality of destinations for children on and around Gosforth High Street is amazing. There are places children regularly Read more [...]