We still love Gosforth High Street

Newcastle City Council has announced the start of the works to replace the Killingworth Road Metro bridge and widen Killingworth Road. From 20 July 2017 for up to nine months, Killingworth Road will be shut to all traffic including people walking and cycling. Salters Bridge and Castle Farm Road will also be shut to motor traffic. Read more [...]
In this post we look at the Environmental Impact Assessment Screening & Scoping Report ("the EIASSR") lodged as part of the planning documents for the original plans for the Blue House roundabout and Jesmond Dene Road. The EIASSR's aim was to identify the different types of environmental assessments that would have been needed had those plans gone ahead. Read more [...]
We are all familiar with thinking about the environmental and health aspects of traffic - congestion, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, accidents, physical inactivity - but what about the economics, the actual costs of these things in pounds? And how do these negative impacts affect Gosforth High Street, as these are the issues that the soon-to-be-announced proposals for the High Street need to fix?
In 2009 the UK government calculated the negative impact of transport on the UK economy Read more [...]