Safe Newcastle Bridges

In our last blog we shared the results of the 2017 Council air quality monitoring, showing that Gosforth High Street had the highest recorded nitrogen dioxide (NO2) air pollution in the whole of Newcastle.
In this blog, we take a look at three key questions that came up in discussion following release of the 2017 air pollution figures. Read more [...]
In August 2017 some residents from Garden Village contacted SPACE for Gosforth to ask for our help in looking at how to improve their community, in particular from the perspective of ensuring the village flourished as a safe and healthy place for everyone. We were of course happy to oblige.
At the same time as we engaged with the Garden Village Residents group, Newcastle City Council published an open consultation to hear views on Salter’s Bridge. The consultation closed on 6th November 2017.
Garden Read more [...]
Due to essential gas works, Killingworth Road will be closed northbound from Monday 27th March for up to 5 days, and then for a longer period later in the year when the Metro bridge is due to be replaced. For those that wish to (or have to) drive the advice is to leave extra time for your journey. Below are some alternative options if you don't need to take your car.
Coming from the north by car, there are Park and Ride sites at:
Metro Park and Ride at Kingston Park and Read more [...]