council consultation Archives - SPACE for Gosforth Mon, 20 May 2024 07:42:04 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 council consultation Archives - SPACE for Gosforth 32 32 Gosforth High Street Consultation Report Mon, 13 May 2024 18:44:28 +0000 The Council haven't published a report on the Gosforth High Street ETRO consultation that finished in September 2023, so we thought we would have a look at what people said.

The post Gosforth High Street Consultation Report appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Picture of Gosforth High Street with a bus in the bus lane and delivery van parked in the opposite cycle lane.

The Council haven’t published a report on the Gosforth High Street ETRO consultation that finished in September 2023, so we thought we would have a look at what people said.

  • Overwhelmingly (66%) responses were negative or mostly negative and wanted the trial to be removed. This increased to 74% if ‘likes’ were also taken into account (similar to Jesmond).
  • The biggest reasons people gave for not wanting to make the trial permanent were the need for better cycling facilities, traffic congestion and the design prioritising through traffic over the High Street’s role as a destination.
  • The one main positive reason given was that it was good for buses.

We shouldn’t read too much into any percentages however, as the purpose of consultation is to identify rather than quantify issues. Residents already have a say over policy via local elections. If Councils want a view on what proportion of residents support or oppose a trial then they would have to poll residents, and they haven’t done that.

Unlike Jesmond however, which was shared across national media, we believe the vast majority of comments on the Gosforth High Street trial were from residents or other users of Gosforth High Street.

Overall sentiment

Overall 66% of 452 responses on the CommonPlace survey website were negative or mostly negative about the trial layout, while fewer than a quarter thought the trial layout should be made permanent.

Sentiment analysis of Gosforth High Street comments showing 24% positive or mostly positive and 66% negative or mostly negative

This is based on individual responses and does not include ‘likes’ or other feedback the Council may have received e.g. via email. Including ‘likes’ takes the negative / mostly negative figure to 74%.

Opposition to the Gosforth High Street Trial Layout

Six main reasons were given for disliking the trial layout. These included a mix of concerns including the poor environment for pedestrians, lack of safe cycling facilities and congestion for motor traffic. Other concerns shared were that the layout made the road more dangerous and polluted and that it is not appropriate for a destination like Gosforth High Street.

Reasons why people opposed the Gosforth High Street trial No improvements for pedestrians 11% Increased air pollution 12% More dangerous 16% Not appropriate for a destination 17% Increased traffic congestion 19% Needs better cycling facilities 21%

20% in the above graph equates to roughly 90 responses in the consultation. When counting responses we have included all mentions of the concern regardless of whether the response was negative or positive overall, though the vast majority were negative or mostly negative.

The fact that people have raised these points as concerns doesn’t mean they are actually issues, but they should be assessed objectively by Council officers. Our assessment of each of these is included below, based on information already in the public domain.

Support of the Gosforth High Street Trial

Only one reason for liking the trial layout was mentioned in over 10% of responses – that the trial layout was better for buses.

Reasons behind support of the Gosforth High Street trial. Bus lanes are better for buses 19%.

As with comments opposing the trial, we have counted all positive mentions of buses regardless of whether the response overall was positive or negative.

What better cycling facilities did people ask for?

The need for better cycling facilities were asked for in 21% of responses. Many of these comments expressed a view that Gosforth High Street was dangerous for cycling. Some included specific requests, which ranged from general support, more cycle parking, protected lanes on Gosforth High Street and improvements in the surrounding areas.

  • “The measures are not safe for cyclists and there are way too many buses. Give cyclists a properly segregated cycle lane in both direction.”
  • “It’s so dangerous to ride down there with buses giving no space and crowding up behind you.”
  • “I don’t cycle to the high street and I wouldn’t want my kids doing so currently, sharing bus lanes with the largest vehicles on the road.”
  • “I often have to cycle along and across the high street with my children, as implemented these changes have made this feel much more dangerous than the temporary bollards that were there before. The changes fall well short of the LTN 1/20 guidance.”
  • “At the very least it needs to be safe for all users including families to walk or cycle to the shops…  If you want shops at either end of the High Street to be viable you need to make it possible to cycle between them.”
  • “I am VI but also a cyclist. I feel this is no better to provide a safe and accessible cycle lane. It’s imperative that cycling is kept segregated from the road and pavement. I have had too many near incidents on the road.”
  • “These proposals make it clear that pedestrians and cyclists are an after thought and will only help cars and buses get through gosforth as quickly as possible. It will put off the local people like me who spend money at the high street.”
  • “What the High Street really needs are protected cycle lanes like Heaton Road has got (and look at what’s happened to that street – can barely move these days for tapas, sourdough and people having a nice time).”
  • “Segregated cycle lanes on the High Street would encourage those who would like to cycle but are too frightened, including parents and children on the school run, and help reduce private car use.”

A much smaller number (~4%) thought the trial had improved cycling “At least, the sharing of space with buses is better than having to share a single lane with all traffic.” Some of these comments mentioned positively the cycle lane defenders north of Salters Road, though these are not in the trial area.

SPACE for Gosforth’s Assessment:  Based on the Government’s LTN1/20 Cycling Design Guidance, which Newcastle City Council has adopted, the new layout on Gosforth High Street doesn’t comply with standards and is only “suitable for few people and will exclude most potential users and/or have safety concerns“. The drawings for the plan confirm that Council leaders were aware the proposal didn’t comply with LTN1/20 when they approved it.

Traffic Congestion and Pollution

Increased traffic congestion was mentioned in 19% of responses, increased air pollution in 12%. 8% of responses mentioned both.

This comment sums up the sentiment “Traffic throughput has fallen significantly. There are now queues during the day, not just at rush hour, and air quality is worse. Changing from two northbound lanes to one at the Salters Road traffic lights (with the added bottleneck caused by buses merging in there)has caused congestion.”

People commenting made some suggestions for how to reduce congestion including reducing traffic levels (7% of all comments), rerouting buses (6%) and diverting people cycling along Moor Road South and Moor Road North (6%). A few people called for a toll e.g. “Introduce a toll system for non-local traffic and combine it with a park and ride system around Gosforth Park.

Some suggested buses should stop at Regent Centre “The high Street needs to have less traffic, especially buses. Redevelop regent centre to provide the hub it was meant to be. More buses should stop there rather than going down the High Street.” This would be possible within the powers of the new NE Mayor.

A much smaller number (3%) said “traffic flow” either would or had improved.

SPACE for Gosforth’s Assessment: People often associate increased congestion with increased air pollution. Our tracking of air pollution on Gosforth High Street suggests air pollution is correlated with traffic volumes rather than traffic queues.  Congestion discourages more people from driving so while emissions per vehicle are increased, overall pollution levels are lower because there are fewer vehicles.

As traffic counts in 2023 are similar to 2022, we expect air pollution will remain within legal limits either at a similar level to 2022 or lower if the city centre Clean Air Zone has had an effect. The last time air pollution exceeded legal limits on Gosforth High Street was 2019, when it had two vehicle lanes in each direction outside Gosforth Shopping Centre. This, along with the need to improve safety and design for a destination, is why SPACE for Gosforth opposes a return to the pre-Covid layout.

Map of central Gosforth showing air quality measurements on Gosforth High Street and at Haddricks Mill.

In 2022, air pollution measurements taken in Gosforth were within the legal limit for the third year running.

We also know from the Council’s news article that journey times did not increase when Gosforth High Street was reduced to one general traffic lane in each direction, so we don’t expect the new layout will have negatively impacted vehicle journey times.

Design prioritising through traffic over the High Street’s role as a destination.

17% of responses said the road layout should support Gosforth High Street as a destination rather than prioritising through-traffic.

  • “The scheme is focused on moving traffic especially buses through the High Street. The scheme should instead focus on improving the High Street to reinforce its primary function as a District Centre for the wider Gosforth hinterland.”
  • “This scheme isn’t suited to the way Gosforth High Street is used. It is a local shopping hub, which benefits from a lot of custom from pedestrians including a lot of people and students on their way to and from school.”
  • “The Council have been talking for years about how Gosforth High Street should be more of a destination but this seems solely focused on getting people through as quickly as possible.”
  • “The street is so busy with motor traffic it is an open sewer of dangerous vehicles and the pollution they create. Please create a new design that puts local people who walk and cycle to the high street first and that supports local businesses by creating a pleasant place where people want to spend time.”
  • “More emphasis needs to be on making GHS a destination for visitors by discouraging through traffic and improving the experience for shoppers on foot. At the moment walking along the shops is unpleasant because of motor vehicles, narrow pavements and frequent obstacles.”
  • “Gosforth High Street should be a destination not a through route. You should be encouraging pedestrians (either make it mostly pedestrianised with only bus routes going through) or at a minimum give more priority to pedestrians crossing – currently you can wait ages for the lights to change.”

A few comments suggested driving to Gosforth High Street had been made harder.

  • “The restructured traffic system is having a negative effect on Gosforth High Street shops as shoppers avoid the area due to the congestion on the High Street and the fact that it is now much more dangerous to drive there.”
  • “Most motorists would rather visit the metro centre or cramlington to avoid going to the high street. By bringing in these measures the high street will die.”
  • “You may as well block it completely to traffic. I wish all the businesses success in 2023, however NCC clearly don’t have any consideration for local businesses.”

The ‘no loading’ restrictions were also mentioned, mostly negatively. However, one business owner said the restriction was good in that it “removes unwanted delivery drivers from blocking sight of my expensive window displays”.

SPACE for Gosforth’s Assessment: In November 2022 Councillors unanimously supported a motion that the road layout should support the development of Gosforth High Street as a thriving local destination. It has not achieved that objective. SPACE for Gosforth has looked at this in its blog Gosforth High Street has been designed like a bypass rather than a shopping destination. In that blog we described how priorities for a shopping street / community hub would differ from what is currently being trialled.

Current Trial Design Priorities Priorities for a Shopping Street / Community Hub
  • Designed for vehicle through-put
  • Journey speed
  • Passing through
  • Functional
  • Cycling only for confident adults
  • Traffic distributor
  • Long distance vehicle travel for journeys passing through Gosforth without stopping
  • Pollution within legal limits
  • Designed to maximise customer experience
  • Customer dwell-time
  • Stopping & spending money at local shops
  • Attractive, welcoming and accessible
  • Cycling for all ages and abilities
  • Community destination
  • Local walking and cycling to and between shops and services
  • Pollution as low as possible

More Dangerous 

16% of responses cited safety concerns with some saying they believed Gosforth High Street was more dangerous as a result of the new trial layout.

  • “The road itself now feels dangerous – it’s a slalom course with lanes converging on more than one occasion which will lead to more accidents.”
  • “The number of incidents and ‘near misses’ the bus lane has caused when turning left into the street are countless
  • “The bus lane is not needed at all. It has already caused a collision near the old Barclays Bank.”
  • “The bus lanes are a danger to cyclists and cars and I feel it just doesn’t work.”
  • “Currently very scary to cycle in a shared lane with bus drivers trying to make the most of their new ‘fast lane’. Many of the drivers are deliberately intimidating.”
  • “I also believe the measures are over complicated and make the high street more dangerous for vulnerable users of the space cyclist and pedestrians.”
  • “I rode my motorbike along the High Street yesterday, heading North, and it was the scariest section of rode that I’ve ridden in 45 years of motorcycling.”
  • “You have made a perfectly good road into a dangerous, overly complex traffic flow. The road is stop, start with a ridiculous new chicane and intermittent bus lanes.”
  • “This has made the high street more dangerous, particular for children crossing.”

SPACE for Gosforth’s Assessment:  Between April 2023, when the trial layout was installed, and the end of February 2024 there were nine traffic collisions on Gosforth High Street between Elmfield Road and Salters Road. The equivalent for the previous ten years was 3.4.

SPACE for Gosforth recently wrote to Council leadership about this Gosforth High Street rethink needed after dramatic jump in injuries. We also sent the Council a list of safety concerns prior to the trial being implemented, which we documented in our blog Gosforth High Street – Safety Concerns.

These concerns were also covered by Chronicle Live.

Improvements for Pedestrians

11% of responses complained that the new layout either made Gosforth High Street worse for pedestrians, or at least did nothing to improve it.

  • “The current carriageway crossings are too wide to enable adequate crossing time for disabled people.”
  • “At the moment walking along the shops is unpleasant because of motor vehicles, narrow pavements and frequent obstacles. I would like to see wider pavements, pedestrian areas and fewer private cars.”
  • “You should be encouraging pedestrians (either make it mostly pedestrianised with only bus routes going through) or at a minimum give more priority to pedestrians crossing – currently you can wait ages for the lights to change.”
  • “Declutter the pavement and trial removing the black bollards which take up over half a metre of pavement space on each side. 5) Reduce pedestrian crossing wait times, and ensure that there is time for people to cross.”
  • “Pedestrianise side street-ends so people walking along the High Street have priority over turning vehicles in line with the new Highway Code.”
  • “It should be semi-pedestrianised, in the same way the bus lane next to monument used to be. This would provide a quiet, clean high street, more space for businesses to expand seating areas onto the footpaths, an opportunity for weekend markets, food markets, etc”
  • “The high street would be far more enjoyable if there was greater space for pedestrians. Gosforth has lots of great businesses, cafes, schools, yet pedestrian access is hindered in favour of using the route as a thoroughfare”

SPACE for Gosforth’s Assessment: On 20 March 2023, Newcastle City Council said they “will be developing ideas to share in the coming months to make it safer, easier, and better for people to get around on foot and on bike”. Over a year has passed and we still haven’t seen any proposals.

SPACE for Gosforth has shared a number of suggestions with the Council that could have been introduced as part of the trial, but none have been acted on. These suggestions are set out in our blog Gosforth High Street – Small Changes.

Other Comments

Other concerns that fewer than 10% of responses mentioned were

  • Concerns about high levels of traffic using side streets (6%).
  • The removal of residents’ parking at the south end of Gosforth High Street (3%).
  • The layout being confusing, especially the stop-start nature of the bus lanes (3%).

SPACE for Gosforth’s Assessment: We have been concerned with high levels of traffic in side streets for a very long time. Whether this trial has increased volumes or not, and regardless of the changes on Gosforth High Street, this is an issue that needs dealing with. See for example this blog from 2016 1000 Speeding Drivers – A typical day on Gosforth’s back streets.

Residents parking was removed when the bus lane was installed. If parking is ever to be re-installed at the south end of Gosforth High Street then it should be done in a way that keeps the pavement clear and enables people to cycle safely.

Previous consultations

Residents have been consulted multiple times on the future of Gosforth High Street.

When residents were consulted in 2013, over 70% said it was important to make cycling improvements in and around Gosforth High Street.

Newcastle City Council Facebook. When surveyed, over 70% of residents felt it was important to make cycling improvements in and around Gosforth High Street. We’ve drawn up plans for changes based on this feedback, as well as other views. Read details of the full scheme on our website: [old link]

Following that consultation, in April 2014, a petition signed by more than 3,000 people was handed into Newcastle City Council calling for a reduction in traffic to one lane each way, protected 24 hour cycle lanes, as well as opposing the reduction in spaces at Salters Road car park.


In 2018, SPACE for Gosforth sent its Your Streets – Your Views survey to residents of East and West Gosforth and Parklands wards, including a question on Gosforth High Street. The greatest concerns then were too much traffic and poor air quality.

Bar chart showing residents' concerns on Gosforth High Street. Too much traffic 56%, poor air quality 51%, traffic noise 40%, dangerous driving 32%, streets not child-friendly 32%, speeding vehicles 31%.

While air quality has improved compared to 2019 due to a reduction in traffic levels, much more could be done to make Gosforth High Street a safer, more welcoming environment.


The Council has a clear mandate from the unanimously supported November 2022 City Council motion on the future of Gosforth High Street. It is clear the current plan does not achieve the objectives set out in that motion.

Looking at the responses, we also see significant opposition from residents to the trial layout on Gosforth High Street.  These objections include well-founded concerns about the danger the new layout poses to those who use the High Street, and its failure to support the High Street as an important local destination.  Newcastle City Council must act now and remove the bus lane, reverting to the previous layout of one traffic lane in each direction while consulting on a future permanent layout that achieves the objectives Councillors voted for.

We are still waiting for a response from Cllr Kemp and Williams to our open letter. We hope they will act promptly rather than waiting for more people to be hurt.

The post Gosforth High Street Consultation Report appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Local Plan 2040 – Our response Wed, 03 Apr 2024 21:34:26 +0000 Newcastle City Council recently consulted on the replacement to the current “Local Plan”. This is SPACE for Gosforth's response. 

The post Local Plan 2040 – Our response appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Infographic: 37% households do not own a car. 3,850m of cycle track created since March 2020. 104.2 million public transport journeys in 2021-22. Cars produce 20% of CO2 emissions.

Infographic from Newcastle City Council’s consultation website

Newcastle City Council recently consulted on the replacement to the current “Local Plan”. This is SPACE for Gosforth’s response. You can find out more about the consultation and questions asked in our previous blog Local Plan 2040.

Re: Newcastle Local Plan Early Engagement

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Newcastle upon Tyne Local Plan.

We are a community group based in Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne. SPACE stands for Safe Pedestrian and Cycling Environment. Our group was established in 2015 due to residents’ concerns about road danger and air pollution in our local neighbourhood. You can find our group objectives on our website

While transport is only part of what is needed to achieve the city’s ambitions, it is fundamental to how the city uses its public spaces, and critical to whether the city will achieve its ambitions or not.

We support the Council’s intention that “At the core of the Newcastle Plan there needs to be a strong emphasis on placemaking, health and wellbeing, and sustainable living which will help us reach Net Zero” and agree that “these are critical to Newcastle’s strength as a place, to the city’s ability to adapt to the climate crisis and to improve the lives of residents.”

Walking, wheeling and cycling improve health and wellbeing, improve sustainability and support good quality placemaking.

This was recognised in the Development and Allocations Plan which said, “Improving accessibility for walking and cycling has multiple benefits, including the creation of safer, more attractive places, improved physical and mental health and reduced carbon emissions and climate change impacts from transport.” This new Local Plan should build on this with an even stronger focus on walking and cycling and sustainable travel.

By 2030, the city should already be well on the way to achieving Net Zero, including for transport. The future Local Plan should therefore ensure further development will be consistent with this, minimising additional emissions from development, ensuring new homes are carbon neutral and ensuring new developments prioritise walking and cycling.

Walking and cycling support all the Local Plan’s nine ambitions as follows.

1. Healthier City

  • The benefits of exercise to physical and mental health are well-known. Good quality walking and cycling infrastructure allows people to build exercise into their normal daily activities, saving money and benefiting the environment at the same time.
  • Access to low-cost transport like walking and cycling makes it easier to access local services and facilities.
  • Reducing traffic makes places more sociable by reducing severance; and reduces air and noise pollution that adversely affect health.

2. Greener City

  • Reducing traffic is essential as part of achieving Net Zero. Even with an ambitious transition to EVs, a cut of approximately 20% of total miles driven will be required to meet carbon budgets targeting Net Zero by 2050. A greater reduction will be required in Newcastle because of its 2030 target and because urban areas are better suited for alternatives to car travel than rural areas.
  • Walking and cycling, as well as being carbon neutral, take up less space. That freed-up space can be used for green infrastructure like sustainable urban drainage or street trees.

3. Attractive Neighbourhoods

  • Street layouts should make walking and cycling the natural choice for local journeys in line with Government ambition. That means safe, direct, connected routes between homes and local services.
  • Reducing traffic will address severance issues that prevent people from accessing local shops and services.
  • Research has shown people walking or cycling spend more money locally, protecting local services and making neighbourhoods more attractive.
  • Road layouts at district centres like Gosforth High Street need to fully prioritise walking and cycling to maximise access to shops and services for the local community in the catchment of the centre.

4. Employment Opportunities

  • Good quality walking and cycling infrastructure enables better access to local employment opportunities, especially for those on a low income who cannot afford a car or taxis.
  • Quality and accessibility of the street environment is a potential competitive advantage that will attract more employers to the city. Currently Newcastle is getting left behind as other cities invest in removing traffic from city centres and residential areas.
  • Good quality walking and cycling infrastructure is also helpful for students who typically will not have access to a car, and makes Newcastle an attractive place to live for people who are able to work from home.
  • Premium land currently used for roads or parking could be utilised in more economically beneficial ways.

5. Moving Around

  • The Local Plan must ensure “new development promotes sustainable transport choices, patterns of travel, minimises the need for private car use and plan for new transport infrastructure to meet needs.” It needs to be a comprehensive plan though, not just a set of unconnected islands of development without the ability to travel sustainably between them.
  • The Local Plan aim is to optimise the use of available space in the city to meet the overall aims. Walking and cycling support all the plan objectives, are low-cost, low-carbon, healthy, and use the least space per user compared to most other modes of transport.
  • A network of safe, accessible, all age and ability walking and routes will be fundamental to achieving the Local Plan’s objectives. Ideally this should be in place even before the Local Plan comes into effect.
  • The Local Plan needs to anticipate and prepare for an increase in electric-powered micro-mobility like eScooters and cargo-bike logistics.

6. Leisure, Culture, and Tourism

  • Walking and cycling can be leisure activities as well as transport, with a significant amount of tourist spend relating to these activities.
  • The nationally recognised C2C cycle route passes through Newcastle.
  • Newcastle is ideally placed to attract visitors wanting outdoor activities given its proximity to the coast and open spaces in Northumberland, as well as more local attractions like the Town Moor and Jesmond Dene.
  • Good placemaking, underpinned with high quality walking and cycling links, will also make the city more attractive for visitors.

7. Homes and Communities

  • Low-car neighbourhoods can be denser, making it easier to provide better local services and an improved environment. See for example the ‘Merwedekanaal’ proposal from Utrecht.
  • Good quality safe walking and cycling routes that children can use to travel independently will also make the city more attractive to families and would help reverse the trend for families to move out of Newcastle.
  • Walking and cycling allow residents to benefit from “incidental sociability” improving the social fabric of communities.

8. Attractive and Safe Places

  • Walking and cycling contribute to many of the ten characteristics of a well-designed place referenced in the consultation, including: efficient, healthy and sustainable, safe, social and inclusive, accessible and easy to move around.
  • Road safety is a key factor in whether a place feels safe or not. Engineering measures can cut traffic levels and dangerous driving behaviours.
  • Research has shown that Low Traffic Neighbourhoods also reduce non-traffic related crimes.

9. Protected Natural Environment

  • Transport is a major cause of environmental degradation from air and noise pollution, carbon emissions, roadkill, and microplastics from tyres that are washed via the drains into local rivers.
  • Enabling more people to walk and cycle more often through the creation of a network of safe all age and ability routes would substantially reduce the impact of transport on the local environment.

All this needs to be backed with a plan with SMART objectives, funding identified and an approach to build community support to achieve rapid change. It should not be passive shelf-ware only ever referred to as the starting point in a negotiation with developers.

These objectives should include:

  • Pavements and crossings designed to a high standard to ensure they are accessible.
  • Creation of a high-quality cycling network suitable for all ages and abilities that connects homes to local destinations and meets national standards.
  • Traffic to be routed via the main road network, with local streets used solely for access.
  • Targets for street trees and planting.
  • Limits on sources of pollution and nuisance from traffic to ensure any new development doesn’t just minimise its impact but improves the situation compared to if that development didn’t happen.
  • Targets for what services are available in a local area, ensuring that children will be offered a place at a school within walking distance and that services will be available when people move in.
  • High quality standards for all the above that a development must achieve if it is to be approved. This should include a developer contribution to cover the cost of high-quality walking and cycling routes between the development and local services if not provided on site.

The Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan for Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne adopted in 2015, included many similar ambitions for sustainable travel, yet ten years on Newcastle is still dominated by vehicle traffic. Hundreds of millions of pounds have been invested in transport in the city, but most of this has been focused on the Western bypass with the effect of increasing traffic, counter to all sustainability objectives, and Newcastle Airport (the least sustainable mode of transport) continues to boast of increased passenger numbers.

Meanwhile, plans to enable more walking and cycling proceed at a glacial pace, if at all. Our local High Street in Gosforth still doesn’t achieve basic safety guidelines despite a full Council vote to this effect and Policy DM10 stating development should “Provide safe, convenient, attractive and continuous pedestrian and cycle links to key local facilities and services.” If the Council won’t stick to its own policy, why should it expect developers to do so?

So, while we support the ambitions, we remain sceptical that the new Local Plan will make much difference. As we said in our response to the Development and Allocations Plan “The Local Plan should not be limited to addressing issues though. It needs to show a city willing to compete internationally, to draw best practice from across the world, from Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Seville, London and New York, and our twin city Groningen, all of which are investing in the public realm, prioritising sustainable and active travel and investing in (and competing with each other on) liveability and accessibility. If Newcastle is to compete in this arena it needs a strong vision backed by robust policy to deliver that vision.”

We would also like to draw your attention to the following City Council Motions and ask that the draft version of the Local Plan be prepared to be consistent with these.

  • Climate Emergency – City Council 3 April 2019
  • Greater Focus on Cycling – City Council 2 October 2019
  • School No Idling Zones – City Council 5 February 2020
  • Use of E-Cargo Bikes – City Council 6 October 2021
  • Investment in Roads and Pavements – City Council 12 January 2022
  • Promoting Active Travel All Year Round – City Council 12 January 2022
  • Gosforth High Street – City Council 2 November 2022
  • Pavement Parking – City Council 1 November 2023

Further evidence, e.g. links to research, can be provided on request.

Yours faithfully,

SPACE for Gosforth.

The post Local Plan 2040 – Our response appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Gosforth High Street – our response Sat, 14 Oct 2023 12:11:56 +0000 In March 2023, Newcastle City Council announced that it would trial a new layout on Gosforth High Street using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO), with a consultation to last the first six months of the eighteen month order. This blog is to share SPACE for Gosforth’s response to that consultation.

The post Gosforth High Street – our response appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Man on a bicycle overtaking a van parked in the bus lane on Gosforth High Street

In March 2023, Newcastle City Council announced that it would trial a new layout on Gosforth High Street using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO), with a consultation to last the first six months of the eighteen month order. This blog is to share SPACE for Gosforth’s response to that consultation.

While the Council made a number of changes, not all of these required a traffic order. The changes included in the ETRO were:

  • A new 7am to 7pm bus lane running north-bound from Moor Crescent to Graham Park Road.
  • A continuation of the bus lane running north-bound from Elmfield Road to Woodbine Road.
  • Double yellow lines on the east (south-bound) side from The Grove to Moorfield.
  • Double yellow lines on the west (north-bound) side from Moorfield to The Poplars.
  • No loading and unloading between 7am and 7pm on the west (north-bound) side the full length of Gosforth High Street from Moorfield to Salters Road.

The ETRO specified that the bus lanes can be used by Buses, Taxis, Motor Cycles, Pedal Cycles and other (undefined) Authorised Vehicles. The only exemptions given for the no loading / unloading restriction were universal service provider vehicles, Council bin lorries and emergency services.

The main purpose of the measures being consulted on is to increase the speed of vehicles passing through Gosforth High Street by:

  • enabling buses, taxis and motorcycles to undertake queuing traffic,
  • enabling traffic to overtake stopped buses,
  • prevent parked vehicles from blocking one or more traffic lanes.

The decision to prioritise speed over safety means that Gosforth High Street is not a safe pedestrian and cycling environment, despite the Council’s commitment in November 2022 that any new design would be to the “highest possible safety standards for all road users”.

Our suggestion to the Council is that it uses the remaining 12 months of the ETRO to consult on an alternative design that is safe, inclusive and supports Council policy, prioritising safe walking and cycling to get to and move around Gosforth High Street for all ages and abilities. This, rather than prioritising vehicle speeds, would better support Gosforth High Street as a shopping street and a community hub.

Dear sir / madam,

We are writing to OBJECT to the High Street, Gosforth – Experimental Bus Lanes Order and Traffic Regulation Order 2023. GH/P44/1318

Specifically, we wish to object to:

  • The Bus Lane northbound (nearside lane) – from Elmfield Road to Woodbine Road. This should be removed and replaced by cycle lanes that meet the Council’s LTN1/20 adopted standard for all ages and abilities to ensure they meet the requirements set out in The Equality Act 2010 (which the current layout does not achieve).
  • The Bus Lane northbound (nearside lane) – from 22 metres north of Moor Crescent to Graham Park Road. This should be either removed, or cycle lane defenders added to create a physical barrier between the bus and cycle lanes.

Our grounds for objecting to the ETRO are:

  1. The reasons set out in the ETRO have not been achieved
  2. The trial layout is not compliant with Newcastle City Council policy
  3. The layout contradicts the LCWIP approved by Council Cabinet
  4. The layout is not compliant with modern safety standards
  5. It is not inclusive, excluding vulnerable and older and younger users of Gosforth High Street.
  6. It doesn’t support customers to travel sustainably to Gosforth High Street.
  7. It doesn’t achieve the objectives Councillors and Council leaders voted for in the November 2022 Council motion.
  8. Safe walking and cycling routes would be a much better use of the space

Please note that we also have no wish to return to the pre-Covid layout either which was no better and would share many of the same issues and, we believe, lead to increased pollution levels similar to those recorded prior to Covid.

We suggest that instead of continuing with the current plan, the Council uses the remaining 12 months of the ETRO to consult on an alternative that is safe, inclusive and supports Council policy. This should prioritise safe walking and cycling to get to and move around Gosforth High Street for all ages and abilities.

Gosforth High Street is only approx 600m, so traffic using a single traffic lane in each direction for this distance will not significantly impact overall travel times. The Council’s previous monitoring has confirmed this to be the case.

“Journey time data, which has been collected over four years, show that there has been minimal impact on the travelling public with the traffic reduced to two lanes through the High Street.”

If north-bound journey time is an issue then extending the north-bound bus lane further towards Blue House roundabout or to Broadway roundabout could be better options.

Likewise, unless the Council intends to ban cycling on Gosforth High Street (which we don’t believe is possible) there will be a need to ensure the safety of people who do cycle to, along or across the High Street, and to achieve the LTN1/20 standard that the Council has formally adopted for all Highway Schemes.

In more detail…

1 The reasons given in the TRO have not been achieved

(a) “To avoid danger to persons or other traffic using the road and for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising.” This is not achieved as the road layout requires people cycling to share a busy bus lane with heavy traffic. Specifically, it does not achieve the standards set out in LTN1/20. It has also led to vehicles switching between lanes to overtake slower traffic, higher vehicle speeds in the bus lane directly adjacent to the pavement, and an additional safety risk at the Trinity Church crossing due to buses blocking sight of the traffic lights for drivers in the north-bound general traffic lane.

(b) “support the Council’s commitment to improve public transport across the City” We have previously been informed by Council officers that there is little benefit to out-bound bus lanes. They will have little impact on journey-time reliability for most of the day and, even if required, similar journey-time reliability could be achieved with a north-bound bus lane that ends at Graham Park Road.There is also (our observation and reported by our members) practically no enforcement of the bus lane nor any way for the public to report violations of the bus lane.

2 The trial layout is not compliant with Newcastle City Council policy

Newcastle city Council adopted LTN1/20 for Highway Schemes (Oct 2022 cabinet). This scheme is not LTN1/20 compliant.

The reframing transport report restated the Council’s “ambition to introduce a walking, wheeling, and cycling network that connects every school, to every park, to every high street.” The trial layout instead creates community severance due to lack of safe opportunities to cycle across the High Street. This acts as a barrier e.g. for families living west of Gosforth High Street to visit Gosforth Central Park, or families living east of the High Street to get to Archibald First School or Newcastle School for Boys.

Section 11.12 of the Core Strategy states an intention to create ‘sustainable communities, centres and new developments where priority is given to sustainable modes of transport’ setting out the hierarchy of sustainable modes of transport. In the trial layout, the speed of public transport, freight and car traffic has been prioritised over the safety of people cycling, contrary to that hierarchy.

Section 5.1.2 of the Development and Allocations Plan (DAP) states that cycling ‘routes must be legible, inviting, direct, pleasant and easy to use.” This clearly isn’t currently the case on Gosforth High Street.

Section 5.1.5 of the DAP states “An important factor in encouraging people to walk and cycle is ensuring that key local facilities and services, such as shops, schools and public transport are easily accessible on foot and by cycle.” LTN1/20 confirms that bus lanes “do not provide an environment attractive to a wide range of people and should therefore not be regarded as inclusive.”

Appendix 2 of the DAP states that on Secondary Distributor Roads “Pedestrian and cycle movements should be segregated from traffic” and “pedestrian and cycle movement should be controlled by formalised crossing points.” While this is true for pedestrian movement, the same has not been achieved for cycle movement in the current design.

The Council’s commitment to Net Zero will require changes to maximise the use of walking and cycling for short journeys, and support residents to access local shops and services.

NB Moor Road, east of Gosforth High Street could, with some work, be made inviting, pleasant and easy to use, but it would still not be a direct route to the shops, nor would it (a) improve safety for anyone cycling on Gosforth High Street or (b) support movement around Gosforth High Street between shops and services.

The layout also conflicts with approved Council motions Greater Focus on Cycling (October 2019) and Use of eCargo Bikes (October 2021).

3 The layout contradicts the LCWIP approved by Council Cabinet

In the LCWIP, approved by Cabinet June 2021, Gosforth High Street is shown as part of the proposed city’s cycle network.

It also acknowledges that “High levels of vehicle traffic discourage people from using active and sustainable transport (either in terms of people fearing for their safety or because of delays caused to the public transport network).” The current layout will discourage people from cycling to Gosforth High Street, whereas to meet Council policy it should be encouraging more people to visit (to support Gosforth High Street as a District Centre), by more sustainable means (for better health, better access to employment opportunities on the High Street and to cut air pollution and carbon emissions).

4 The layout is not compliant with modern safety standards

The Council’s own plan emailed prior to installation confirms the Council’s understanding that the layout is not LTN1/20 compliant.

Between 7pm and 7am, the bus lane is not in force so offers no protection to anyone cycling.

Between 7am and 7pm, the bus lane is not enforced effectively so can be blocked by parked vehicles, forcing anyone cycling into the general traffic lane.

We are concerned that buses in the inside lane will block drivers’ visibility of the pedestrian crossing lights by Trinity Church. Residents have for years reported many near misses at this location caused by drivers driving through a red light.

5 It is not inclusive, excluding vulnerable and older and younger users of Gosforth High Street.

LTN1/20 states that “Cycling [and walking] should be accessible to people of all ages and abilities. The Equality Act 2010 places a duty on public sector authorities to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty in carrying out their functions. This includes making reasonable adjustments to the existing built environment to ensure the design of new infrastructure is accessible to all.”

It goes on to say that bus lanes “do not provide an environment attractive to a wide range of people and should therefore not be regarded as inclusive. Some bus lanes also allow taxis and motorcycles to use them [as is the case on Gosforth High Street], which can signifcantly increase traffc flows, thereby acting as a deterrent to cycling while also increasing risk of conflict.” Conflict, in this scenario, could include collisions and / or injuries, most likely to the person or people cycling.

Also, it advises that advisory cycle lanes are “not be suitable for all people and will exclude some potential users and/or have safety concerns”.

Users likely to be excluded by the Council’s current design include younger and older users and disabled cyclists.

6 It doesn’t support customers to travel sustainably to Gosforth High Street.

The bus lane doesn’t help customers travelling from east, west or north of Gosforth, where the vast majority of customers will live. Few will arrive from the south by bus because the Town Moor creates a natural barrier, and most people living immediately north of the Town Moor but south of the shopping area are within a 15 minute walk of the High Street so are less likely to use a bus.

The layout has not enabled any additional sustainable transport options compared to previous layouts. Prior to Covid there were 48 buses per hour using the High Street in each direction. This number will not have increased due to the new trial layout. The maximum desired frequency in the Transport North East Bus Service Improvement Plan is one bus every 5-10 minutes or 6-12 per hour in each direction, substantially less than on Gosforth High Street. The plan says to make bus services “more comprehensive, with overprovision on a few corridors reduced to boost provision elsewhere”, suggesting the Council’s strategy is to reduce bus frequency on Gosforth High Street in order to increase coverage elsewhere. To ensure these current bus journeys remain sustainable, some of those journeys will have to be made by walking or cycling in future.

While we do support quicker bus journey times and increased punctuality and reliability, these should not be achieved by putting other road users in greater danger.

More people can get to Gosforth High Street in 15 minutes cycling than by any other sustainable travel mode. Our estimate is that approximately three times more people could get to Gosforth High Street in 15 minutes cycling than can do so by bus, and many of those 15 minute bus journeys could be walked in a similar time. Cycling is the only sustainable transport mode where everyone who lives closer to Gosforth High Street than another District Centre can get to the High Street in under 15 minutes.

The trial layout does not support cycling to Gosforth High Street nor movement within the High Street between shops when people get there.

Two benefits of cycling for the user are speed and ability to carry heavier loads than if walking. These benefits are both lost if people are required to park their cycles away from the shops they want to visit rather than being able to move freely (and safely) between shops.

7 It doesn’t achieve the objectives Councillors and Council leaders voted for in the November 2022 Council motion.

The new layout

  • doesn’t improve options for customers to get to or move around the High Street
  • doesn’t meet current (let along ‘highest’) safety standards
  • hasn’t enabled any new low-carbon travel options
  • has done nothing to enhance green infrastructure
  • appears to ignore (rather than align with) previous engagement with residents, local Councillors and business owners.

8 Safe walking and cycling routes would be a much better use of the space

Cllr Byrne is quoted in a May 2023 Council news article as saying ‘development of a new cycle lane, new pedestrian crossings, changes to traffic access on a number of side roads and the installation of secure cycle parking facilities’ on Elswick Road is
(a) ‘fantastic news for residents in this area of the city, which is going to benefit from a significant investment to provide high quality and safer cycling and walking routes.’
(b) As well as helping people get to schools, shops and other local facilities, this will also open up opportunities to access jobs and training and will enable more people to enjoy and feel confident about active travel.
(c) “The new cycle lane will also link up with existing routes helping to further extend our cycling network across the city.
(d) ‘We want everyone in Newcastle to be able to choose and benefit from active travel. This leads to better physical and mental health; stronger, connected communities and a better, more sustainable environment for future generations’

These same benefits could be achieved on Gosforth High Street if safe walking and cycling routes are prioritised to get to and move between shops on the High Street. These benefits would be 24/7 unlike time saved on bus journeys which will mostly only occur in the evening peak and even then will make only marginal difference to overall journey times.

Safe cycling routes also support micro-mobility like the Neuron eScooters.

Additionally, the DfT report “The Value of Cycling” found (amongst many other benefits) that:

  • Cyclists visit local shops more regularly, spending more than users of most other modes of transport
  • Per square metre, cycle parking delivers 5 times higher retail spend than the same area of car parking
  • A compact town optimised for walking and cycling can have a “retail density” (spend per square metre) 2.5 times higher than a typical urban centre.
  • Public realm improvements, including those that cater for cycling, have been shown to result in increased trade at local businesses; up to 49% in New York City

Value of Cycling report:

Suggested approach

We suggest that instead of continuing with the current plan, the Council uses the remaining 12 months of the ETRO to consult on an alternative that is safe, inclusive and supports Council policy. This should prioritise safe walking and cycling to get to and move around Gosforth High Street.

Some examples of what could be considered include:

  • Safe cycling facilities usable by all ages and abilities both along and to the High Street.
  • Declutter the pavement and trial removing the black bollards which take up over half a metre of pavement space on each side.
  • Reduce pedestrian crossing wait times, and ensure that there is sufficient time for people to cross.
  • Pedestrianise side street-ends so people walking along the High Street have priority over turning vehicles in line with the new Highway Code.
  • Reduce non-local traffic using streets either side of the High Street to make it safer and more pleasant for people to walk or cycle to Gosforth High Street.
  • Look for opportunities to improve the pedestrian environment e.g. for street cafes, planting or benches, including at ends of side streets.
  • Extend the 20mph zone north past Gosforth Academy, west past Gosforth Junior Academy and south to the Little Moor.

We included some further ideas in our email of 9 August 2023 [published in our blog Gosforth High Street – Small Changes].

Kind regards,

SPACE for Gosforth

References – SPACE for Gosforth blogs
Gosforth High Street – Safety Concerns
Gosforth High Street has been designed like a bypass rather than a shopping destination
Gosforth High Street – Good Policy, Terrible Plan
We still love Gosforth High Street
Your Streets – Your Views – Gosforth High Street
A Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Gosforth

The post Gosforth High Street – our response appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

North East Transport Plan Consultation – January 2021 Sat, 16 Jan 2021 21:54:16 +0000 From November 2020 to January 2021 Transport North East held a consultation on their draft transport plan for the North East up to 2035. This is the SPACE for Gosforth […]

The post North East Transport Plan Consultation – January 2021 appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Title picture transport plan 2021-2035

From November 2020 to January 2021 Transport North East held a consultation on their draft transport plan for the North East up to 2035. This is the SPACE for Gosforth response.

We looked at the plan’s vision and objectives, and we looked at the schemes proposed. The vision talks about carbon reduction, health, reducing inequalities, safer streets and sustainable travel. The schemes include link roads, corridor improvements, capacity upgrades, addressing vehicle pinch points, dual carriageways and junction upgrades. These clearly don’t align.

We fully support the plan objectives, but the schemes need to be re-evaluated to select and expand those that support the objectives and reject those that do not.

Transport North East say they are working to “deliver game-changing transport schemes and initiatives.” and “to greatly improve the lives of everyone living or working in our region.” The current plan won’t do this, but we hope our and other’s feedback will be taken into account to produce a revised plan that will achieve the stated objectives.

Transport for the North East itself provides “strategy, planning and delivery services on behalf of the North East Joint Transport Committee (NEJTC)“, where the committee is made up of the region’s two Combined Authorities (North of Tyne Combined Authority covering Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland, and the North East Combined Authority covering Durham, Gateshead, Sunderland and South Tyneside).

Update 13 March 2021: Transport North East have produced their final plan for approval by local authorities. You can see the final plan and a “You said – we did” document explaining what changes have been made here.

The letter below is our group’s response to the original consultation in January 2021.

Dear Transport North East,

Re: North East Transport Plan Consultation – January 2021

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the North East Transport Plan. It is extremely positive to see The North East Combined Authority and The North of Tyne Combined Authority working together on a single coherent plan for the region.

We welcome and acknowledge the need, as you say, to “deliver profound and lasting improvements that will shape the North East and its people for decades to come.” We are in the midst of a Climate Emergency, a health crisis made worse because of existing high levels of poor health in part caused by inactivity, and scandalously we have still have not met legally-binding targets for air quality that came into force in 2005.

Between 2010 and 2019, 511 people were killed and 6,450 people were seriously injured on the North East’s roads. These are not just statistics, they were mums, dads, children, friends and neighbours. Almost half of those killed or seriously injured on the region’s roads were under 35 years old. Change is needed, and it is needed quickly, by 2025 not by 2035.

“The truth about a region’s aspirations isn’t found in its vision. It’s found in its budget.”

We’ve looked at the plan’s vision and objectives, and we’ve looked at the schemes proposed. The vision talks about carbon reduction, health, reducing inequalities, safer streets and sustainable travel. The schemes include link roads, corridor improvements, capacity upgrades, addressing vehicle pinch points, dual carriageways and junction upgrades. These clearly don’t align.

Carbon reduction, improved health and more sustainable travel all point to less vehicle traffic in future, not more. Building for more traffic while at the same time forecasting less traffic is just throwing money away, and will lead to more emissions and poor health outcomes.

While we acknowledge many of the schemes included do support active travel and public transport, for a region of two million people they could be substantially more ambitious than proposed, and achieve benefits far more quickly if funds weren’t being diverted to expensive schemes to create unneeded additional vehicle capacity.

The vision should define the destination

The plan vision needs to establish and make tangible what the end goal is and start to build towards that, so people understand the destination rather than only seeing individual steps on the journey. This will support both community buy-in to the plan and provide better focus for the initiatives that make up the plan.

It is not hard to envisage what this would look like. As a minimum it would need to include:

  • Accessible and inclusive local streets with pavements that are not cluttered or used for parking.
  • A defined road network for essential vehicle journeys, with reduced capacity compared to now, as fewer journeys will need a vehicle in future when other better options become available.
  • Local roads that are not part of that main-road network that can be used for walking, cycling, socializing and street play, but not for through traffic (low traffic neighbourhoods).
  • Junctions designed to prevent high-speed collisions and speed limits set to ensure collisions do not lead to serious injury or death.
  • A region-wide network of safe walking and cycling routes to connect homes to shops, schools, parks and other local destinations and which support inclusive cycling and allow children to travel independently.
  • An efficient high-frequency bus network with good quality interchanges and integration with walking and cycling routes for longer multi-modal journeys.

These alone would substantially achieve all the plan objectives with money to spare. The question for Transport North East is how quickly it can move to achieve this vision, so that everyone who lives in the North East can start to see and feel the benefits.

Transport North East has work to do to demonstrate this is not a ‘business as usual’ transport plan.

Substantially the objectives in the plan do speak to the serious economic, climate, air quality, health and wellbeing issues that are today caused by road transport, and need to be addressed through changes to the transport system. Good intentions though are not enough to achieve good outcomes.

As we have said, many of the actual schemes proposed are very much business as usual.

We therefore want to challenge Transport North East to come up with a revised set of schemes, including those on the list above, that will demonstrably prove this is not a ‘business as usual’ plan.

To be genuinely transformational, and not just business as usual, the plan should very clearly:

  • Enable the five of seven local authorities that have set a target to be carbon neutral by 2030 to achieve that by substantially decarbonizing the transport system by 2030.
  • Achieve zero killed and seriously injured on the region’s roads by 2025. (This should be part of the safe, secure network objective, not hidden away on page 33.)
  • Create safe networks of routes leading to a step-change increase in walking and cycling for local (< 5 mile) journeys throughout the region.
  • Demonstrate that Transport North East and the constituent authorities can act with the necessary pace and urgency to make these happen, with substantial progress by 2025 or sooner.

There’s no such thing as a ‘two minutes late for work emergency’

There is a Climate Emergency. Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK. Physical inactivity is responsible for one in six UK deaths.

Choosing how the budget is allocated is a moral and political choice. Transport North East can either deliver profound and lasting improvements by prioritising the budget to address transport poverty, health, climate, economy and environment, or it can build more link roads to make driving marginally more attractive for a few years for people who can afford it. Almost certainly it won’t be possible to do both.

Please choose wisely.

We enclose our response to the consultation questions below.

Yours faithfully,

SPACE for Gosforth

SPACE for Gosforth North East Transport Plan Questionnaire Response

2. Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?

We are responding on behalf of the SPACE for Gosforth group, based in Gosforth in Newcastle upon Tyne. SPACE for Gosforth is a residents’ group with the aim of promoting healthy, liveable, accessible and safe neighbourhoods where walking and cycling are safe, practical and attractive travel options for residents of all ages and abilities. We are residents of Gosforth, most of us with families and we walk, cycle, use public transport and drive. SPACE stands for Safe Pedestrian and Cycling Environment.

6. Do we support the Vision Statement: “Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East”

Yes, we support the Vision Statement.

This needs to be brought to life and explained properly so people understand where the plan is, or should be according to the objectives, leading us. For example:

  • Accessible and inclusive local streets with pavements that are not cluttered or used for parking.
  • A defined road network for essential vehicle journeys, with reduced capacity compared to now, as fewer journeys will need a vehicle in future when other better options become available.
  • Local roads that are not part of that main-road network that can be used for walking, cycling, socializing and street play, but not for through traffic (low traffic neighbourhoods).
  • Speed limits set to ensure collisions do not lead to serious injury or death, and junctions designed to prevent high-speed collisions.
  • A region-wide network of safe walking and cycling routes to connect homes to shops, schools, parks and other local destinations and which support inclusive cycling and allow children to travel independently.
  • An efficient high-frequency bus network with good quality interchanges and integration with walking and cycling routes for longer multi-modal journeys

How much do you agree with each of the following objectives?

NETP Objective SPACE for Gosforth Response
7. Carbon neutral North East

We will initiate actions to make travel in the North East net carbon zero, helping to tackle the climate emergency declared by our two Combined and seven Local Authorities, addressing our air quality challenges, and helping to achieve the UK’s net zero by 2050 commitment.


We support the Climate Emergency declarations made by North East councils, the work underway to achieve legal air quality limits in the shortest possible timescales (as required by the UK High Court), and further improvements in air quality even where limits have been met.

Five of the seven councils have a stated aim to become carbon neutral by 2030 (see p103 of the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal).

This objective, as written, would not achieve the stated policies of the members of the NE Joint Transport Committee, and for the same reason it is not compliant with UK air quality law as determined in ClientEarth v Secretary of State for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Case No: CO/1508/2016).

A compatible objectives would be: “The NETP will ensure that transport in the NE will be carbon neutral by 2030 and that air quality will meet legal limits in the shortest possible timescales.”

8. Overcome inequality and grow our economy

The Plan is aligned with the North East LEP’s long term goals to first return the region to pre-Covid-19 GDP and employment levels and then to move forward in pursuit of the economic ambitions set down in their Strategic Economic Plan (SEP).


Inequality and economy are different objectives and should be recorded as such. We suggest:

  1. The NETP will ensure all transport options are accessible and inclusive and will reduce ‘transport poverty’ caused by the high cost of owning and running a car, and a lack of alternative transport methods.
  2. The NETP will support economic growth by
    1. Maximising transport capacity through the prioritisation of the most space-efficient modes of transport,
    2. Reducing the cost of travel by prioritising investment to walking and cycling as the default travel option for local journeys, and
    3. Managing vehicle transport demand so that those that have a health or business need to use a private vehicle can do so without being delayed by those that have other viable options for how to travel.

We support both these objectives.

9. Healthier North East

The North East has the lowest life expectancy of all the English regions. The Plan will help achieve better health outcomes for people in the region by encouraging active travel and getting people to travel by more sustainable means, improving air quality, helping our region to attain health levels at least equal to other regions in the UK.


We support this objective, however suggest the use of ‘enable’ rather than ‘encourage’ i.e.

“The Plan will help achieve better health outcomes for people in the region by enabling active travel …”

This is because there is no evidence we are aware of that encouragement by itself is likely to make a substantial difference to how people travel. See for example

10. Appealing sustainable transport choices

We will introduce measures which make sustainable travel, including cycling and walking, a more attractive, greener, and easy alternative to getting around.


We support this objective and suggest ‘a more attractive’ is replaced by ‘the most attractive’ to support and enable other plan objectives to be met. I.e. “We will introduce measures which make sustainable travel, including cycling and walking, the most attractive, greener, and easiest way to get around.

11. Safe, secure network

We will improve transport safety and security, ensuring that people are confident that they will be able to feel safe and secure when travelling around the North East.


We support this objective but suggest it is updated to explicitly include the target noted on page 33 of the plan: “Our aim is for there to be no fatalities or serious injuries on the regions’ road network by 2025.”

The objective should also aim to reduce the number of people who believe that cycling on the roads is too dangerous. According to the 2019 National Travel Attitude Survey 61% of people currently believe that cycling on the roads is too dangerous.

What do you think are the barriers to achieving each of these objectives?

The following are common barriers and / or risks that are likely to apply to all the objectives. We suggest these are included in a NE Transport Risk log to be tracked along with appropriate mitigations.

Governance and Leadership Risks

  • Lack of political leadership and/or lack of alignment between political leaders.
  • Lack of urgency to achieve committed timescales e.g. carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Focusing on, and getting bogged down in, small incremental changes at the expense of the more widespread changes needed to achieve the objectives.
  • Delays due to schemes not being initiated until the overall plan is agreed.
  • Lack of clear prioritisation between objectives e.g. air quality limits need by law to be met ‘in the shortest possible timescale’ and the target for five of seven authorities is to be carbon neutral is 2030.
  • Poor quality governance that means schemes, especially those that increase vehicle capacity, are implemented even if they don’t meet the NETP objectives.
  • Failure to account for the longer-term impact of Covid in reducing demand for transport.
  • Weak planning policies that lead to the creation of new car-dependant suburbs with no local facilities.
  • Not exploring alternative revenue raising options for traffic demand management such as a workplace parking levy.

Risks relating to the selection of schemes

  • Insufficient portion of the overall budget allocated to meet specific objectives.
  • Too much focus on ‘encouragement’ rather than making changes to make streets safer to enable people to walk or cycle.
  • Inappropriate allocation of the budget to the wrong schemes that either will not support the objectives or prevent budget being allocated to more effective, more strategically aligned, cheaper or quicker to deliver schemes.
  • Over-reliance on traffic management changes, which are unlikely to achieve the objectives and risk inducing increasing traffic volumes and adding to pollution and emissions.
  • A lack of measures to manage and reduce the demand for private vehicle travel.
  • Promotion of headline-grabbing ‘mega-schemes’ that sound impressive but are less effective than using the same budget for a package of smaller measures.
  • Continued over-reliance on traditional ‘predict and provide’ planning for new roads that assume increasing traffic levels even though the NETP objectives implicitly require that in future fewer vehicle miles will be driven than now.

Risks relating to Public Engagement

  • Failing to make the case for urgent change through lack of, or poor quality public communications.
  • Poor quality or overly-long consultations that delay implementation.
  • Too much weight given to relatively minor objections, or issues that can be mitigated, compared to the benefits from achieving the plan objectives.
  • Mixed messages vs other council policies e.g. free parking offers.

Risks relating to Implementation

  • Over-reliance on modelling vs trialling changes.
  • Lack of training and expertise within councils and suppliers to make the necessary change to move quickly from traditional vehicle-led design to people-led design of road schemes.

Further barriers and / or risks that apply to specific objectives are set out in the table below.

NETP Objective SPACE for Gosforth Response – Barriers
7. Carbon neutral North East The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Lack of sufficient urgency.
  • Insufficient prioritisation of the transport budget for schemes to enable transport in the NE to be carbon neutral by 2030. E.g. an expensive rail scheme that does not deliver until 2032 would be much less use in reaching the target compared to a smaller scheme that can be implemented by 2025, even if the long-term affect would be greater.
  • Over-reliance on electric vehicles as a ‘silver bullet’.
  • Inclusion of schemes, such as new link roads, that will lead to increased emissions.
8. Overcome inequality and grow our economy The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Lack of focus on ensuring local streets are accessible and can be used by all ages and abilities including children and older people.
  • Failing to provide a linked network of inclusive, accessible, all age and ability cycling facilities to link homes and key destinations.
  • Incorrectly focusing on expensive schemes to reduce private vehicle journey times instead of measures that will be effective to reduce transport costs and support increased economic activity in the NE.
  • Too much priority given to vehicle parking even though evidence shows that pedestrianisation or replacing parking with good quality cycle provision are both likely to lead to higher retail sales.
9. Healthier North East The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Too many schemes funded to make private vehicle transport more attractive compared to active transport.
  • Lack of focus on what makes us happy and healthy e.g. quiet (low noise/traffic), safe streets with street trees, benches and places to meet, play, exercise and socialise that can be quickly achieved through low-traffic neighbourhoods.
  • Over-reliance on soft ‘behaviour change’ initiatives without associated infrastructure changes.
10. Appealing sustainable transport choices The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Lack of, or poor quality walking and cycling facilities that don’t meet standards and require longer, slower, routes or require people to mix with heavy traffic to complete journeys.
  • Insufficient focus on appealing places rather than moving vehicles.
  • Insufficient focus on changes needed to enable more local journeys, such as walking or cycling to school or to local shops, within urban areas.

We also submitted a list of barriers to walking and cycling in our response to the NECA Walking and Cycling Survey in July 2017. We have included a copy of that response in Appendix A to this letter.

11. Safe, secure network The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Conflicting objectives that lead to designs that speed up and prioritise space for vehicle traffic rather than more sustainable, safer, space-efficient travel modes like walking and cycling.
  • Inappropriate use of shared paths rather than separate walking and cycling facilities.
  • Lack of input from or consideration of vulnerable road users on what causes them to feel unsafe.
  • Failing to address pavement parking.

12. Are there any objectives you would have liked to see which are missing? If so, what are they?


Better places – streets as places where we all live, play, socialize, exercise, shop & where people want to live.

13. Do you agree that individual projects will be required to submit Monitoring and Evaluation Plans?

Yes, we agree. The monitoring and evaluation plans need to assess whether schemes support achievement of the NETP objectives.

How much do you agree with the following policy statements?

Policy Area Policy Statements SPACE for Gosforth response
Making the right travel choice 14. We will enable people to make greener and healthier travel choices whenever they can and ensure our sustainable network takes everyone where they need to go at a price they can afford. 5. Strongly Agree
15. We must ensure all our actions improve transport across the region and deliver to the objectives of this Plan so we are greener, more inclusive, healthier, safer and our economy thrives. 5. Strongly Agree
Active Travel 16. We will help more people use active travel by making the cycle network better across the North East. This will include being flexible in how we use road space to help cyclists and pedestrians. 5. Strongly Agree – Proposed alternative: “We will help more people use active travel by making the cycle network better across the North East. This will include reallocating road space to separate people walking and cycling and from moving traffic.”
Public transport: travelling by bus, ferry
and on demand public transport 17. We will improve bus travel and attract more passengers with new rapid bus corridors. This will include changing how road space is used to help buses move more quickly. 4. Agree – including improved integration with cycling to expand the area that will benefit from the new bus corridors. This would include the provision of secure cycle storage at main bus stops.
18. We will take action to continue to support the Shields Ferry and develop potential improvements where possible. 4. Agree – including improved integration with cycling.
19. We must help more people to reach the sustainable transport network with more ‘on demand’ solutions. 3. Neither agree nor disagree. On demand’ public transport is typically inefficient and costly, only likely to be justified for people with specific transport needs, or with semi-flexible services to support sparse demand in rural areas. See e.g.
Private transport: travelling by car and using
road infrastructure 20. We must make our roads flow better for goods and essential car journeys. Proposed alternative: “We will reduce non-essential vehicle journeys and manage road traffic demand so roads flow better for goods and essential car journeys.” Note that improving ‘flow’ risks increasing fuel consumption and air pollution. See e.g.
21. We must strengthen use of cleaner, greener cars, vans and lorries. 4. Agree Proposed alternative: “We will support the introduction of cleaner, greener cars, vans and lorries for journeys that cannot be made by other, more sustainable means.”
Public transport: travelling by local rail
and Metro 22. We must invest in Metro and local rail to extend and improve the network. 4. Agree – where this would meet the timescales set out in the objectives.
23. We will take action to drive our partners to make travelling and moving goods around our region more efficient and greener. 4. Agree – for local freight this policy might be better included in the Active Travel policy area, rather than public transport, given the substantial untapped potential for cargo bikes for first and last mile deliveries.
Connectivity beyond
our own boundaries 24. We must work with partners to make movement of people and goods to and from our region, more efficient and greener. 4. Agree – however this should be of lower priority than movement of people and goods within our region.
25. We must work with partners to strengthen connections from destinations in our region to everywhere in the UK and beyond. 2. Disagree It is not clear what ‘strengthen connections’ means in this context? Agglomeration benefits are only relevant to local journeys within or between nearby conurbations, so this policy is unlikely to support achievement any of the stated objectives. A greater focus on digital (out of scope for this plan) might be more effective.
Research, Development Active travel and Innovation 26. We will embrace new technologies to meet our transport objectives and set innovation challenges to industry creating new opportunities with our network as the testbed. 2. Disagree – substantially all the technologies to meet the NETP transport objectives already exist. This is likely to distract from rather than improve the chance that the NETP will meet its objectives.
Overarching policy areas 27. We will strive to integrate within and between different types of transport, so that each contributes its full potential and people can move easily between them. 4. Agree e.g. In the Netherlands a high proportion of people combine cycling and public transport for longer journeys.
28. We must constantly seek funding opportunities to deliver our Transport Plan objectives. 5. Strongly Agree
29. We will take action to make travel in the North East net carbon zero and improve transport safety and security. 5. Strongly Agree. Proposed alternative: “We will take action to make travel in the North East net carbon zero by 2030 and improve transport safety and security. Our aim is for there to be no fatalities or serious injuries on the regions’ road network by 2025.”
30. We must ensure that we work with partner organisations to drive new, quality roles and innovate in the transport sectors. 3. Neither agree nor disagree.

31. Are there any comments you would like to make on the policy statements?

See table above.

32. Are there any policy statements which you think are missing?

Please see alternative proposals in the table above. In addition we would like to propose:

Active Travel – Streets are easier and safer to navigate for residents or visitors with limited mobility and for residents or visitors with disabilities or conditions for whom travel is a challenge.

Active Travel – There is good walking and cycling access to local community destinations including schools, shops, medical centres, work-places and transport hubs.

Active Travel – Streets are valued as places where people live, meet and socialise, and not just for travelling through.

33. What do you think of the timeline for the delivery of schemes up to 2035?

The pace of change in the plan is massively too slow and risks not achieving set targets especially:

  • Achieving air quality legal limits ‘in the shortest possible timescales’.
  • Achieving no fatalities or serious injuries on the regions’ road network by 2025.
  • Achieving carbon neutral transport by 2030.

34. Are there any schemes which you feel are missing from this timeline? 

Schemes that support these urgent time-bound objectives should be prioritised and delivered early in the plan timescale. These can include:

  • Widespread (region-wide) implementation of low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets.
  • New main road crossings, in support of new safe walking and cycling networks.
  • Narrowing lanes on urban main roads to 3m maximum width for improved safety for all users.
  • Trial schemes to reallocate space on main roads to create wider pop-up protected cycle lanes.
  • Review of speed limits to meet Vision Zero principles: 20 mph speed limits in cities, 40mph limits on rural minor roads.
  • Clear Air Zones where air quality limits are currently not met.
  • Using parking charges to manage and limit traffic demand in busy city centres, including workplace parking levies.
  • New bus lanes, where space is not needed for walking and cycling facilities.
  • Tightening entrances and exits from junctions to prevent vehicles from travelling through those junctions at high speeds, putting other users at risk.
  • Better enforcement of traffic offences, including via the use of ANPR cameras.
  • Improved winter maintenance of pavements and cycle lanes.
  • On-street secure cycle storage (e.g. cycle hoops)
  • Definition and implementation of a minimum viable cycle network that connects homes to major destinations and can then be expanded and improved on.
  • Creation of a plan for a regional cycle network including traffic-free cycle links between adjacent urban areas e.g. Newcastle to Ponteland, Killingworth or Cramlington.

SPACE for Gosforth has previously submitted evidence-based suggestions for how to reduce carbon emissions to the Newcastle City Council climate change consultation, which can be found here:

SPACE for Gosforth has also completed a literature review to find what type of measures have evidence to show they are effective to reduce air pollution, which can be found here:

SPACE for Gosforth’s response to the Newcastle City Council Breathe Clean Air consultation, which proposes schemes to address air pollution in Newcastle can be found here:

We would also like to propose the inclusion of this walking and cycling scheme by Regent Centre in Gosforth:

35. Are there any schemes in our programme which you feel should not be included? 

Yes. Building for more traffic while at the same time forecasting less traffic is just throwing money away, and will lead to more emissions and poor health outcomes.

Link roads, corridor improvements, capacity upgrades, addressing vehicle pinch points, dual carriageways and junction upgrades are how we ended up with a climate crisis and illegal levels of air pollution. More of the same won’t address the climate crisis, won’t solve air pollution, won’t make it safer or more attractive to walk or cycle, won’t address transport poverty, and will further decimate local High Streets as people who can drive are incentivised to travel long-distances to out of town shopping centres rather than supporting local shops.

All the schemes that increase vehicle capacity and encourage more driving need to be re-examined to assess whether they will actually support the objectives or if there are better options including the use of traffic demand management to keep roads clear for those that need to drive most.

Schemes that should be re-evaluated and removed if not consistent with the objectives or if better options exist include:

  • Schemes for new car parks, access roads and link roads,
  • Additional lanes, dual carriageways, bypasses and any scheme that claims to improve ‘flow’,
  • Junction changes designed to increase vehicle throughput, and ‘pinch point’ schemes,
  • Changes to vehicle capacity made as part of ‘all user improvements’ or ‘strategic corridor improvements’, and
  • Relief roads and new vehicle bridges.

36. Are there any other comments you would like to make? 

In our response to the NECA Walking and Cycling survey in 2017 we said the following, which is equally relevant to the NE Transport Plan.

The strategy [Plan] needs to recognise that every journey driven that could have been undertaken by foot or by cycle:

  • Increases travelling cost for the person travelling, money that might otherwise have been spent in the local area.
  • Adds to the overall cost of road maintenance.
  • Worsens air quality and creates risks for other road users.
  • Increases carbon emissions.
  • Is a lost opportunity for fresh air and exercise.
  • Creates additional demand for parking which means less land available for housing and other more productive uses.

Likewise for every neighbourhood designed to prioritise traffic over place we find:

  • Children unable to play outside
  • Teenagers not able to travel independently
  • Older people stuck alone in their home
  • And a community weakened through lack of on-street social interaction.
  • Local shops and services diminished because of competition from out of town shopping centres.

Whether or not these are part of the thinking for the transport strategy, or part of its aims, these are the real life outcomes. Nor are these just words. Tens of thousands of people die early each year due to poor air quality near roads. Many more die due to other conditions and illnesses related to how we travel. For example “regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%, the incidence of cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%” (

By prioritising walking and cycling, the NECA Strategic Transport Plan can deal with air pollution, it can reduce social isolation, it can improve choice for how we travel and make neighbourhoods more accessible for those with reduced mobility. It can reduce road injuries and deaths and reduce the fear that people feel when travelling on foot or by cycle. It can enable children’s independence so they can travel to go to school or play outside with their friends. It can enable people to travel to work and make them feel better when they get there. And it can align individual and community-wide incentives to ensure the transport system as a whole is as efficient as possible.

We hope that Transport North East will seize this opportunity and put in place a robust and well-funded plan to address all these issues as a matter of urgency.

For reference, we have previously responded to two NECA consultations and a consultation by Transport for the North.

The 20 year transport manifesto for the North East, in April 2016 –

The July 2017 NECA Walking and Cycling survey –

Transport for the North Strategic Transport Plan April 2018 –


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Enabling Businesses to Open Safely on Gosforth High Street Sat, 04 Jul 2020 22:15:30 +0000 Newcastle City Council has published its plans to give more space to customers visiting  Gosforth High Street, to allow remaining shops to open safely and comply with the Government's physical distancing rules.

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Newcastle City Council has published its plans to give more space to customers visiting  Gosforth High Street, to allow remaining shops to open safely and comply with the Government’s physical distancing rules.

This follows a direction from the UK Department of Transport to all UK Local Authorities saying that work should “begin at pace on closing roads to through traffic, installing segregated cycle lanes and widening pavements.

This is both to enable physical distancing on busy streets such as Gosforth High Street, and to enable walking and cycling as an alternative to driving shorter journeys now that public transport can no longer operate at normal capacity. A video report by the Guardian newspaper estimates that “if 90% of people [in Newcastle] who usually use public transport drive instead that would be an increase of 48% more cars on the road.”  If that isn’t gridlock it would be very close.

The High Street plans are set out in diagrammatic form below and on the Council’s website. The photo at the top of the article is our SPACE for Gosforth mock up of how it might look once initial temporary measures are replaced with something a little bit more permanent.

Key changes are:

  1. Wider pavements from Regent Centre to Elmfield Road. As more shops open and more people visit the High Street, this will provide space for queuing, enable people to pass each other, and create more space for families and household groups to walk together.
  2. Waiting areas for shoppers queuing to get a bus home or into Newcastle.
  3. Protecting the existing cycle lane between Regent Centre and Christon Road, enabling people to cycle all the way from Brunton Lane into Newcastle on protected lanes or (mostly) quiet roads. The Council say there isn’t space for wider pavements and a cycle lane on Gosforth High Street.
  4. A new pedestrian crossing between Henry Street and Spital Terrace.
  5. Disallowing the left turn from Salters Road towards Regent Centre, in order to create more space on the pavement. We hope this is something the Gosforth Hotel can take advantage of, although we are also concerned this may lead to increased traffic on neighbouring residential streets.
  6. Pavements will be designated one-way, according to the Overview page for all five shopping streets although this isn’t mentioned in the page specifically about Gosforth High Street.

You can provide feedback on the proposal now, or wait until it has been implemented. According to the Council’s news article, schemes will be reviewed “three weeks after they are installed, giving local businesses and people time to get used to changes, and to consider whether further changes are needed.”

Provide feedback on the Gosforth High Street Plans

The Council says that “initially temporary materials such as cones and barriers will be used, with the view to more permanent materials potentially being installed following input from local councillors, residents, businesses and community groups.”

There are substantial advantages to trialling measures before making them permanent, as it allows residents and businesses to see how changes work in practice and quickly resolve any issues that do arise. Feedback from residents and businesses can be provided based on actual experience so the Council can focus on substantive issues, should any arise, rather than having to deal with misunderstandings of what is proposed or what might happen as a result. This also prevents long delays in the consultation process where discussions can end up being skewed towards (not always realistic) worst case scenarios rather than what is actually likely.

What are the Benefits? 

  1. Changes are being made quickly to enable remaining businesses to open safely and minimise the risk of transmitting Covid-19. The approach taken using temporary measures enables this, ensuring flexibility to change if issues are found.
  2. Creating more space for customers who will spend money in shops, rather than vehicles just passing through. This reallocation of space should help local businesses offset some of the negative consequences of physical distancing rules.
  3. Crossing Gosforth High Street will be easier and safer for people on foot because the distance to cross will be much less. This is especially true for those who might take longer to cross due to mobility issues. Currently some drivers go through the pedestrian crossings on red when the lights are obscured by large vehicles in the inside lane.
  4. People’s exposure to air pollution will be reduced as wider pavements means people can stand further away from vehicle exhausts. If traffic is restricted then that might also reduce traffic and pollution levels.
  5. It should be safer for everyone on the High Street by reducing dangerous over and under-taking manoeuvres, and the narrower carriageway should encourage drivers to stick to the 20mph speed limit.
  6. A safer protected cycle lane between Regent Centre and Christon Road will enable more people to cycle safely between the north of the city and the city centre, bypassing Gosforth High Street using the alternative route via Christon Road, Alwinton Terrace and Moor Road.

Points to consider

  1. The plans do nothing yet to enable safe cycling to or across Gosforth High Street. Families, anyone who is less confident (i.e. most people), older or younger people will still have difficulty accessing local shops and services by bike. We hope this might be possible in a future iteration once physical distancing rules can be safely relaxed to give a further boost for local businesses.
  2. We expect the plans will discourage speeding if the lane widths are not too wide (narrower lanes are safer because traffic drives slower). Extra signing might also be useful e.g. a 20mph sign painted on the road at the entry to the 20mph section.
  3. We aren’t convinced a pedestrian one-way system is necessary as in most locations pavements can be made substantially wider than the minimum 4m width that is proposed, and could make visiting the shops harder for people with mobility issues. We would favour trialling this scheme without the one-way system to see first if that works and only introducing it if necessary.
  4. Banning the left turn from Salters Road towards Regent Centre creates a risk of more traffic on Henry Street and Regent Road North, which are often busy with children travelling to or from school. This will need to be monitored along with other local roads and further action taken if necessary.
  5. Ensuring businesses can continue to receive deliveries. This might require more use of back lanes and changes on side streets to turn short-stay parking into loading bays, and possibly to create additional disabled parking bays. SPACE for Gosforth produced a map of disable parking in 2016 which you can see here.
  6. We think these plans will be beneficial for pollution levels as one lane of queuing traffic in the centre of the street is better than two pushed right up against current narrow pavements. Further measures do need to be taken though, in line with Newcastle’s air pollution plan to ensure legal limits are adhered to, in particular to ensure buses are retro-fitted with cleaner engines. You can follow air pollution levels on Gosforth High Street via SPACE for Gosforth’s @AirGosforthHiSt Twitter feed.

Other Plans for Gosforth and Newcastle

On the Safe Gosforth High Street website, the Council mentions further iterations of the scheme could involve additional cycling parking and preventing vehicle movements between the High Street and some side roads. This could create more space for street cafes or other space for businesses to operate outside.

A separate announcement has been made about proposals, which we support, for safer local streets that can more easily be used for walking and cycling, keeping through traffic on the main road network to create low traffic neighbourhoods for the benefit of residents. This includes changes at Salters Bridge, Stoneyhurst Road and Castle Farm Road to restrict vehicle traffic so they can be used safely for walking and cycling.

Changes are also being proposed for West Road in Elswick; Shields Road in Byker; Adelaide Terrace in Elswick; and Chillingham Road in Heaton. You can find out more about these schemes on the Council’s website

Gosforth High Street plans should be implemented within the next few weeks.

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Call for Evidence about climate change – January 2020 Wed, 05 Feb 2020 22:14:08 +0000 In April 2019 Newcastle City Council declared a Climate Emergency. This included a pledge to make Newcastle upon Tyne carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions. How to meet the target will be informed by the Council's call for evidence for how to tackle climate change. This blog sets out the SPACE for Gosforth response to that call for evidence.

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Pictures of bikes, flowers and a bus stop from Utrecht

Trees, people and zero-emission transport.

In April 2019 Newcastle City Council declared a Climate Emergency. This included a pledge to make Newcastle upon Tyne carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions. The inclusion of consumption emissions means that the city’s target includes emissions from the manufacture of goods and services (such as food, clothing or electronic equipment) consumed by people living in the city.

In October 2019 the Council then announced the formation of a Climate Change committee to advise Cabinet and Council on the actions and resources required to meet the 2030 target, and a Net Zero task force to provide technical input to the committee.  The Council will also work with other local authorities to set up a Citizens Assembly made up of residents from across the North of Tyne area.

The Climate Change Committee will publish a report in March 2020, which will set out how the city will meet the net zero target by 2030. This will be informed by the Council’s call for evidence  for how to tackle climate change

This blog sets out the SPACE for Gosforth response to that call for evidence, including eight ideas for quick wins that can be implemented immediately. Getting started quickly will be important, not least that by 31 January 2020 when the call for evidence closed the Council had already used up 303 (7%) of the 4,290 days available between 3 April 2019 when the target was set and 31 December 2030.


Dear Councillor Penny-Evans, 

Re: Call for Evidence about climate change – January 2020

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the Council’s plans to make Newcastle upon Tyne carbon neutral by 2030. Our response specifically focuses on road transport, which based on the Council’s technical report makes up approximately 28% of the city’s emissions. 

1. We welcome the Council’s target of carbon neutrality by 2030. Taking urgent action now, starting in 2020, will ensure Newcastle’s residents get the maximum benefit from the transition to low-carbon transport. These benefits include safer, quieter, less polluted streets, and more active travel means improved physical and mental health as well as being much cheaper than other modes of transport. 

2. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, the steepness of carbon reductions in 2020-2022 is most important. This will require the Council to work at a much quicker pace than we have previously experienced. Taking four or five years to implement plans, as has been the case with the Council’s Streets for People initiative, will almost certainly guarantee that the target is missed. Ideally, work should be well underway by the middle of 2020 to achieve a 10% reduction by the end of the year.

3. Our response is guided by some principles.

a) Reducing road transport emissions can only be achieved by reducing the total number of miles driven, or by reducing average emissions per mile. More journeys by public transport can support this but only if there is a corresponding reduction in car journeys. More journeys by public transport with no reduction in car journeys will not reduce overall emissions.

b) The Council should prioritise and make the case for what works rather than limiting action only to what is popular. Changes that work are often found to be popular once implemented even if initially opposed: e.g. 70% of people in Stockholm supported road pricing after it was implemented  even though prior to implementation a majority opposed it. The latest National Travel Survey  also found 74% of people agreeing with the statement “Everyone should reduce how much they use their motor vehicles in urban areas like cities or towns, for the sake of public health”. 

c) Timescales are key. To meet the 2030 target the Council will have to prioritise proven, quick to implement measures that will lead to a rapid reductions in green house gas emissions, starting in 2020. In our response we identify a number of quick wins that can be implemented in parallel to more detailed planning for future years. A draft list should be identified as soon as possible after completion of the consultation, ideally in February 2020, to give the Council the best possible chance to achieve a 10% reduction in 2020.   

d) Exhorting people to change their travel behaviour has been ineffective in the past and there is no reason to think that this will be any different now. Only by changing the transport system in which people make their decisions will people make different decisions about how to travel. Crucially, this requires a rebalancing so that road design, investment and subsidies that have previously favoured private vehicles are revised and redirected so that active travel and public transport are more attractive than using a private car .

e) Modal shift away from driving towards the lower carbon alternatives presents an opportunity to deliver co-benefits e.g. public health, a stronger and more resilient local economy, strengthened communities, reduced road injuries and deaths. These co-benefits should be sought and highlighted.

f) We recognise that some of the key levers that could drive modal shift, e.g. fuel taxation, road pricing, carbon taxes, are in the hands of the UK government. However, it is also true that local authorities have other levers at their disposal such as planning permission, public space protection orders, control of the road network, licences and permits, traffic regulation orders, car parking controls and charges. The Council should be thinking about how it can use these now to achieve the reduction in emissions in 2020-2022 that will be necessary to meet the 2030 target.

4. Although our response focuses on local road transport, most of these principles also apply to other areas, and it is important to meet the Council’s target that the final plan is broadly based and covers all types of emissions including aviation and shipping as well as domestic and commercial emissions. For aviation the Council, as part owner of Newcastle Airport, should adopt a similar 2030 net-neutral target rather than the existing 28% by 2035 target.  The Council should also engage with Highways England to ensure that its plans are consistent with meeting the Council’s targets.

5. The remainder of this response is organised into the following sections: 

Stopping current Council activities that will lead to increased green house gas emissions

6. The Council is still taking actions that lead to more driving and increased carbon emissions. Stopping such actions can be done at no or low cost and the Council should seek to ensure that all Councillors, Council employees and contractors visibly model the behaviour that they wish the rest of the city to adopt.

7. Stop road projects that aim to reduce congestion or increase traffic flow, such as at Haddricks Mill, as these will attract more traffic in an effect called induced demand. This adds to carbon emissions and air pollution while failing to deliver the anticipated time saving benefits that were the justification for the road expenditure. The Council should instead deliver only projects that will reduce vehicle miles driven or make journeys by public transport, bicycle or foot quicker or safer, and should retrain and redeploy transport engineers to deliver against these new priorities. By jettisoning this aspect of the transport department’s workload, resources will be freed up to help deliver climate transport actions at pace.  

8. Stop increasing the amount of parking. The January 2020 decision to grant planning permission for an additional 550 new car parking spaces at the Forth Goods Yard  shows a lack of joined up thinking.  Even worse, this approach could be seen as cynical on behalf of the Council and risks deterring residents and the wider public from taking responsible action on client change.  Residents need to be confident that measures introduced to tackle client change will be introduced equitably and will apply to all sectors of the community.

9. Stop promoting parking such as the Alive After 5 subsidised parking offer and the January 2020 promotional letters sent out by the Council’s Citypark Permits team including discounts and introductory offers.  Again this shows at best a lack of joined-up thinking and at worst could be interpreted that the Council lacks a genuine commitment to climate change. 

10. Stop accepting adverts for free parking on bus shelters and the Metro. This doesn’t even make any economic sense as encouraging people to drive rather than use public transport means fewer parking spaces for those that do need to drive.

An NE1 advert for free parking at Central Metro aimed at Metro passengers

Figure 1 Advertisement at Central Metro for free parking July 2019

Quick wins for 2020-2022 – Changes the Council can implement now to reduce emissions

11. As well as stopping the activities outlined above, there are proven measures the Council can implement quickly. These measures are relatively cheap and do not rely on Government or other agencies to agree or implement. 

12. Parking charges could be reviewed and increased, especially at locations that are well served by public transport. At such locations parking fees should be set so it is cheaper for a family of four to use public transport rather than drive and park, and so it is cheaper to park and ride from the city boundary rather than drive all the way into the centre. Charges should be levied on an hourly or daily basis rather than pre-paid for a longer period so that employees and commuters are not penalised if they take the bus one or two days a week. 

13. Create low-traffic neighbourhoods by removing all non-stopping through-traffic on residential streets that are not classified as primary or secondary distributor roads. For Gosforth this could include the estates east and west of Gosforth High Street as well as roads like Hollywood Avenue and Hyde Terrace. This could be achieved simply and cheaply using the type of arrangement already in place at the north end of Alwinton Terrace. As well as reducing vehicle journeys, Waltham Forest also found this approach led to substantial increases in walking and cycling. 

14. Use bolt-down kerbs to quickly create protected cycle lanes on main roads with minimal disruption and without substantial cost or re-engineering. These can be tweaked and upgraded if/when full funding is secured from central government. Priority locations would include where there is no choice but to use a main road and to assist with crossing main roads to get between low-traffic neighbourhoods. 

15. Bus priority lanes ensure that buses run to time rather than getting stuck in traffic. These could be implemented on the Council’s designated public transport distributor routes there is space to do so and it wouldn’t compromise safety for other users. This would include most of the Great North Road but not Gosforth High Street where protected cycling lanes would make it safer and improve the experience for people walking and cycling, and enable people to shop and make local journeys by bike. Priority bus lanes and other traffic lanes should be kept to a maximum 3m width, as this is safer for all road users .  

16. Speed limits should be reduced within the city boundary, with 20mph as the default. Many people think that higher speeds give a better fuel economy but that is not the case in a city where cars repeatedly have to slow down for junctions and to queue behind other traffic. In this scenario fuel economy is improved by reducing top speeds as it takes less energy and fuel to accelerate a vehicle to 20mph than it would to accelerate to 30 or 40mph. As above, lane widths should be kept to a maximum 3m width to encourage safer driving within the speed limit.

17. School Streets should be closed to traffic during drop off and pick up to improve safety, air quality and make it easier and more comfortable for children to walk or cycle to school. We suggest piloting this starting Big Pedal fortnight 2020, which is 22 April to 5 May .

18. The Council should model the behaviours it expects other employers and local organisations to adopt and advertise this widely. This might include how it sets and charges for parking for employees, secure parking for people cycling, discounted public transport offers, using cargo bikes where possible in preference to vehicles and ensuring ‘how to get there’ instructions prioritise walking, cycling and public transport rather than car parking, 

19. Education – It is also important that the Council educate all Councillors, Council employees and local political parties about induced demand and disappearing traffic.  A widespread lack of understanding of this issue has bedevilled progress on both climate change and reducing nitrogen dioxide in the city, as it leads people to cling to incorrect beliefs such as improving traffic flow will improve air quality and consequently fail to implement effective solutions. To illustrate how prevalent these incorrect beliefs are, in the last week both the Labour Cabinet Member for Employment and Culture has been quoted saying that “improving traffic flows at the front of the station we hope to cut carbon emissions”  and a prospective Conservative Councillor for Gosforth has stated that he thinks traffic should move “smoothly and fast” .  It is disappointing that this ignorance has taken place in what otherwise would have been very welcome announcements (Improvements to Central Station and raising awareness about illegal air pollution in Gosforth), and that, given that both the City Centre and Gosforth Air Quality Management Areas are 12 years old, that the Council has not previously addressed this issue so that Councillors, employees and local parties can effectively communicate with the public from an informed and realistic position. 

Reducing the need to travel using the Council’s Planning Policy to prioritise net zero emissions

20. The current local plan has resulted in residential and commercial developments which generate road traffic due to their design and location making walking, cycling or public transport unrealistic options. In particular, low density developments can result in insufficient demand to make public transport viable while also making distances to facilities too long for walking or cycling. Our blog on one particular planning application illustrates the kind of problems that have been and are continuing to be built into our towns and cities and which create additional traffic with its associate problems including carbon emissions.

21. The Council should use the planning process to require a higher level of sustainability, increasing the requirements for new developments. If the developers object that this makes the development commercially unviable, then that is an indication that the development is unsustainable. Through a better planning process the Council can reduce the need for mobility and reduce car dependence.

22. The need for mobility can be reduced by ensuring that developments are better able to meet people’s need for services through accessibility rather than mobility i.e. have adequate provision for shops, schools, medical services etc. included in the development if not already easily accessible nearby without driving. Where developers have made commitments to provide services, the Council should take steps to ensure those commitments are honoured. 

23. Car dependence can be reduced by having higher transport sustainability requirements for new developments: 

  • Residential developments to have sufficient secure cycle storage in line with number residents that the home is designed for, reduce permitted maximum distance from home to bus stop or metro for new developments, and be laid out in a way that is conducive to walking and cycling. 
  • Residential developments to be built with community amenities such as schools and doctors’ surgeries from the outset.  If these amenities are not built, then no further planning permission should be granted until the amenities are built.  The example of Newcastle Great Park, which is still lacking doctors surgeries, shops and middle and high school provision, shows how failing to build these essential services can reduce the quality of life of those who live in residential developments, and can lead to an increase of road traffic from the developments to surrounding communities, whose services are consequently put under pressure. 
  • For commercial and residential developments, require developers to fund the safe cycle infrastructure and walking routes needed to make the development accessible by active travel and ensure that the layout of the development is conducive to walking and cycling. 
  • For commercial developments, have an upper limit rather than a lower limit for the number of parking spaces provided. 

24. The National Housing Audit report contains an analysis of both good and poor housing developments from a number of perspectives such as environment and community; place character; streets, parking & pedestrian experience; and detailed design and management. It identifies the following as transport aspects of developments that are often poor:

  • Highways, bins and parking: The least successful design elements nationally relate to overly engineered highways infrastructure and the poor integration of storage, bins and car parking. These problems led to unattractive and unfriendly environments dominated by large areas of hard surfaces, parked cars and bins.
  • Streets, connections and amenities: some design considerations were marked by a broad variation in practice nationally. These include how well streets are defined by houses and the designed landscape, and whether streets connect up together and with their surroundings. Also whether developments are pedestrian, cycle and public transport friendly and conveniently served by local facilities and amenities.
  • Walkability and car dependence: The combination of the preceding factors influence how ‘walkable’ or car-dependent developments are likely to be. Many developments are failing in this regard with likely negative health, social and environmental implications.

25. The case study 12 in the report is a review of the Newcastle Great Park which was rated as poor overall and audit observations included:

  • No local community facilities with the development
  • The structure and form of the development includes a high number of cul-de-sacs accessed from key roads within the development
  • The pedestrian environment is very poor: pedestrian links across and beyond the scheme are very circuitous.
  • The townscape and landscape qualities for the scheme are poor
  • The approach taken by the consortium was to establish a set of design principles that would guide the development of the different parcels of land by the different house builders: however, this approach has failed to deliver upon the aspirations for the site, and the outcomes for the overall pedestrian environment are poor.

26. The report includes recommendations to local authorities for planning and highways, and the Council should study this report and follow these recommendations to ensure that future housing developments are sustainable in terms of residential energy consumption and transport. The recommendations are:

  • Set very clear aspirations for sites in advance: All design governance tools help to deliver better design outcomes and it is far better to use them then not. However the use of proactive tools that encompass design aspirations for specific sites – notably design codes – are the most effective means to positively influence design quality. Such tools give greater certainty for house builders and communities, but their use and the sorts of design ambitions that they will espouse should be made clear in policy, well in advance of sites coming forward for development.
  • Design review for all major housing schemes: Local authorities should themselves establish or externally commission a design review panel as a chargeable service and all major housing projects should be subject to a programme of design review. Advice on how to do this can be found in Reviewing Design Review [part of the report]
  • Deal once and for all with the highways / planning disconnect: Highways authorities should take responsibility for their part in creating positive streets and places, not simply roads and infrastructure. Highways design and adoption functions should work in a wholly integrated manner with planning (development and management), perhaps through the establishment of multi-disciplinary urban design teams (across authorities in two tier areas), and by involving highways authorities in the commissioning of design review.
  • Refuse sub-standard schemes on design grounds: The NPPF is very clear in its advice that “good design is a key aspect of sustainable development”. Consequently ‘poor’ and even ‘mediocre’ design is not sustainable and falls found of the NPPF’s ‘Presumption in favour of sustainable development’. Local planning authorities need to have the courage of their convictions and set clear local aspirations by refusing schemes that do not meet their published design standards.
  • Consider the parts and the whole when delivering quality: Some well designed large schemes are being undermined by a failure to give reserved matters applications adequate scrutiny or through poor phasing strategies resulting in the delivery of disconnected parcels of residential development. Delivery of design quality requires both the whole and the parts to be properly scrutinised by local planning authorities at all stages during the design and delivery process.

Reducing emissions by reducing vehicle traffic and miles driven

27. In the SPACE for Gosforth blog ‘Air Quality – What Works?’  we summarised the measures that work to reduce air pollution. To a large extent the same measures will also be effective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

28. In the Technical Report accompanying the Government’s UK Air Quality Plan  it states that charging the most polluting vehicles is one of the most effective ways to reduce pollution. On the same basis, charging vehicles with the greatest greenhouse gas emissions is likely to be the most effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Council could use its proposed Clean Air Zone infrastructure to charge such vehicles.  

29. A review by the University of British Columbia concluded that road pricing is most effective in reducing vehicle emissions.  A research paper published in the American Economic Review came to the same conclusion and cites London’s congestion charge as having been effective in reducing traffic and carbon emissions. 

30. A separate review by Public Health England showed that “driving restrictions produced the largest scale and most consistent reductions in air pollution levels, with the most robust studies.” The Council has substantial opportunity to implement driving restrictions quickly and cheaply, which could be through the implementation of low traffic neighbourhoods, bus priority lanes or stopping through traffic on city centre streets. 

31. The Council’s Air Quality Status report  includes an assessment of the measures currently being used to address air quality in Newcastle. All but four of these are classed low (or imperceptible) impact. The remaining four are: increasing public transport priority, low emission zone, higher parking charges and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. 

32. The Government’s Air Quality Plan  said about measures to optimise traffic flow that “there is considerable uncertainty on the real world impacts of such actions“. This is because rather than reducing air pollution, changes that are designed to improve or optimise flow can lead to more traffic (and more emissions). Other research has been more forthright, that having a goal of “free-flowing” traffic actually leads to more fuel consumption and emissions. 

33. At Killingworth Road, Council data summarised in the SPACE for Gosforth blog ‘Roadworks, Air Quality and Disappearing Traffic  illustrated quite clearly that driving restrictions (in this case in the form of road works) are effecting at reducing miles driven and that a substantial portion of traffic ‘disappears’ as a result, with a corresponding reduction in carbon emissions. 

34. The Killingworth Road roadworks also showed the benefits of lower traffic levels on Hollywood Avenue, leading to cleaner air and a safer local environment for families and people walking and cycling. It also meant the bus was less likely to be caught up in traffic queues at the junction with the Great North Road.

35. For parking, Scientific American reports that ‘limiting parking through economic and policy changes has significantly reduced miles driven in 10 European cities. 

36. A Policy Brief by the University of California includes the conclusion that ‘that every 10 percent increase in parking price produces a reduction of approximately 3 percent in the demand for parking spaces.’ 

37. The price of parking relative to the cost of public transport is a factor that affects people’s choice of mode of transport. There is evidence that increasing parking charges is more effective than reducing fares in shifting journeys from driving to public transport . 

“According to Liimatainen research in various cities around the world has found that car traffic is not necessarily reduced once public transport fees are waived, but rather when parking costs are increased.

“If a door-to-door journey on public transport takes as long as it does by car, half of commuters will take public transport and half will drive their cars. If the same trip by bus or train is one-and-a-half times longer, public transport use drops by 25 percent. If the journey is twice as long as in a car, then no one other than those who have no other means will use public transport,” Liimatainen said.”

38. Raising the cost of parking not only act to stimulates modal shift but also generates funds that can be invested to decarbonise transport. The implications of this are that the Council can achieve quick wins through 

  • Increase parking charges to a level that will influence people’s decisions about mode of transport
  • End the provision of ‘Alive after Five’ free parking. This was introduced to kick-start the evening economy in Newcastle which is now well established and a subsidy that supports the most environmentally damaging form of transport can no longer be justified.

39. Research indicates that people choose their mode of transportation for urban trips based on the parking conditions at their origin and destination. The implication is that the council can achieve quick wins through reducing the number of parking spaces.

40. In the medium term, the Council can take other action on parking to encourage modal shift:

  • Encourage employers with car parking to run schemes that build on the evidence about why it’s so hard to change people’s commuting behaviour” [See also here] . Light-touch nudges such as helping to set up car-pooling, providing free bus tickets or customized travel plans do not make a difference. Instead, companies should try other options such as giving employees the monetary equivalent of parking as a bonus, and then allowing employees to choose to use the bonus to pay for a parking spot or to keep the cash and choose alternative modes of travel.
  • Implement a work place parking levy to change travel habits and generate funds to invest in transport infrastructure. A WWF report found that in its first three years, Nottingham’s levy raised £25.3 million of revenue, all of which has funded improvements in the city’s transport infrastructure, whilst contributing to a 33% fall in carbon emissions, and a modal shift which has seen public transport use rise to over 40%.  Nexus has also previously shown support for using such revenue to expand the Metro via the Project Orpheus scheme (see below) .

41. An evaluation of Nottingham’s WPL concluded that the WPL and associated transport improvements have delivered mode shift away from commuting by car, and that the WPL has not negatively impacted on levels of inward investment and that there is some evidence to date that suggests the improved transport system facilitated by the WPL is attractive to potential business investors.

42. Additional evidence how achieving modal shift away from driving will be dependent on make driving less attractive comes from a case study of Stevenage which was designed with a Dutch-standards bicycle network but residents chose to drive because “critically, motorists in Stevenage were not constrained in any way”. John Pucher and Ralph Buehler’s influential report Making Cycling Irresistible says that “The most important approach to making cycling safe and convenient…is the provision of separate cycling facilities along heavily travelled roads and at intersections…” However, they add:

“separate facilities are only part of the solution. Dutch, Danish and German cities reinforce the safety, convenience and attractiveness of excellent cycling rights of way with extensive bike parking, integration with public transport, comprehensive traffic education and training of both cyclists and motorists, and a wide range of promotional events intended to generate enthusiasm and wide public support for cycling…The key to the success of cycling policies in the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany is the coordinated implementation of [a] multi-faceted, mutually reinforcing set of policies. Not only do these countries implement far more of the pro-bike measures, but they greatly reinforce their overall impact with highly restrictive policies that make car use less convenient as well as more expensive.”

43. General driving into the city centre could be reduced by making better use of park and ride from locations outside the urban core and on the edge of the city.

44. Freight related driving could be reduced by freight consolidation centres with a last mile delivery service.

Supporting alternatives to driving

45. Measures to discourage car journeys need to be accompanied by measures that enable much greater use of alternatives: public transport and active travel (walking & cycling). 

Active Travel, walking and cycling

The wider benefits of active travel

46. An analysis undertaken for the Cabinet Office Strategy Unit’s study of urban transport showed that the measurable costs of urban transport of physical inactivity, congestion, road accidents and poor air quality are each in the region of about £10 billion per annum. Active travel has the potential to deliver benefits in all these areas.

A table showing the cost of transport in English urban areas made up of delays, accidents, air pollution, inactivity, greenhouse gas emissions and noise totalling £38-£48bn.

47. This potential for active travel to help people to become more physically active or to stay physically active later in life is an important consideration in the context of the widespread inactivity and associated poor health that was quantified in the 2017 report from the British Heart Foundation 

  • 39% of UK adults (around 20 million people) are failing to meet Government recommendations for physical activity. 
  • Physical inactivity and low physical activity are the fourth most important risk factor in the UK for premature death
  • Keeping physically active can reduce the risk of early death by as much as 30%.

48. Huge savings could be made for the NHS and social care by reducing the 40,000 early deaths from air pollution and the 200,000 deaths from cancer and heart disease annually not to mention the morbidity associated. 

49. One of the messages of the 2019 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change confirms the scientific evidence the active travel can deliver health benefits and how this can make a real difference to people’s lives

  • “Additionally, the health benefits of increasing uptake of active forms of travel (walking and cycling) have been shown through a large number of epidemiological and modelling analyses. Encouraging active travel (particularly cycling) has become increasingly central to transport planning, and growing evidence suggests that bikeway infrastructure, if appropriately designed and imple¬mented, can increase cycling in various settings. A modal shift in transport could also result in reductions in air pollution from tyre, brake, and road surface wear, in addition to a reduction in exhaust¬ related particulates.”
  • “I had an old bike sitting in the shed for years. After moving to a new job nearer home I decide to try cycling there. I began one gloriously sunny fresh spring morning. At first I wasn’t too sure of the route but that first day was really enjoyable. I arrived feeling energetic and ready. I wasn’t even very sweaty…. I did it again that summer on sunny days only. It felt so good. My confidence grew. Soon it became a routine even in less glorious weather! Now I cycle even in the rain and cold, but not the ice. It takes a bit longer than driving but I am getting my recommended 150 minutes of exercise every week, I’ve lost weight, I feel better in myself and my body and the satisfaction when I hear people complain about traffic jams is a secret joy. It’s been great and I wouldn’t go back.”

50. Active travel is a cheap or free option for the individual: an important consideration in a city with high levels of deprivation. Studies have looked at the internalised costs of cycling (time cost, vehicle operating costs, and personal health impacts) and the externalised costs (expenses in connection with congestion, noise, air quality and emissions, wider public health and accidents) and estimate the savings to society per mile cycled as 67p per mile, the difference between the 95p cost per mile driven is 95p and the 28p cost per mile driven

The potential for cycling in Newcastle

51. Newcastle is drier than Amsterdam and warmer than Copenhagen, two cities known for high rates of cycling. 

52. The advent of e-bikes could make cycling viable for many more people as they make it easier to cycle more distance and over hillier terrain and to carry more weight, such as children or shopping. The boost effect means that people who are currently inactive or with existing health conditions can start to cycle with confidence, and that people who do cycle can carry on cycling with confidence despite any decline in health or fitness later in life. 

53. The heavier loads that e-bikes can carry opens up new possibilities for freight. Local delivery and courier services could take advantage of the greater carrying capacity of e-bikes to use e-cargo bikes instead of cars or vans to deliver more and heavier items and in hillier areas.  Such e-cargo bikes are already available and are starting to be deployed, for example Z-move in Newcastle and Gateshead delivering loads up to 200kg.

54. With the right approach, aiming for a significant increase in levels of cycling is realistic, provided that barriers to cycling are addressed.

More people want to cycle but are prevented by lack of safe infrastructure

55. This evidence shows that the lack of quality of cycling infrastructure, in particular routes that are convenient and feel safe for cycling, is a key barrier to people taking up cycling. 

56. The national British Social Attitudes Survey 2013 identified a significant potential to increase the number of journeys being cycled instead of driven, but that the fear of traffic is a major barrier to people taking up cycling:

  • When asked about the journeys of less than two miles that they now travelled by car
  • 33% said that they could just as easily catch the bus
  • 37% said they could just as easily cycle (if they had a bike)
  • 40% of people agreed that they could just as easily walk.
  • 61% of all respondents felt it is too dangerous for them to cycle on the roads, rising to 69% for women and 76% for those aged 65 and over.

57. In Newcastle, the Council’s Bike Life survey identified that there is support for better cycling infrastructure to enable people to cycle more often:  

  • 52% would like to start riding a bike, or could ride their bike more  
  • People want dedicated space for cycling: favouring on road physically separated space and traffic free routes away from roads over other forms of provision (bus lanes, on road painted lanes, shared pavements)
  • Residents think safety needs to be improved for people cycling more than it does for people driving, walking or using public transport
  • 74% of residents support building more protected cycle lanes, even when this can mean less room for other road traffic

58. In SPACE for Gosforth’s local survey sent to every address in the former East Gosforth, West Gosforth and Parklands Council wards

  • 88% of people responding supported safe walking and cycling routes to schools
  • 85% supported reducing traffic on residential streets
  • 80% supported safer crossings 
  • 78% supported safe all age/ability cycle facilities on main roads.

Case studies of improved infrastructure achieving increased levels of walking and cycling

59. Waltham Forest enabled active travel by delivering “37 road filters to motor vehicles and two part-time road closures, the construction of 22km of segregated cycle lanes, 104 improved pedestrian crossings, 15 new pocket parks and the planting of more than 660 new trees. Speed limits have also been reduced to 20mph in most residential roads and some main routes.” This has led to a 13% increase in walking and 18% increase in cycling in the mini-Holland areas. A description of the plan  and evaluation of the impact are available

60. “Ghent’s plan had imagined a cycling modal share of 35% by 2030, up from 22% in 2016. Instead, after an explosive 60% rise in cycle use, the target was reached last year [2019], 13 years earlier than planned for. 

61. Seville created a “network of completely segregated lanes, a full 80km (50 miles) of which would be completed in one go. … The average number of bikes used daily in the city rose from just over 6,000 to more than 70,000. 

62. “Macon Connects proved that if you build it (a bike network), they will ride. Bike counts along the pop-up network were 9.5 times (854%) higher during Macon Connects as compared to “normal conditions” when there is no bike infrastructure present.

63. Barcelona traffic is restricted to major routes and only local traffic travelling at 10km/h can access so called ‘citizen spaces’  

64. Other examples of bike lanes lead to an increase in cycling and boosting local businesses are included in the SPACE for Gosforth Can protected cycle lanes be good for business? 

Making Newcastle safe for cycling

65. Investment is needed to provide safe, convenient and direct walking and cycling infrastructure, through a combination of protected cycle routes on busy roads such as distributor roads. Where streets are not required for through traffic measures need to be taken ASAP to reduce vehicle traffic so that streets are safer for people walking and cycling and buses are not delayed by congestion: e.g.

  1. in City Centre this means roads open for buses, delivery vehicles, walking and cycling but not to general motor traffic;
  2. on local residential streets that aren’t distributor roads, modal filters to prevent through vehicular traffic and create low traffic neighbourhoods ; and
  3. on distributor roads where well served by public transport and/or park and ride, bus priority measures and protected cycle routes.

66. The creation of low traffic neighbourhoods is key to making walking and cycling safe and attractive options. Waltham Forest has produced a ‘crib sheet’  for low traffic neighbourhoods and SPACE for Gosforth has developed a detailed proposal  for a low traffic neighbourhood in Gosforth which would be quick & cheap to implement (using bollards or similar) , reduce driving and enable more walking and cycling. We expect that approach would be applicable to other areas in the city.

A proposal for a low traffic neighbourhood east of Gosforth High Street.

Figure 2 SPACE for Gosforth proposal for low traffic neighbourhood in East Gosforth

67. Higher rates of cycling will require more cycle parking in the city centre and at other key locations. Some city centre car parks should be converted to secure cycle parking, such as those available in the Netherlands. The main cycle park in Utrecht has nearly 20,000 spaces with 24*7 security, and is free for the first 24hrs and €1.50 per additional 24hrs thereafter.

Picture of underground cycle parking

Figure 3 Dutch underground dedicated cycle parking

68. In smaller homes, bike storage can be problematic. The council could provide on-street bike hangars for a small monthly feed. A number of other local authorities already do this including Lambeth, Southwark, Islington etc 

Picture of secure cycle storage instead of a car parking space.Figure 4 Cycle hangar (Cyclehoop)

69. Research shows that cyclists and walkers are three times as likely as motorists to be injured in icy conditions.  De-icing pavements and cycle routes in winter will enable people to keep walking and cycling in winter and avoid injuries and would be consistent with policy to prioritise active travel. We have previously asked  the council to prepare a target Winter Service Policy for walking and cycling networks with stakeholders. This should include routes to be cleared, effective approaches for how they are to be cleared and also consideration of funding, though work on the former should not be delayed while funding is sought. Other local authorities provide this service: 

Public transport – local buses

70. Bus travel can be made more attractive by making bus journeys faster through improvements such as bus lanes, bus gates and intelligent traffic signals that detect approaching buses and prioritise their passage through the junction. Currently bus journeys are delayed due to the amount of time spent stationary at bus stops while people are buying tickets from the driver.  New forms of ticketing would speed up bus journeys.

71. It is usually the case that the cost of bus journey for a single adult is similar to or greater than the marginal cost of driving i.e. parking and fuel. This provides an incentive to drive, particularly when two or more people are travelling together. Special rates for two or more people travelling together on public transport would make this an economic choice compared to driving. 

72. The section below on ticketing has further proposals to support modal shift towards buses.

Public transport – metro and local rail

73. The capacity and extent of the metro system and local rail services could also be extended.

74. The Tyne and Wear Metro: The Tyne and Wear Metro system opened in 1980 and has had two major extensions: to Newcastle Airport in 1991 and to Sunderland in 1996.   This compares poorly to the regular extensions of comparable continental systems such as the Stuttgart light rail system .   Recently, the Metro has suffered problems of reliability, however hopefully these will be addressed by the introduction of new rolling stock from 2022.   Although discussion of electric vehicles has centred on cars, in contrast to EVs the Metro is a tested and successful form of electric transport and should have a key role to play in future transport plans.

75. Expanding the Metro has the potential to provide an attractive alternative to driving, and should be considered both through extending the additional lines and adding new ones and in integrating the Metro with other forms of public transport.  The original vision for the Metro was as part of a fully integrated public transport service, and this can still be seen in stations such as the Regent Centre which consist of both a Metro Station and a bus station and car park.  Unfortunately, and despite evidence that the integrated approach was successful, deregulation ended this approach to local public transport. 

76. In 2018 Mott MacDonald engineers produced a report on expanding the Metro  and earlier there was the comprehensive Project Orpheus public transport plan for an integrated Metro, bus, light rail and local rail system, although this was not eventually funded.  Had Project Orpheus been completed, Newcastle would most likely be better equipped to combat both Climate Change and nitrogen dioxide pollution as travellers both within and outside the city would have a viable option to the car for longer journeys.  

A route map for the Project Orpheus public transport proposals.

Figure 5 Project Orpheus corridor recommendations

77. Project Orpheus and the Mott MacDonald report both show that there is the knowledge and vision to expand the Metro and local public transport, but lessons also can need to be learned from Project Orpheus about potential barriers. One problem with expanding the Metro is where land that has been earmarked for public transport system is reallocated for developments that preclude expanding public transport.  We would recommend that such sites within the city are identified so that development on those sites is only permitted if it would be compatible with the expansion of public transport.  Another issue is the lack of funding, however hopefully this can be addressed through the more positive recent attitude from central government to funding rail services.  If not, then revenue from tolls and parking charges could be allocated to fund such developments.  Comments from Nexus at the time of Project Orpheus suggest that such an approach is feasible. 

78. Local rail: a number of Newcastle’s commuter towns served by rail services.  These include Chester-le-Street, Corbridge, Cramlington, Durham, Hexham, Morpeth and Prudhoe.  In general journey times to and from these stations are considerably faster than by road, particular during the morning and evening peak.

Town Journey time by rail (minutes) Journey time by car at 5pm (minutes)
Chester-le-Street 9 55
Corbridge 36 50
Cramlington 12 50
Durham 12 65
Hexham 31 60
Morpeth 12 55
Prudhoe 18 55

79. Passenger experience on these routes varies considerably.  Durham, which benefits from both National and Local Rail services, has frequent services during the day and evening and also benefits from modern trains, particularly on the intercity services.  In contrast, the next station down the line, Chester-le-Street has a very limited service, as this image from National Rail Enquiries shows:

Timetable for trains from Newcastle to Chester-le-Street in the evening.

80. After the 20.17 train, the only other evening next train was 22.22.  Consequently despite the short journey time, the lack of services prevents rail from being a viable option for commuting and for evening transport to the city.   The situation in Cramlington is similar, where there are no services between between 18.00 and 22.20.  Passenger experience of local services is also poor due to the continued use of outdated and unpopular Pacer trains.  While Newcastle Council cannot take direct action to improve services or trains, they can lobby Government for replacing them and they can also persuade NE1, the local Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and unions to support modernising the railways by voicing the benefits to both employers and employees of better services.  The recent announcement by the Government on reversing the Beeching cuts to the rail services and the reopening of the Ashington to Blyth line also shows that there is potential to increase the local rail network.  We recommend that the Council supports the campaigns of SENRUG  and other local rail groups to improve local services and to actively identify both railway lines that could be reopened and destinations such as Team Valley that are adjacent to a railway line and would benefit from a service to and from Newcastle.  The Metro extension to Sunderland is an example of how a former railway line can be successfully returned to use. 

81. Improving Central Station: Newcastle’s Central Station is one of its great buildings, and it forms a spectacular entrance to the city, especially when combined with other landmarks on and near the railway such as the High Level and King Edward bridges, Newcastle Castle, St Nicholas’ Cathedral and the Dene Street viaduct.  The Council should seek to promote the attractive image of Central Station so that it is equally visible an entrance to the city as is the Tyne Bridge.  The Council should also seek to improve passenger experience both within the station and when travelling beyond Central Station to destinations within Grainger Town and beyond.

82. Within Central Station: although Central Station is a spectacular building and benefits from facilities, more could be done to make it a welcoming place for passengers by improving waiting areas and by celebrating its history through introducing displays and artefacts to the stations.  There have been two excellent exhibitions recently in the city connected to the railway (the Discovery Museum’s exhibition about the Rocket during the Great Exhibition of the North and the Laing Gallery’s inclusion of John Dobson’s own pictures of Grainger Town (including Central Station) during its Victoria and Albert Exhibition last year) so there is clearly the expertise within local museums and galleries to advise and assist with this.  This would provide a useful counterweight to the regular displays on the Tyne Bridge  that add prestige to the road links by signalling that the railway once again will play a significant role within the city.

83. Travelling beyond Central Station: Central Station has good walking links to Grainger Town, and the experience of pedestrians was improved as part of the Grainger Town project that revitalised the area adjacent to Central Station.  Both Grainger Street and Collingwood Street (the two main streets leading from Central Station to Grainger Town) are architecturally of a very high quality and offer the potential for a traveller into the city to experience architecture of a calibre more commonly associated with cities such as Bath or Edinburgh.  Journey times are also good as a pedestrian can reach Blackett Street in less than 10 minutes and the Haymarket in 15 minutes.  However, pedestrian experience can be poor in places due to the volumes of traffic in Grainger Town, which is unpleasant and exposes the pedestrian to illegal levels of nitrogen dioxide and road danger.  The current proposals to improve the city centre offer the potential to improve the pedestrian experience in Grainger Town, and this also important in persuading people to switch to rail when travelling through the city, as a short rail journey and a stroll through Grainger Town with its shops and cafes is a much pleasanter way to travel into the city than sitting in a traffic jam on the Western Bypass for an hour.  Current proposals to add additional entrances to Central Station next to the Centre for Life and on Neville Street are welcome, as are future plans to add entrances to the rear of the station to the Stephenson quarter , however it is concerning that, as noted above, these proposals are linked to “improving traffic flows”, which (as explained above) is likely to increase rather than reduce carbon emissions.  

84. Rather than improve facilities for motor traffic, proposals for Central Station should aim to improve cycle links within Grainger Town to make the combination of cycling and rail a viable travelling choice for those travelling to and from the station as this has the potential to increase the number of people able to travel by train. 

85. Manors Station: Newcastle’s second rail station, Manors, is currently neglected and revitalising it should be part of the climate strategy.   Sadly the original John Dobson buildings have now been destroyed and Manors is not an attractive station.

  Picture of Manors StationPicture of Manors Station

Figure 6 Manors station

86. Despite its neglect, Manors is well-positioned to serve the east of the city centre and to be a gateway to the business parks that surround it, Northumbria University and the Quayside Offices.  The following steps could be taken to promote the use of Manors Railway Station:

  • Ensuring it is listed as a Newcastle station (e.g. Manors NCL) on National Rail Enquiries so that those seeking to travel to the city are aware of it.  At present it is just listed as Manors.
  • Putting signs on the Central Motorway and using the Central Motorway television screen advertising board to advertise its location as an alternative to driving.
  • Requesting NE1 to regularly advertise and promote rail services to Central Station and Manors Station via social media and their magazine in a similar manner to how they have promoted Alive after 5.
  • Extending local rail services from destinations such as Chester-le-Street to Manors Station.
  • Improving amenities for passengers on the station, for example by introducing a trading concession so that the station is manned and consequently feels more friendly.
  • Improving walking and cycling routes from Manors Station as many are currently of poor quality.  A particular focus should be safe and attractive walking routes to the Quayside and Northumbria University. 

Public transport – ticketing

87. The variety of tickets on offer for local rail and other public transport compares poorly with that on offer in other countries.  Greater use of public transport could be encouraged by cheaper fares, particularly at off peak times.  As deregulation is an obstacle to integrated ticketing across the region, the Council should seek to work together with NE1, the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses and unions to put pressure on public transport operators to adopt sensible ticketing policies.  The following suggestions would vary the offer of tickets and encourage more people to use public transport:

  • “Carnet” style tickets where passengers can get a discount for buying several tickets (e.g. 10) for the same route.  This would benefit passengers who take a regular journey, but do not travel frequently enough to buy a weekly pass 
  • Part-time worker travel cards
  • Discounted family tickets.  The current offer for free child travel on the Metro  is welcome, but this is only for children under 11.  There is a need for cheap family tickets for children under 16.  At present, this is too expensive so many families will drive.
  • Cheap off peak travel.  Germany’s Quer-durch-land tickets are a good example of how passengers can save money by travelling together as a group on off-peak local services .  While this ticket is designed for a larger region than Newcastle, the model could be adopted for local services, for example to encourage groups to travel into the city by public transport during the evening rather than driving.
  • Free or discounted travel for children.  Transport for London’s Zip Oyster card 5-10  and 11-15  are examples of this.  This would be particularly useful in managing traffic to Newcastle’s private schools and also to community schools that serve communities at a distance from the school (for example Gosforth Academy is the feeder high school for the Great Park and for Dinnington). 
  • Free or discounted travel for school groups.  Transport for London has an example of this.
  • Oyster cards to encourage people to travel on a range of services and to use public transport discounts. 

Electric Vehicles

88. Electric vehicles (EVs) are not zero greenhouse gas emissions vehicles, and in addition they emit particulate air pollution at levels similar to internal combustion engine vehicles. Taking into account manufacture as well a driving, the whole life greenhouse gas emissions of a Nissan Leaf are still about 50% of that of an internal combustion engine vehicle. While driving is less damaging if the vehicle is an EV, deep reductions cannot be achieved quickly by relying on a shift from conventional vehicles to EVs but will require modal shift from all forms of private driving to even lower or zero emissions forms of transport wherever possible: public transport and active travel (walking and cycling). 

89. In our submission to the 2017 Business Energy & Industrial Strategy parliamentary select committee  we recommended against the introduction of ‘on-the-road’ measures that incentivise or privilege EV drivers over other drivers, such as permission to use bus lanes or contraflows that are not open to all vehicles or reduced charges for parking. The council should reject such measures for several reasons: 

  • ‘on-road’ privileges would undermine policy of modal shift towards public transport, walking and cycling. efforts to achieve modal shift towards public transport and walking and cycling and so would impede progress in carbon reductions and the delivery of the co-benefits of modal shift such delays due to congestion, the risk of injury or death from collisions, and the personal and public health consequences of physical inactivity and of particulate air pollution.
  • Different driving rules for EVs would also create confusion and present an increased safety risk for other road users especially the most vulnerable road users, pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Whether or not such measures were effective in stimulating EV uptake, the need for them would disappear overtime as EV usage increases, but it would be politically difficult to withdraw these perks once drivers had become used to them and this would mean an ongoing conflict between actions to promote EVs and actions to promote modal shift. 

90. In a subsequent 2018 submission we addressed the impact that the poor placement of on-street EV charging stations could have on pedestrians. EVs will bring some benefits, but it should not come at the expense of people more generally or the quality of the urban realm.  For these reasons, recharging equipment should be placed so that it does not impinge upon safe and convenient movement of pedestrians on the pavement, should avoid placement on the pavement and avoid any trip hazards due to trailing cables when in use. Ideally charging equipment should be placed in the carriageway, not on the pavement. 

91. While EVs can play a role in reducing carbon emissions, they are a new and speculative technology and consequently may not bring all of the anticipated benefits.  The Council should rely on more established forms of transport where there is clear evidence to support the desired results.  A previous example of how reliance on new technology can fail to deliver can be found in the 2006 Air Quality Report , where the adoption of Euro III and Euro IV standards for buses was thought to lead to “significant progress towards achieving the objectives” of lowering levels of nitrogen dioxide.  This reliance on improving engine technology was discredited by the dieselgate  scandal and the Council has failed to reduce nitrogen dioxide to within the legal limits.  Additionally electricity as a replacement fuel should not solely be considered with regard to EVs that are cars: whilst electricity is a new technology for cars, it is a mature technology for the railway and revitalising the Tyne and Wear Metro and local rail services are further discussed below.

Implementing the plan

92. The council need to develop and communicate a vision of a socially and environmentally resilient future and the benefits that people will experience from as we move to a more sustainable travel system

93. The net zero target for 2030 should be supplemented by a target for each year in the 2020s so that progress can be monitored and reported annually and corrective actions taken promptly if needed. 

94. The Council should ensure that all its strategies, policies and working practices fully reflect the need to deliver the net zero carbon target and consider the infrastructure and the use of it as a holistic system. This should include: 

  • Aligning strategic investment decisions to address fully the requirement for demand management, and a substantial increase in the proportion of journeys made by active travel, and a much greater role for public transport.
  • For such roads investment that is made as part of the above, a presumption in favour of investment to future proof existing road infrastructure and to make it safer, resilient and more reliable rather than increase road capacity or reduce travel time.
  • Training for staff to support new transport priorities and goals, including effective community engagement

95. The pace of delivery of road and cycle infrastructure in recent years is not sufficient for the challenge of meeting the 2030 target. The processes used should be changed to increase the pace of decision making and delivery: implement quickly, trial & tweak, rather than carry out long consultations. 

96. To provide people with a safe, easy to use and comfortable cycling experience, adopt best practice in design and construction of cycling infrastructure, for example as documented in the London Cycling Design Standards 2014.This documents six core outcomes which ‘together describe what good design for cycling should achieve: Safety, Directness, Comfort, Coherence, Attractiveness and Adaptability. These are based on international best practice and on an emerging consensus in London about aspects of that practice that we should adopt in the UK

97. The council should improve consultations, information sharing and community engagement and work with local people who have ideas of how to make simple changes in their area. There should be regular meetings with stakeholders and regular progress reporting against actions. 

We support the target of achieving net-zero by 2030 and hope that the Council will be inspired to take bold action to rise to the this challenge and confidently pursue allied benefits of a cleaner, safer, healthier and city. 

Yours sincerely,

SPACE for Gosforth

List of References
  16. Cycle storage has been also identified as helpful as long ago as the 2006 Air Quality Plan
  59. The temporary concrete blocks on Salter’s Bridge during the Killingworth Rd works provide an example of how quick and simple interventions can change traffic levels in a neighbourhood
  73. or (this is a more detailed history in German).
  83. see for example

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Blackett Street Fri, 31 Jan 2020 07:37:48 +0000 Newcastle City Council have proposed that Blackett Street and parts of New Bridge Street are made into a pedestrian area linking Northumberland Street, Monument and Old Eldon Square. This blog is our response to the Council's consultation.

The post Blackett Street appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Mock up of how Blackett Street could look

Newcastle City Council have proposed that Blackett Street and parts of New Bridge Street are made into a pedestrian area linking Northumberland Street, Monument and Old Eldon Square. This blog is our response to the Council’s consultation.

The other changes to the City Centre proposed alongside the Blackett Street plan include:

  • Buses that previously used Blackett Street will now use the new bus loop (for a map see our response below).
  • Revised arrangements for access and deliveries to minimise traffic in the new pedestrian areas.
  • A new pedestrian and event space on Ridley Place at the north end of Northumberland Street.
  • New / relocated disabled parking and taxi ranks.
  • Cycling infrastructure on adjoining junctions.

More details of the proposals and a link to the consultation (which finishes on 31 January 2020) can be found here.

Dear Councillor Ainsley,

Re: Transforming our city

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Council’s proposals relating to Blackett Street and surrounding areas.

We wholeheartedly support the Council’s ambition for Newcastle upon Tyne to be “A place that has cleaner air and puts people first, and where public transport and healthy, active travel, such as cycling, and walking is a choice for everyone.”

Currently air quality on Blackett Street and New Bridge Street is poor; almost double the legal limit for air pollution in 2018. Large numbers of buses dominate the street, putting people at risk, in some cases with tragic consequences. On Blackett Street in February 2019, a gentleman was killed on his mobility scooter just trying to cross the road.

Blackett Street Injury hotspot map

Air Pollution Map for the city centre

Traffic Injury and Pollution Data for Blackett Street and the surrounding area

Because of the large number of buses, cycling on Blackett Street and New Bridge Street is only currently a choice for the brave and doesn’t support the Council’s policy that “streets and roads should be designed to be safely used by children and those with limited mobility” [City Council October 2019].

Life and health should not be traded for other benefits. People have a right to be able to travel safely, and simple errors shouldn’t lead to someone being seriously injured or killed.

Richard Grainger’s Vision: A “City of Palaces”

Grainger Town has been a place of forward-thinking innovation combined with elegance and beauty for almost 200 hundred years.  Richard Grainger transformed the area from the remains of a medieval and industrial city and created “a City of Palaces; a fairyland of newness, brightness and modern elegance.” (William Howlett 1842)

Richard Grainger’s original vision for Grainger Town was for streets and buildings to be “promenaded” around as well as lived in. The 1997-2003 Grainger Town project recognised this by having as one of its aims to create “a high quality pedestrian-priority precinct, encouraging appreciation of the surrounding architecture, and transforming the experience of walking through this area and promoting civic activity.”

Currently, a very large part of the road space on Blackett Street and New Bridge Street is reserved for vehicles with people squashed to either side.

Blackett Street showing space for vehicles with people either side.

Current vehicle-priority on Blackett Street

The Council now needs to complete the Grainger Town vision by making Blackett Street and Old Eldon Square traffic-free, and it should do so as soon as possible to address Blackett Street’s poor air quality and road safety issues.

Northumberland Street, which is already traffic-free, gives us an idea of what Blackett Street could be like, with much lower levels of pollution, virtually no traffic-related injuries in the last ten years and thriving businesses. The closure in 1998 is evidence that removing vehicle traffic not only works but allows an area to thrive. A generation on and the number of shoppers along Northumberland Street would be impossible to sustain if this street had continued to support two-way vehicle traffic. Complaints that Christmas stalls and rides had restricted the space in Northumberland Street only serve to demonstrate how the pedestrianised area is not only now accepted, but fiercely protected.

No one would suggest now that the city should turn Northumberland Street into a bus station, and in years to come people will wonder why the same was ever allowed on Old Eldon Square.

Blackett Street south frontage

Blackett Street south frontage – January 2020

Old Eldon Square has the potential to be one of the best locations in the city centre but is currently dirty, noisy and dangerous. Apart from the east side where John Dobson’s original buildings survive, Old Eldon Square is surrounded by dark brown brick walls that make it look like the goods entrance to an out of town shopping centre. Making it traffic-free will allow these blank walls to be brought back to life with new businesses, street cafes and planting, and allow the square to be used for public events without risking the wellbeing of the people attending.

Blackett Street Summer Sunday

Blackett Street full of people on a summer Saturday

Detail Feedback

As above, we strongly support the removal of traffic from the areas identified in the Council’s plan. The following detail feedback is about proposed changes to transport arrangements.

1.     Buses and Accessibility

We support the concept of the Bus Loop, as set out in Council Policy UC7 adopted in March 2015, and that, as per that policy, this should be “the principal route for buses within the Urban Core to ensure there is good service around and to the edge of the retail area with 
less reliance on the routes that cut across it.

We note that only one of the three main bus companies that serve Newcastle city centre currently uses bus stops on Blackett Street, and that passengers that use buses provided by the other two companies do not suffer unduly as a result. Blackett Street will be no further from the new bus loop than Northumberland Street is from the current nearest bus stops.

However, it must be acknowledged that passengers arriving by buses that currently stop on Blackett Street will have a variety of destinations and may want to connect to other bus or Metro services. We would therefore encourage the Council to work with bus companies to ensure that passengers have a choice of routes that allow them to access different destinations within the city. This could be achieved through the accessible, and preferably electric-powered, city centre bus shuttle idea we suggested in our response to the Council’s “Breathe” Air Quality consultation. Currently someone transferring from an east-west bus to one heading north would have a six-minute walk from Blackett Street to Haymarket.

Clearly different people will also have different mobility needs and it is important to ensure that Newcastle is accessible as possible for people with disabilities. We would therefore like to see the Shopmobility scheme expanded to better cater for public transport users rather than requiring people to drive and park to access this service. In fact, regardless of the outcome of this consultation we would like to see this idea taken forward. This could be funded by NE1 instead of their free parking offer, which by reducing the incentive to drive would also help reduce congestion and pollution in the city centre.

cars and taxis on Blackett Street

Not just buses on Blackett Street

In addition to the above we suggest:

  1. To avoid delay to public transport, other vehicle traffic on the bus loop should be minimised as far as possible. All non-stopping traffic should be directed to use the Urban Core Distributor ring road, and the busiest sections of the bus loop should be bus-only.
  2. For the same reason, the Council should remove non-stopping through-traffic from Percy Street and Mosley Street, both of which are identified in the Council’s Policy map as Public Transport Distributor Roads.
  3. Good quality well-lit walking routes should be provided from the bus loop to major city destinations including the RVI, with clear signage to show the way. Footways should be free from obstruction and wide enough for when they are at their busiest. Signalised crossings should prioritise people on foot with short wait times and comfortable crossing times.
  4. Maps should be displayed at regular intervals and at bus stops showing walking routes and which bus stops serve which routes.
  5. Multiple options for connectivity between bus routes and with the Metro should be provided to passengers have a choice of routes. E.g. someone travelling west to east across the city may wish to change from a bus to a Metro at St James to avoid city centre congestion, or if travelling east to north a change at Haymarket Bus Station would be better rather than the current six-minute walk from Blackett Street.
  6. Bus stops should be good quality and provide shelter and seating for waiting passengers.
  7. Vehicle speeds should be rigorously monitored to ensure all traffic sticks to the 20mph limit.
  8. In the interim, prior to this proposal being implemented, the Council should enforce existing bus-only regulations on Blackett Street and Grey Street.

City centre bus loop and public transport distributor roads

Newcastle City Centre Bus Loop and Public Transport Distributor Roads

2.     Cycling

In October 2019, City Council agreed a motion on cycling that said that “Cycle and walking routes should be abundantly available especially within a 3-mile radius of the city centre or major transport interchanges.”

This motion acknowledged the clear benefits of cycling for health and life expectancy, the ability to move more people in the same space, reducing the cost of travel for residents and helping to reduce air pollution and green house gas emissions. In addition, many studies have shown how good cycling facilities are good for local businesses.

Government guidance states that Councils should aim for a 400m grid of routes that are safe for all age and ability cycling and allow access to key destinations. 400m is about the same distance as Haymarket Metro to the south end of Northumberland Street. This, along with the Council’s adopted policy, suggests that safe cycling routes should be provided on Blackett Street and on a tight grid of connecting cycling routes throughout the city centre, including in Zone 3 ‘Other areas of the city’.

The Council has previously produced graphics to illustrate what might be possible on Blackett Street.  Traffic-free cycle lanes such as those shown, which are clearly marked and not shared with people walking, have been found to work better for people walking as well as people cycling. To gain the maximum benefit there also need to be safe onward links to the wider city cycle network at both east and west ends and connecting south to Grainger Street and Grey Street.

Blackett Street cycling mock-up Old Eldon Square cycling mock-up

Newcastle City Council Blackett Street mock-ups from 2017

Living Streets have produced a report about problems with shared walking and cycling routes, and although the report concludes that issues with sharing are less at destinations where there are high numbers of people walking, there is plenty of space to provide separate lanes so sharing is not required.

The Council motion on cycling also supported the addition of secure cycle parking. This provision should be spread throughout the city centre and the Council should consider family users (multiple bikes of different sizes including children’s bikes, cargo bikes and women’s bike frames) when selecting what types or combinations of racks to use.

We also suggest that the Council propose to local bus companies that they should provide training for their drivers in how to drive around and safely overtake people cycling.

3.     Parking

On-street parking should be minimised within the Urban Core. Where it is provided it should be priced in order to encourage people to use the major car parks and to reduce traffic circulating to look for on-street parking spaces. Best practice suggests that pricing should aim to have at least 20% of on- street spaces free at any given time so that people who need it can easily find a space to park.

We support appropriate placement of disabled parking spaces, including in the city’s major car parks, and would like to encourage the Council to also find ways to better support people with disabilities to walk, cycle or use public transport.

4.     Beyond the Bus Loop – further development

The Council in its consultation documentation states that as a city ‘we’re growing, changing and investing in tomorrow. After all, great cities don’t stand still.’

We would like to suggest that once the changes being consulted on have been approved, the Council convenes a Grainger Town working group made up of major businesses and employers, transport providers, transport user and residents’ groups that support that Council’s ambition for ‘a place that has cleaner air and puts people first, and where public transport and healthy, active travel, such as cycling, and walking is a choice for everyone.‘ and to realise the  ‘City of Palaces’ vision.

Such a group would require a clear terms of reference that sets out how it will support the Council to achieve its policy goals and avoid further delay that might prevent air quality or safety targets being met.

Ideas for this group to look at might include:

  • Extending the benefits of clean air and reduced traffic on adjoining streets by for example removing on-street parking on Grey Street and replacing it with extended pavements and greenery.
  • Installing water fountains and/or play features for children.
  • Walking routes and signage.
  • Options for making the city centre more accessible for people with disabilities.
  • City centre cycle hire.
  • Low carbon last-mile deliveries.
  • Installation of electric power for events to replace diesel generators.


Old Eldon Square is a key destination in its own right, and the removal of vehicle traffic creates opportunities for regeneration and more events for the benefit of the city and its residents.

It is also currently an air pollution and road danger ‘hot spot’, but has a high potential to be improved for people walking and for east-west journeys by people cycling who are currently excluded from this area by the high volumes of buses and other traffic.

The Council has been working on these plans since at least November 2017 and the proposed arrangements have been trialled on numerous occasions. The Council should now move quickly to make Blackett Street and New Bridge Street traffic-free well before summer 2020, even if initially with temporary measures, to bring air quality in line with the government directive and to prevent more people being seriously injured or killed.

In 2015, the Newcastle Chronicle published an article stating 23 pedestrians had been killed or injured by buses in the city since 2012.  These concerns are not new and will not go away without the sort of action proposed by the Council for Blackett Street and New Bridge Street.

In the interim the Council should ensure residents and users of Old Eldon Square are aware of the high levels of air pollution and that people should not spend more time than necessary in the area. While we understand why the Council has permitted events in the square in the past, no further licences should be issued until the traffic has been removed. This includes the Screen on the Green.

Yours sincerely,

SPACE for Gosforth

Traffic-Related Injuries on Blackett Street and New Bridge Street

1.     “Man taken to hospital with chest pains following two-vehicle crash in Newcastle city centre” January 2020

2.     “Man on mobility scooter hit by bus in Newcastle city centre dies in hospital a day later” February 2019

3.     “Pensioner in hospital after bus crash which brought city centre street to halt” December 2017

4.     “Six passengers injured after bus suddenly brakes in Newcastle city centre” October 2016

5.     “Newcastle Council reassures pedestrians after 23 are killed or injured by buses since 2012” May 2015 including:

  1. April 2014 “Paramedics called to Blackett Street, close to Grey’s Monument, where a woman in her 50s was lying in the road after being hit by a bus. She was taken by ambulance to the city’s Royal Victoria Infirmary, where she was treated for head injuries not thought to be serious”
  2. October 2012 “A man in his 20s was struck by the Stagecoach number 63 on New Bridge Street West, at its busy junction with Northumberland Street. He was taken to hospital “to be treated for a sore elbow”
  3. September 2012 “An 84-year-old was taken to hospital with head and arm injuries after he was hit trying to cross Blackett Street near to the bottom of Northumberland Street”
  4. August 2012 “A man in his 20s was hit as he attempted to cross New Bridge Street West, near the end of Northumberland Street”

6.     “Accident in Newcastle City Centre” October 2013

7.     “Another pedestrian hit by bus in Newcastle city centre” October 2013

8.     “Eighth victim of a bus accident in seven months” February 2013

9.     “Man hurt in bus crash” January 2007

10.  “Chaos as man injured by bus” October 2003

Other relevant press stories Ambitious plans to transform Newcastle city centre – November 2017 November 2017 cabinet approval

“Outside of London, Newcastle’s Northumberland Street is the next most expensive shopping road in the UK, with an annual rent of £1,742 per square metre.” 2004


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Junctions West of the City – Comments by 6 October 2019 Sun, 29 Sep 2019 21:40:38 +0000 The Council say that these junctions have been identified as "problem junctions that need investment to improve efficiency and journey time reliability, as well as provide greener and more active travel choices and improving road safety."

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Map of the junctions affectedJunction improvements in the west of the city – have your say! By 6 October 2019.

The Council are consulting on changes to seven junctions in the west of the city. All of these junctions are within about three miles, or a fifteen minutes cycle ride from Gosforth High Street.

The Council say that these junctions have been identified as “problem junctions that need investment to improve efficiency and journey time reliability, as well as provide greener and more active travel choices and improving road safety.”

Have your say on the Council’s Commonplace website until 6 October 2019.

This text, as well as the junction designs, suggest that ‘efficiency’ and journey time reliability are the key priorities for the Council. By efficiency we believe the Council means more cars rather than more people. If the latter we would expect bus priority to be designed in whereas none of the junctions have this.

We might also expect good quality walking and cycling routes as walking and cycling are both very efficient in terms of energy use and space required, and travel times are far more predictable than driving. For local journeys, cycling is frequently quicker than driving too.

More surprisingly is that the Council are proposing junctions that will increase vehicle usage when it was only five months ago in April 2019 when the Council declared a Climate Emergency. The Council has a target to reduce transport emissions by 16.5 kilotons CO2. Designing big junctions that add emissions will just make that target harder to meet.

Back to the Drawing Board (again)

So just like for Haddricks Mill, we are urging the Council to go back to the drawing board. Junction designs need updating to ensure they move people efficiently and safely rather than solely focusing on vehicles.

As these are major schemes, we are also asking the Council to update their consultation material so that:

  1. Rather than expecting people to work out what changes are proposed, this is explained e.g. addition of new lanes, traffic lights or crossings.
  2. The impact (increase or decrease) in vehicle capacity is made explicit.
  3. The impact on green house gas emissions is provided for 3-5 years in the future by which time vehicle numbers will have increased to fully use up the new capacity.
  4. Questions relating to congestion are removed from the survey, as the changes proposed are unlikely to make any difference to congestion. Road pricing is the only effective way to achieve a significant and lasting reduction in congestion.
  5. Example walking and cycling routes through the junction are explicitly shown on the plans. (We couldn’t tell from some of the plans what routes were proposed.)
  6. Relevant Council policies are listed (including climate change and air pollution) and how the proposals will support achievement of those policies.

This will allow the public to take an informed view, and to judge the practical impact of the proposals.

Planning Policies

The consultation also suggests that the ‘problems’ with these junctions has been created by new housing developments in the west of the city.

In the Council’s Development and Allocations Plan policy document the first paragraph under Transport and Accessibility is:

National policy promotes sustainable development which minimises trip generation and journey length, encourages the use of sustainable modes of transport and promotes accessibility for all. Sustainable development also helps reduce the need for people to travel, manages congestion, improves road safety, meets climate change reduction targets, as well as improving people’s health by creating more opportunities for walking and cycling.

If these new developments have lead to such substantial increases in traffic that seven separate junctions are impacted and need to be completely re-designed, then feedback needs to be provided to the Council Planning department that their planning process has failed and urgent remediation is required.

The Junction Proposals

Two of the junctions are fairly simple T-junctions, the other five are large cross-roads. We have looked for equivalent junctions in the Netherlands to see what might be possible and so you can compare yourself.

Where the junctions increase vehicle capacity, which appears to be the case in all of the proposals, this will most likely lead to more driving and increased green house gas emissions. As we have said, Newcastle CIty Council needs to explain how this is consistent with declaring a climate emergency, and how it will impact their targets to substantially reduce green house gas emissions.

It’s also worth noting given the frequent use of shared space that, as at Haddricks Mill, this is not likely to be effective in encouraging more people to cycle. Protected cycle lanes are much more effective, as well as being widely supported (78% supported safe all age and ability cycle lanes in the SPACE for Gosforth Your-Streets Your-Views survey).

A. A Dutch T-junction

Our first example is from Ijmuiden close to where the ferry from South Shields docks. If you take bikes on the ferry it’s actually the route from the ferry port to the beach. Both roads have two-way cycle lanes, and the cycle lane on the main road continues in a straight line and has priority over the side road. There are no traffic lights or right hand turn lanes.

There aren’t dedicated pavements at these locations because there are very few people walking, but you can walk along the cycle tracks just as you would walk on the road in the UK countryside.

Junction of Kromhoutstraat and Strandweg in Ijmuiden, Netherlands

B. A Large Dutch Intersection

This example is from Utrecht. It’s actually quite hard to find a junction like this in the Netherlands as many roads this size have underpasses so people can walk or cycle straight through without having to cross the traffic.

It does however show quite clearly the cycle routes (in red). The beige next to the cycle routes is the pavement. The cycle routes are quite wide as they are 2-way on both sides of the roads because the road itself is so large.

Junction of Vleutenseweg and Spinozaweg in Utrecht, Netherlands

This is the Google Streetview for the same junction. The routes are coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive, which, according to the UK Government’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Guidance, is how local authorities in the UK should be designing road junctions with cycle provision.

The following are the Council’s proposals, proceeded by Google StreetView of the current junction.

1. Brunton Road/Brunton Lane

The new proposals do include new (shared) pavement and pedestrian crossings, but most of the additional roadspace is to increase the vehicle through-put of the junction.   Cycle lanes are shared, and at the junction to the north are interrupted by an entrance to a side road.

2. Ponteland Road/Station Road

The new proposal is to add traffic lights to the junction, most likely to give more priority to traffic coming from the A696 to the south. This will increase traffic and make it more dangerous for people cycling, who have no dedicated facilities at this location.

3. Ponteland Road/Etal Lane

The addition of traffic lights at this junction will make it easier to cross these very busy roads. Having some separated space for cycling is also a small benefit but overall the experience for people walking or cycling at this junction will still be poor. Routes are incoherent and difficult to read jumping from shared space to separate space and back again, are indirect from both the size of the roundabout and the off-set crossings, safety is compromised for people cycling because the routes don’t connect, and overall it doesn’t look to either be comfortable or attractive.

4. Ponteland Road/Harehills Ave

At Harehills Avenue, again there is an incoherent mix of shared and separate walking and cycling routes. It doesn’t even look possible to travel SW to NE by cycle, even though that is probably one of the most likely uses of this junction by people cycling. Neither Harehills Avenue (NE) nor Blakelaw Road (SW) are marked as roads for through traffic on the Council’s policy map  so it is not clear to us why these roads require multiple exit lanes or two stage crossings.

5. Ponteland Road/Springfield Road

This is very similar to the Harehills junction and suffers from most of the same issues, including the lack of a cycle route from the SW to the NE. There is also plenty of space on Springfield Road for separate protected cycle lanes with minimal adjustment to the current road, if people parking are asked to park on the road rather than the pavement as now.

6. Stamfordham Road/Pooley Road

Coming from the east, the cycle way on the south of the road currently almost reaches the junction so it is not clear why this has been removed. Additional crossings on the west and north sides will be beneficial for people walking.

7. Stamfordham Road/Springfield Road

Again, like all the previous junctions, this junction appears to be designed for maximum vehicle throughput with walking and cycling as an add-on. This is a big area and it would certainly be possible to design something more like the Dutch junction we shared at the top of this blog if the Council chose to do so.

Comment by 6 October

You can have your say on the Council’s Commonplace website until 6 October 2019. Contact details for the Council Cabinet members responsible for Transport and for Climate change are available on the Newcastle City Council website.

You might want to consider mentioning:

  • The need for better walking and cycling routes that are coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive.
  • The need for walking and cycling to be separate rather than shared space.
  • More traffic also means more pollution and more risk of injury for vulnerable road users.
  • The Council’s commitment to reduce transport-related CO2 emissions.

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Breathe – Implementation Sun, 15 Sep 2019 06:14:48 +0000 This is the fourth and final SPACE for Gosforth blog that together make up our response to the Council’s Clean Air consultation. Our first blog set out our review of […]

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This is the fourth and final SPACE for Gosforth blog that together make up our response to the Council’s Clean Air consultation.

Our first blog set out our review of the Council’s proposed measures. In our second blog we proposed measures for the city as a whole and in our third blog we proposed measures for the Gosforth Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).

In our final blog we respond to the Councils’ questions about future funding and implementing air quality measures. Measures to meet air quality targets will need to be funded by Central Government, but if part of those measures include a toll or clean air charge there is the opportunity to use that money to further improve air quality and transport in the city.

SPACE for Gosforth response to the Council’s Clean Air consultation: Part 4

Priorities for future funding

The Government have stated that surplus money received through charging or tolls must be spent on transport improvements.

The Council has decided a set of criteria for these transport improvements that they should:

  1. Improve public health in our area in the shortest possible time;
  2. Enable future economic growth and sustain jobs and communities in the region; and
  3. Promote a fairer society and not detrimentally impact vulnerable populations.

We support the Council using these objectives to judge and prioritise schemes for future investment.

Walking and cycling schemes would score highly on this basis. Evidence is available that demonstrates investment in good quality walking and cycling facilities would achieve all three objectives and can be implemented quickly. Seville, for example, implemented a good quality traffic-free cycling network in under two years.

The UK Health Alliance has some useful information about how air pollution, inactivity and obesity, all major public health risks, can be tackled by enabling more active travel

SPACE for Gosforth has already completed a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) assessment of Gosforth / north Newcastle. Selected extracts are provided in Appendix E, with the full blog here:

A key priority for Gosforth will be to improve walking and cycling access to the Gosforth “Plus” cluster of destinations for the benefit of residents, visitors and businesses operating in the area. That might include the extension of Trinity Square across West Avenue and Ivy Road, potentially with additional planting, a bigger event space, outdoor seating or even play equipment for children.

A similar approach could be taken to other locations where through traffic is no longer allowed both in Gosforth and in the city centre, especially on Grey Street and Blackett Street.

In order to achieve objectives (b) and (c), the cycling network should be usable by children, by businesses e.g. using cargo bikes, by older people or by people with disabilities. The Council need quickly to implement a design standard to avoid the mistakes it is about to make at Haddricks Mill where the proposed routes are slow, inconvenient, create conflict with people walking and require lots of tight turning and starting and stopping.

The SPACE for Gosforth review of how local cycling facilities support inclusive cycling (or not) would be a good starting point for future investment. A similar review for public transport would be beneficial.

SPACE for Gosforth has also completed its own survey of what people would support to make Gosforth a better place to live and travel locally. Our proposals in section 7 include many of these elements.

Figure 6 – Residents’ priorities for building a better Gosforth

More trees and greenery was a very popular option and we hope more greenery can be incorporated as part of plans to create low-traffic neighbourhoods.

Other ideas for funding, in addition to those listed in figure 6, might include:

  • Ensuring cycle routes can be used through the winter, especially when icy
  • On-street bicycle lockers where requested by 3-4 households or more
  • Routes to and secure cycle parking facilities at major destinations and transport hubs
  • Implementing additional ‘school streets’

The SPACE for Gosforth assessment of the Council’s proposed longer-term measures is set out in the table below.

Proposed longer-term measures SPACE for Gosforth assessment
Improved routes for clean buses; It is not clear what this means or why it only applies to clean buses. Bus lanes are already available on many routes and should be open to all buses.
Road maintenance (including potholes); This is essential but doesn’t meet the Council’s objectives. Road maintenance should be covered out of the main highways budget and should prioritise the safety of vulnerable road users.
Working with schools and parents to help people get to school / college without using the car; Evidence suggests behaviour change initiatives have only a very limited impact unless as part of an infrastructure upgrade.
Work to make it easier and safer for people to walk, including changes to town/city centres to pedestrianise areas; Agreed – this will meet the Council’s objectives.
Investment in intelligent traffic signals to improve traffic flows and public transport on key routes; There is no real evidence to suggest this will meet the Council’s objectives and might even make air pollution worse.
New park and ride facilities to expand the reach of Metro, bus and local rail; Agreed if this does not result in additional miles driven. Cycle, park and ride should be incorporated in any such scheme.
Working with employers to help them implement new working practices and ways for their staff / deliveries to travel; Evidence suggests behaviour change initiatives have only a very limited impact unless as part of an infrastructure upgrade.
Investment in cycling networks, particularly routes leading to Metro stations, transport interchanges and to local facilities like schools; Agreed – this will meet the Council’s objectives if the routes implemented are of a good standard i.e. they are coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive and are usable by all ages and abilities.
A charge on employers in Newcastle city centre who provide free parking spaces for their employees; We would support a workplace-parking levy, but suggest it covers a wider area rather than just Newcastle city centre.
Making Metro services more frequent, reliable and convenient We believe this should already be addressed through the provision of new rolling stock. Every effort should be made to bring forward the date when these will be put into service.

Implementation and Monitoring

Even without the specific ministerial direction issued by the Government, the law is clear that limits must be achieved in the shortest possible timescales. The Council’s planning and project delivery should support that. This means in particular that work needs to start as soon as possible and that the Council should request from government the necessary resources to expedite the implementation of its proposed plan.

D01 Seek early funding from the Government to start work immediately. To save time we suggest where possible that measures are implemented on a temporary basis then adjusted as the actual impact becomes known, rather than relying on further time-consuming and potentially inaccurate modelling. By 07/2019

D02 Convene an Air Quality Executive board chaired by the CEO of Newcastle City Council and attended by senior representatives of North Tyneside and Gateshead that meets monthly to:

  • Monitor current progress in implementing the plan and take action to rectify any delays.
  • Review the effectiveness of measures and whether e.g. tweaks are required to parking charges or toll fees.
  • Identify and mitigate any risks that could prevent air quality limits being met in the shortest possible timescales
  • Look for opportunities to bring forward the date of compliance or to reduce exposure more quickly.
  • Accept and consider representations from other Council meetings and forums.
  • Be accountable for meeting air quality limits in the shortest possible timescales.

The board should publish promptly its minutes, data provided as input to the meeting and any decisions taken.

Input to the meeting should include:

  • Project report(s)
  • Plan updates
  • Risk register
  • Updated monthly traffic and air quality data
  • Other forms of monitoring e.g. business surveys
  • Feedback from the stakeholder forum (see below)
  • Reports from the Council’s transport and planning departments

By 08/2019

D03 Appoint a dedicated programme / project lead reporting directly to Newcastle City Council CEO with a mandate to work cross-department By 08/2019

D04 Appoint other dedicated project staff to support the programme / project manager e.g. for communications & behaviour change, project planning & control and risk management By 09/2019

D05 Create a simple compelling vision for what the Council wants to achieve overall covering air quality and related policy matters such as public health, climate change, healthy streets and how we travel. By 10/2019

D06 Implement additional traffic and air quality monitoring on roads where modelling or measurement has suggested air quality is poor or where traffic might divert to. By 10/2019

D07 Convene a quarterly stakeholder workshop including interested residents stakeholder groups, transport operators and business groups to report and seek feedback on progress to date. By 10/2019

D08 Implement a program of air quality monitoring covering the insides of taxis and buses operating in the city centre. Consider providing additional health advice for bus and taxi drivers.
By 11/2019

D09 Ensure Council processes and decisions for planning, transport and in other areas prioritise meeting air quality limits in the shortest possible timescale and reducing exposure as quickly as possible. By 12/2019

D10 Complete a study of transport options to identify areas of the city, which are lacking choice for how to travel. This would take account of where local shops, services and employment sites are located and would include public transport, walking and cycling. This can be used as input to discussions on how to prioritise future funding. As an example, the study might identify that north-south access to Gosforth High Street is well served by buses but there are far fewer services operating east to west. By 03/2020

Vision for the future

Overall, if the Council wants and / or needs residents and businesses to support a transition to less polluting, more sustainable, modes of transport then the Council needs to set out its vision in a simple, clear and compelling way.

The Council needs to own that vision, not blame the Government for ‘making us do it’.
Then the Council needs to implement that vision with determination, confidence and consistency. And above all it needs to act quickly because people are continuing to die from air pollution at a rate of about one a day in Tyneside, and many more are being made ill for the same reason.

If the Council isn’t confident in its vision then it needs to say so and do something about it.

If the Council wants examples from other cities, or evidence of effects or benefits, there is plenty to choose from. If the Council wants evidence for how voters reward politicians for cleaner, healthier, safer streets then there’s plenty of that too.

If the Council wants a transport policy that addresses cancer, heart disease, obesity, inactivity, diabetes, mental health, social isolation, lack of access to work opportunities, road danger, making the city attractive for families, helping older children to travel safely and independently, climate change, poor performing high streets, the answers are broadly the same.

The Council just needs to get on with it.

The post Breathe – Implementation appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Breathe – In Gosforth Sat, 31 Aug 2019 21:33:20 +0000 This is the third of four SPACE for Gosforth blogs that together make up our response to the Council’s Clean Air consultation. In this blog we propose specific measures for the Gosforth Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) which covers Gosforth High Street, Jesmond Dene Road, Haddricks Mill Road and the Haddricks Mill junction.

The post Breathe – In Gosforth appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

Breathe Gosforth High Street

This is the third of four SPACE for Gosforth blogs that together make up our response to the Council’s Clean Air consultation.

Our first blog set out our review of the Council’s proposed measures. In our second blog we proposed measures for the city as a whole and specifically for the City Centre Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).

In this blog we propose specific measures for the Gosforth Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) which covers Gosforth High Street, Jesmond Dene Road, Haddricks Mill Road and the Haddricks Mill junction.

Some of the measures described in our second blog for the city as a whole will also reduce air pollution in Gosforth, though we don’t believe these will be sufficient by themselves to meet air quality limits. These include:

  • Retrofitting bus engines so they are EURO VI compliant.
  • A clean air zone for buses, coaches, taxis and HGVs covering the area between the Tyne in the south and the Metro line in the north.
  • High frequency bus route branding, including for Gosforth High Street / the Great North Road.
  • Public information and better enforcement of anti-idling laws.

To ensure that limits are met in the shortest possible timescales and exposure is reduced as quickly as possible (the legal requirement) we are proposing further measures specific to Gosforth. To do this we have looked at options that have been shown to reduce pollution and reduce people’s exposure to pollution, as well as providing for better walking and cycling access to the Gosforth High Street shops.

As we said in our review of the Council’s proposals, we do not believe the proposals as presented meet the legal requirement to meet air quality limits and reduce exposure as quickly as possible. The Council has since presented some revised options which delay implementation even further and look even less likely to meet the legal requirement.

As before we have prioritised, where possible, engineering measures rather than charging. Some sort of clean air charge for private vehicles is the most likely alternative to these proposals in Gosforth if these are not accepted.

SPACE for Gosforth response to the Council’s Clean Air consultation: Part 3

Additional measures for the Gosforth AQMA

Air quality exceedances in Gosforth have been limited to Gosforth High Street, Station Road and Killingworth Road, although Station Road and Killingworth Road were under the limit in the second half of 2017 after Killingworth Road closed for road works. Clearly there is a risk now Killingworth Road is due to re-open to traffic that those locations will be over the limit again.

That means we need measures to address air pollution at both locations.

Map of proposed measures in Gosforth

Figure 5 – SPACE for Gosforth proposals for the Gosforth AQMA

As a priority we are asking the Council to revisit its plans for Haddricks Mill, which will encourage additional traffic in the Gosforth / North Newcastle area and provide a poor experience for people walking and cycling. The Government’s UK Air Quality Plan states that there is considerable uncertainty on the real world impacts of measures that ‘optimise traffic flow’. Potentially the current Haddricks Mill plans could increase pollution levels, which is entirely inconsistent with the Council’s legal obligation to reduce air pollution in the shortest possible timescales. Haddricks Mill is a key east-west route for all forms of transport. In light of the need to address air quality, walking, cycling and public transport all need to be prioritised at this location.

For Gosforth High Street we understand the Council’s expectation to be that there will be a knock on benefit from reduced traffic on the Tyne bridges. That may be the case, but there are also plenty of local journeys made that do not cross the Tyne that could quickly use up this extra capacity. To address this we suggest:

  • Re-paint Gosforth High Street to be one lane in each direction. This also means traffic can be moved away from the pavement to reduce exposure.
  • Use the available space next to the pavements for protected cycle lanes to give an additional option for people to travel to the shops without using their cars.
  • At peak times, limit traffic entering the High Street from the south, using traffic lights in a similar manner to that proposed at Haddricks Mill. These lights can also be used to allow buses through.
  • Mitigations on parallel residential streets so they are not used to bypass the above measures.
  • Expand Trinity Square north and south to use the space no longer used by traffic.
  • School streets to help reduce school-run traffic.
  • Regular Clean-Air days on Gosforth High Street.
  • Reviewing and updating parking charges so it is cheaper to park and ride at the northern edge of Newcastle rather than driving into the city or parking e.g. near Ilford Road or South Gosforth Metro stations.

These measures are described further below.

C01 Urgently revisit the plans for Haddricks Mill to remove the risk of induced traffic and create space for separate walking and cycling facilities. Consider if other mitigation measures are also required, to offset the impact of increased traffic levels once Killingworth Road re-opens to two-way traffic. By 06/2019

C02 Re-line Gosforth High Street up to Regent Centre as a single lane in each direction sited in the middle of the current carriageway to reduce exposure by moving traffic away from the pavement. By 08/2019

C03 Use the space created by (C02) to implement a protected cycle lane so people can travel to the shops and services on Gosforth High Street without using a car. Initially, for speed of implementation, these can be completed with temporary ‘bolt-down’ kerbs to give protection from traffic. Gosforth High Street 10/2019

C04 Change the timings on pedestrian crossings to be more responsive to reduce exposure for people waiting to cross. By 10/2019

C05 Install hedges as barriers where space exists e.g. on Trinity Square / outside Gosforth shopping centre. By 10/2019

C06 Clean Air Saturdays – once a month, close Gosforth High Street between St Nicholas Avenue and Church Road to all traffic except buses. By 10/2019

C07 Reconsider the location of bus stops so they still provide good access to the shops but passengers do not have to wait in the most polluted areas. Also ensure that bus stops are fit for purpose and provide weather protection for waiting passengers. By 01/2020

C08 Use traffic lights at the south end of Gosforth High Street next to the Town Moor to control traffic levels entering the High Street during peak hours, similar to the Council’s Haddricks Mill proposal. Initially, for speed of implementation this might require some manual control. By 01/2020

C09 Make changes to the following roads to prevent through traffic using them as an alternative to the High Street to avoid measure C08: Linden, Moor Road North and South, Ilford Road, Regent Road North/Hedley terrace, Westfield Grove, West Avenue, Ivy Road. The ends of West Avenue and Ivy Road could be combined with Trinity Square to create a much larger public event space. The specific locations have been chosen as far as possible to minimise additional journey time for residents living in those neighbourhoods. By 01/2020

C10 Enable and fund local schools in Gosforth and the north of the city to implement school streets where streets next to schools are closed to through traffic during drop off and pick up times. By 01/2020

C11 Review of parking and parking charges so that when entering by car from the north of the city it is cheapest to park and ride from Great Park, and more expensive to park closer to the city centre. Currently it is cheaper and quicker to park near Ilford Road Metro than to use the Great Park or Regent Centre park and ride facilities. By 01/2020 (Review implemented)

C12 Implement 20mph from the Gosforth Traders roundabout at the south end of Jubilee Road to Haddricks Mill roundabout. By 02/2020

C13 Install traffic-free cycle lanes on Station Road between Saint Nicholas Avenue and Haddricks Mill roundabout. This may need to divert from the main road at the final stretch approaching the roundabout due to lane width. By 03/2020

C14 Install traffic-free cycle lanes on Benton Park Road between Haddricks Mill roundabout and St Mary’s Catholic School and the Benton Park View government site. Initially, for speed of implementation, these can be completed with temporary ‘bolt-down’ kerbs to give protection from traffic. By 03/2020

The post Breathe – In Gosforth appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

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