Comments on: Pedestrian Priority on Gosforth High Street Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:40:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: C Fri, 02 Sep 2016 16:49:28 +0000 One of the issues caused by the backing up of traffic on the high st is that is forcing people to find rat runs through other streets. Causes st is really busy and its compounded by the speed people fly along it. The top of causes st is pretty much one land wide and it causes real problems at the junction with linden road due to how narrow that is with the cars parked in linden road.

By: Paul Bennison Wed, 24 Aug 2016 12:28:04 +0000 I am making an assumption here that the give way lines will be before the raised crossing exiting the side roads from the HS and on the HS side when turning into the side roads in order for full pedestrian priority to work. In all instances where pedestrians are moving onto or are already on the raised crossings, vehicles are to give way. The reality therefore will be whilst pedestrian priority is rightfully enhanced as part of this scheme, the stop start nature of polluting traffic on the soon to be single carriageway HS, will increase when pedestrian flows increase. In addition at peak times, vehicles exiting onto the HS will be caught on the raised crossings as they try to view a safe gap in traffic. So as seems to be the case with all current ‘improvements’, it helps with some aspects, but potentially creates additional issues. With a 20mph HS and new parking restrictions, will the on-pavement bollards be removed I wonder?

By: Rupert Fri, 12 Aug 2016 19:06:41 +0000 In reply to EDWARD FOWLER.

Thanks Edward, good point about missing out the Grove, it wasn’t deliberate. We’re hoping your consistency point will be addressed in the final iteration. It’s certainly something we’ve asked for.

Bus stops. There are some changes planned on the High Street but not to do with this initiative. There”s some info on our Facebook page here:

The best email address for other High Street / Gosforth suggestions e.g. about parking is: [email protected]

By: EDWARD FOWLER Thu, 11 Aug 2016 14:25:32 +0000 Well done. Almost a full set of pictures illustrating junctions along The High Street, but why omit the important and well-used junction – The Grove?
Additionally, I find there’s an inconsistency in your positioning of Pedestrian Crossing Points. All, with the exception of The Grove have been positioned in alignment with the adjacent High Street pavements. Such positioning is vital for both pedestrians and drivers of vehicles. So why has The Grove been excluded from this norm?
Bus Stops and Shelters – Any truth in the rumours going the rounds, that a number of them are to be removed?
Any hope of ‘Restricted Parking’ being implemented along The Grove? If so may I suggest from High Street junction to Grove Park, be seriously concidered. Such a scheme applies now to a section of Moor Road North, and can be classified as – being very successful.

By: Rupert Fri, 15 Jul 2016 21:45:55 +0000 In reply to Neil Fodor.

Neil, I agree. The High Street needs to be made safer for everyone and that definitely includes people who want to cycle. We’ve agreed with the Council and traders to do a staged approach rather than one massive change so please keep watching and hopefully we will have something for you in the next few months.

The added parking bays in this proposal are all in side streets so shouldn’t make any difference to cycling on the High Street itself.

By: Rupert Fri, 15 Jul 2016 21:33:35 +0000 In reply to Timothy Charteris.

Timothy, I’ve just updated the pictures to blank out number plates. Thanks for pointing this out.

By: Timothy Charteris Thu, 14 Jul 2016 11:23:16 +0000 Why aren’t the number plates censored?

By: Neil Fodor Mon, 11 Jul 2016 17:34:06 +0000 There is only one reference to cycling that I can see. I use the High Street as a pefestrian, as an occasional dtiver, and as a daily commuter. Where are the plans to make this route safer and easier for cycling? Will the added parking bays mean we now filter in and out of the traffic to get to the cycle path that only begins south of Blue House Roundabout? Cyclsts regularly already get trapped behind the illegally-parked cars up the High Syreet proper, and northbound the putative cycle path up to Poplars is just an excuse for residents to bump up on the pavement, forcing cycles back into the main vehicular flow.

By: Rupert Sat, 09 Jul 2016 21:57:18 +0000 In reply to Julie Irvine.

Thanks Julie. Please do write in with your comments.
Re: the lanes. The junction change isn’t something we’ve discussed but having one straight on lane and one right-turn lane is pretty standard for traffic lights so I’m wondering if it’s just that people aren’t used to it or there is something else going on. Maybe worth waiting a few weeks to see if that makes a difference?

By: Julie Irvine Sat, 09 Jul 2016 15:54:08 +0000 These look sensible suggestions but I agree with Paul that there needs to be more enforcement of existing speeding restrictions. I’d also like to see more emphasis on pedestrian crossing and double yellow lines round the Ivy Road/Salters Road junction where the new Post Office is. This has become quite a dangerous junction as cars routinely park on the faded double yellow lines and people tend to try and cross Salters Road by the shop, ignoring the old pedestrian crossing which is further up the road.
I support the creation of more parking bays but perhaps a few could be for up to 3 hours? Many of the leisure activites on the High Street last for 2 hours such as the choirs and some of the craft activities at Trinity Church. These bring business to Gosforth in different ways to simply shopping and sometimes cater for older people who may need to park and cannot walk far.
On a different note – why is there only one lane going straight north at the Salters Road junction? It may seem a good idea in theory but the turn right scheme on the northbound roadway is causing massive tailbacks. Is this permanent?
I’ll write to the council but thanks SPACE, keep up the good work!
