Choo! choo! It’s the Gosforth Bike Train!

A Bike Train is a led ride along safe routes, and the idea is that it shows people a good route to work to get them started commuting by bike. I heard that GoSmarter was running a Bike Train from Kingston Park through Gosforth to Quorum business park and decided to try it out. I checked out the route and timetable online. I registered for the Bike Train, joining at my nearest stop which was Regent Centre, and received a confirmation email. The journey On the morning of the Read more [...]

Zoe the Guide Dog reviews Salters Road Junction

In October 2016 SPACE for Gosforth arranged a review of recent changes to the Salters Road / Gosforth High Street junction with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association , engineers from Newcastle City Council and Zoe the Guide Dog. Read more [...]

Pollution Update – February 2017

In previous posts we looked at air quality data on Gosforth High Street and on Jesmond Road in the run up to Christmas last year, which showed a marked increase in pollution after Black Friday, 25 November 2016. In this post we look at what has happened to air quality at these sites since then. Read more [...]

Blue House Working Group – Through Routes in Residential Areas

At our last Blue House Working Group Meeting in December 2016, the representatives from the various groups were asked to discuss and consult with their respective memberships on the potential impact of people taking short cuts (aka "rat running") through residential streets to avoid the junction and stay on the main roads.  SPACE are aware of other residential streets around Gosforth that are known "rat runs" however, as requested, we are considering residential streets that are likely to be impacted Read more [...]

Black Friday Part 2 – Newcastle City Centre

In this post we look at the City Centre Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), including equivalent figures from the air quality monitor sited at Jesmond Road, 150m west of the Osborne Avenue traffic lights, to see how this compares to Salters Road and whether the recent increase in air pollution is replicated there. Read more [...]

Black Friday, Smoggy Saturday…

Since Black Friday, 25 November 2016, readings from the new air quality monitor at the Salters Road car park say the average level of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)  has been 50.3 micrograms per cubic metre (μg/m3) or 26% above the legal limit. The legal limit is 40 μg/m3 averaged over a year. It was high levels of nitrogen dioxide that led to the creation of the South Gosforth Air Quality Management Area in 2008. While air pollution is damaging to health, personal exposure travelling further Read more [...]

Blue House and Jesmond Dene Road Working Group | Meeting #6

The Blue House and Jesmond Dene Road Working group met on Monday 12th December.  The notes from the meeting have been uploaded to the working group's website. As with all our meetings, there has been 100% attendance from all of the groups invited, which highlights the importance and acceptance of the process that Newcastle City Council has adopted.  Not forgetting that everyone is also volunteering their time and clearly cares about the outcome. At our sixth meeting we covered the following: Read more [...]

Blue House Measures of Success Part 2 | People Movement

In our second article covering the 'Measures of Success' for the Blue House junction and Jesmond Dene Road we examine criteria to enable People Movement, specifically: Quality of provision for walking Quality of provision for cycling Quality of provision for buses We have focused on these three areas as they conform with Newcastle City Council's policy regarding  hierarchy of users discussed in our previous article on 'Compliance with Adopted Policies'.  SPACE will discuss vehicle Read more [...]

Blue House and Jesmond Dene Road Working Group | Meeting #5

The Blue House and Jesmond Dene Road Working group met on Monday 28th November.  The notes from the meeting have been uploaded to the working group's website. This was our fifth meeting so here's a quick recap of what we've covered already (not in any particular order or priority). From an education and understanding perspective, we've learnt about: City Council policies and how they must be used to influence the design The mechanisms for funding transport plans Data covering collisions, Read more [...]