A Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Gosforth

Newcastle City Council is after feedback about your experience of walking and cycling around Newcastle and how that experience could be improved. This is being done in support of the national Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, which outlines the Government’s ambition "to make cycling and walking a natural choice for shorter journeys, or as part of longer journeys by 2040". Read more [...]

Salters Road New Crossing – comments by 23rd December

  Newcastle City Council are seeking your views on a proposed crossing to be sited on Salters Road.  You can access the original consultation, which closed on 23 December 2018, on the Let's Talk website.  The proposal is to remove the zebra crossing and replace it with a puffin crossing outside of the Spar shop. Update 3/9/2019: The Council approved the original proposal without modification. Update 21/1/2022: The Council have installed the crossing (see bottom of blog). The Read more [...]

Roadworks, Air Quality and Disappearing Traffic

In our last blog we shared the results of the 2017 Council air quality monitoring, showing that Gosforth High Street had the highest recorded nitrogen dioxide (NO2) air pollution in the whole of Newcastle. In this blog, we take a look at three key questions that came up in discussion following release of the 2017 air pollution figures. Read more [...]
If you live in the former East or West Gosforth council wards or in Parklands ward, you should have had a survey leaflet through your door. Please tell your friends, family and neighbours about the survey and ask them to do it too. The more people who take part, the better the picture we will have of Gosforth as a whole. The closing date for the survey is Sunday 25 November. Read more [...]

Air Quality Update 2017

The Council has just released its Air Quality Annual Status Report 2018 and it is not looking good for Gosforth High Street. We had expected that the 2016 reading of 51μg/m3  for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) was a one-off due to the roadworks at the junction with Salters Road, but in 2017 the figure had increased again to 59μg/m3.. Both are substantially higher than the legal maximum of 40μg/m3. Read more [...]

Development and Allocations Plan – Comments by 16 November 2018

Newcastle City Council is consulting on its pre-submission version of the Development and Allocations Plan (DAP). Once confirmed, the proposed DAP will become part of the Local Plan along with The Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan, which will guide development in Newcastle up to 2030. Read more [...]

Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy Safety Review

The Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, published in April 2017, set out an aim of making cycling and walking the natural choices for shorter journeys or as part of a longer journey. In support of that, the government is conducting a cycling and walking safety review. SPACE for Gosforth submitted the following evidence. Read more [...]

SPACE and Chaia Family Bike Ride 2018

SPACE for Gosforth and Chaia Tea Bar have got together again to re-create the family bike ride  we did last year.  Chaia have had lots of people saying they thoroughly enjoyed it and asking for us to do it again. What could be better than a relaxed ride followed by cake! We’ll be taking a slow ride to Exhibition Park, stopping off at the trains, back through the streets of Gosforth and ending up at the rather wonderful Chaia Tea Bar who have promised a special treat for the kids. We are Read more [...]

GNR Bus Shelters

In January 2018, Newcastle City Council agreed to allow North Gosforth Parish Council the option to adopt the two stone/concrete bus shelters on the east side of the Great North Road. In the same meeting, the City Council outlined the concerns that residents had shared with them about these existing shelters and their plans to install new shelters to resolve these concerns and meet accessibility standards. Read more [...]

Gosforth Summer of Cycling 2018

There are lots of cycling activities in and around Gosforth over the summer including family cycle rides, children's cycle coaching, Dr Bike sessions, challenge rides and even a Shakespeare play by a cycling theatre company. If you know of any other related events please do let us know so we can add them into the programme, and keep checking back as we'll be updating the list with more activities as they are confirmed. Read more [...]