Comments on: East Gosforth – Streets for People Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:57:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Sanderson Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:57:59 +0000 Yes, it was the ‘fietsstraat’ that the Dutch and Belgians use that I was thinking about. They are definitely not as good as properly engineered solutions and only work if the signs for motorists explaining the changed priorities are dominant and repeated regularly along the route. There are a few good examples, including some with an extra 1.5 m white line next to parked cars to reduce the risk of “dooring” cyclists, by encouraging riders to occupy the centre of the road lane.

By: SPACE for Gosforth Tue, 28 Apr 2020 20:34:49 +0000 In reply to Roy Sanderson.

Hi Roy, I’ve not seen the blue lanes you mention but the suggestions in this blog could be achieved with just a few planters, or even a concrete block, so aren’t exactly expensive. If you have a link I would be interested in seeing what the blue lanes are.

The Dutch have a similar concept of cycle streets, but these were only successful when the Dutch also removed through traffic. i.e. they would be in addition to our proposal rather than instead of. There’s more about this here:

By: Roy Sanderson Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:38:45 +0000 My main concern is that the Council is likely to be short of cash as a result of the COVID19 emergency for any substantial hard engineered schemes. One possible solution is that used in Belgium, where the blue painted cycle lanes are placed in the centre of the road. Motor vehicles cannot overlake cyclists, and of course there are very clear road signs to indicate this on entry to the affected streets.

This has several advantages
1. It is relatively cheap, as costs are limited to road signs and markings
2. There is no loss of road space for motorists, who often become frustrated by costly schemes that have low take-up by cyclists
3. If cyclists are present the traffic speeds are automatically calmed to 15 to 20 mph

This type of scheme could easily be introduced on a trial basis on Moorfield, Iford Road and Moor Road, which are all part of the Council’s strategic cycle network. Consultation with local residents would be essential in advance of a trial.

By: R GALLAGHER Thu, 22 Aug 2019 16:57:32 +0000 I agree with road restrictions, less traffic, safer journeys to schools and think the pictures of the streets near Kings Cross are brilliant. My worry is that you are pushing more traffic onto ‘secondary distributor’ roads including Gosforth High Street, Church Road and Station Road as a way to deflect the problem. You state that these roads might be designed for more through traffic, however a large number of people still live on them. They have drives, gates and windows and doors opening onto these increasingly busy roads. The same goes for the cycle lanes painted outside peoples houses on the GNR. If they were painted up and down Treherne Road, The Drive or Oakfield Road for example would the cyclists complain of people parking in them there? We need a balance and to create an environment and road layout in Gosforth that encourages people to walk, drive slowly and use the High Street for shopping. Would you drive into Central London to go to the shops? As Stewart Falconer rightly says, NCC are allowing thousands of new homes north of Gosforth with no infrastructure in place. We need to make using a car around Gosforth a less attractive option to change peoples habits. I think the changes described above are a move in the right direction. But in order to not displace traffic, please can we look holistically at Gosforth, including the West side and up Salters Road?

By: SPACE for Gosforth Tue, 20 Aug 2019 17:58:06 +0000 In reply to heather lambert.

Hi Heather,

Thanks for the comment. Just in case it is not clear, (5) refers to the east-west crossing over the Metro line so access wouldn’t be too restricted.

I’ve checked using the same method as the analysis in the article looking at journeys from Rectory Drive about half way between Rectory Avenue and Stoneyhurst Road. For trips via Salters Road and Haddricks Mill there doesn’t look to be any difference in time. Getting on the main road should not be a problem because access would be via the traffic lights at the north end of the Grove. For trips via Blue House it might add maximum a minute or so.

I’m happy to check further options / times if you can give more details.

By: heather lambert Tue, 20 Aug 2019 10:58:34 +0000 If you happen to live between 2 proposed road closures as I do (Rectory Drive ) between 5 & 6 on map it would mean car access to my house nigh on impossible without a considerable diversion around & having to get on to busy main roads.
I support safer streets & cycle to work on a daily basis but have some need to use car on a very regular basis- eg family members with limited mobility, urgent work call in etc

By: Stewart Falconer Tue, 20 Aug 2019 07:14:13 +0000 This is all irrelevant because the council have given planning permission to build 8000 houses just north of Gosforth – they are currently widening the roads for easier access and extra traffic – which is all going via Gosforth
