Category Archives: Safety

Salters Road New Crossing – comments by 23rd December

  Newcastle City Council are seeking your views on a proposed crossing to be sited on Salters Road.  You can access the original consultation, which closed on 23 December 2018, on the Let's Talk website.  The proposal is to remove the zebra crossing and replace it with a puffin crossing outside of the Spar shop. Update 3/9/2019: The Council approved the original proposal without modification. Update 21/1/2022: The Council have installed the crossing (see bottom of blog). The Read more [...]
If you live in the former East or West Gosforth council wards or in Parklands ward, you should have had a survey leaflet through your door. Please tell your friends, family and neighbours about the survey and ask them to do it too. The more people who take part, the better the picture we will have of Gosforth as a whole. The closing date for the survey is Sunday 25 November. Read more [...]

Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy Safety Review

The Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, published in April 2017, set out an aim of making cycling and walking the natural choices for shorter journeys or as part of a longer journey. In support of that, the government is conducting a cycling and walking safety review. SPACE for Gosforth submitted the following evidence. Read more [...]

GNR Bus Shelters

In January 2018, Newcastle City Council agreed to allow North Gosforth Parish Council the option to adopt the two stone/concrete bus shelters on the east side of the Great North Road. In the same meeting, the City Council outlined the concerns that residents had shared with them about these existing shelters and their plans to install new shelters to resolve these concerns and meet accessibility standards. Read more [...]

Newcastle City Council Elections 3 May 2018

Elections for Newcastle City Council are due to be held on 3 May 2018, with new ward boundaries as a result of the recent Local Government Boundary Review. Gosforth is now split across four wards: Fawdon and West Gosforth, Gosforth, Dene and South Gosforth, and Parklands. Each of these new wards will be represented by three councillors and voters in each ward can vote for up to three candidates. With lots of new faces we're keen to find out what the candidates think, in particular about Read more [...]

Broadway to Brunton Cycle Lane – Consultation Review

Newcastle City Council have published their final plans for the Broadway to Brunton Cycle Lane and construction is due to start soon in a series of phases to minimise disruption. Residents' feedback showed that there was broad support, with most people agreeing with the aims of the scheme but with a number of detail points that needed addressing. In this blog we take a look at the consultation process and the changes made by the Council as a result of that feedback. Read more [...]

Garden Village

In August 2017 some residents from Garden Village contacted SPACE for Gosforth to ask for our help in looking at how to improve their community, in particular from the perspective of ensuring the village flourished as a safe and healthy place for everyone.  We were of course happy to oblige. At the same time as we engaged with the Garden Village Residents group, Newcastle City Council published an open consultation to hear views on Salter’s Bridge. The consultation closed on 6th November 2017. Garden Read more [...]

Building a Safe Cycling Network for Gosforth

Cycling is a healthy, low cost, low impact way of travelling but currently for many people in Gosforth it is not a viable choice. Although cycling is a relatively safe activity in itself and suitable for many everyday journeys, Gosforth's roads often feel very dangerous because they are so busy with traffic, especially at rush hour and when children are travelling to or from school. In our post National Walking Month - May 2017 we asked you to help us document locations in Gosforth where there were issues with walking and to share ideas for how Gosforth could be improved for walking. In this post we want to do the same for cycling. Read more [...]