Category Archives: Public Transport

North East Transport Plan Consultation – January 2021

From November 2020 to January 2021 Transport North East held a consultation on their draft transport plan for the North East up to 2035. This is the SPACE for Gosforth response. We looked at the plan’s vision and objectives, and we looked at the schemes proposed. The vision talks about carbon reduction, health, reducing inequalities, safer streets and sustainable travel. The schemes include link roads, corridor improvements, capacity upgrades, addressing vehicle pinch points, dual carriageways Read more [...]

Blackett Street

Newcastle City Council have proposed that Blackett Street and parts of New Bridge Street are made into a pedestrian area linking Northumberland Street, Monument and Old Eldon Square. This blog is our response to the Council's consultation. Read more [...]

Horrible Haddricks – part 2

We know from our own measurements that there is space for separate, good quality walking and cycling provision at Haddricks Mill, but that the Council has chosen, contrary to its own policy and legal obligation to reduce air pollution, to prioritise high-speed and potentially dangerous vehicle movements instead. Read more [...]
If you live in the former East or West Gosforth council wards or in Parklands ward, you should have had a survey leaflet through your door. Please tell your friends, family and neighbours about the survey and ask them to do it too. The more people who take part, the better the picture we will have of Gosforth as a whole. The closing date for the survey is Sunday 25 November. Read more [...]

GNR Bus Shelters

In January 2018, Newcastle City Council agreed to allow North Gosforth Parish Council the option to adopt the two stone/concrete bus shelters on the east side of the Great North Road. In the same meeting, the City Council outlined the concerns that residents had shared with them about these existing shelters and their plans to install new shelters to resolve these concerns and meet accessibility standards. Read more [...]

SPACE’s 2016: some things old, new, borrowed and BLUE

Blue House, Gosforth High Street, electric bikes, guest speakers and much much more - a year in the life of SPACE for Gosforth! Read more [...]

Killingworth Road Gas Works 27-31 March 2017

Due to essential gas works, Killingworth Road will be closed northbound from Monday 27th March for up to 5 days, and then for a longer period later in the year when the Metro bridge is due to be replaced. For those that wish to (or have to) drive the advice is to leave extra time for your journey. Below are some alternative options if you don't need to take your car. Coming from the north by car, there are Park and Ride sites at: Metro Park and Ride at Kingston Park and Read more [...]

John Dobson Street: a Safe Pedestrian And Cycling Environment

In this post we want to look at the new street layout on John Dobson Street, and whether it has improved the experience of those who use this street.  The improvements are a flagship project for Newcastle upon Tyne City Council, with a new traffic-free cycle lane that links Newcastle Civic Centre at St. Mary's Place and the Blue Carpet in front of the Laing Art Gallery and the Journey (Newcastle's healthy travel centre) on New Bridge Street West. 1. Walking The new cycle lane has Read more [...]

Poor Planning means Bigger Junctions?

One of the reasons stated for the size of the proposed Blue House roundabout was extra traffic generated by new housing developments to the west and north of the city. Planning approval is currently being sought from North Tyneside Council for a development of 238 new houses on Gosforth Business Park. This development, and in particular decisions made relating to its layout and design, will directly influence the volume of traffic through Haddricks Mill and Blue House junctions. Read more [...]