Economy Archives - SPACE for Gosforth Mon, 22 Aug 2022 08:52:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Economy Archives - SPACE for Gosforth 32 32 North East Transport Plan Consultation – January 2021 Sat, 16 Jan 2021 21:54:16 +0000 From November 2020 to January 2021 Transport North East held a consultation on their draft transport plan for the North East up to 2035. This is the SPACE for Gosforth […]

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Title picture transport plan 2021-2035

From November 2020 to January 2021 Transport North East held a consultation on their draft transport plan for the North East up to 2035. This is the SPACE for Gosforth response.

We looked at the plan’s vision and objectives, and we looked at the schemes proposed. The vision talks about carbon reduction, health, reducing inequalities, safer streets and sustainable travel. The schemes include link roads, corridor improvements, capacity upgrades, addressing vehicle pinch points, dual carriageways and junction upgrades. These clearly don’t align.

We fully support the plan objectives, but the schemes need to be re-evaluated to select and expand those that support the objectives and reject those that do not.

Transport North East say they are working to “deliver game-changing transport schemes and initiatives.” and “to greatly improve the lives of everyone living or working in our region.” The current plan won’t do this, but we hope our and other’s feedback will be taken into account to produce a revised plan that will achieve the stated objectives.

Transport for the North East itself provides “strategy, planning and delivery services on behalf of the North East Joint Transport Committee (NEJTC)“, where the committee is made up of the region’s two Combined Authorities (North of Tyne Combined Authority covering Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland, and the North East Combined Authority covering Durham, Gateshead, Sunderland and South Tyneside).

Update 13 March 2021: Transport North East have produced their final plan for approval by local authorities. You can see the final plan and a “You said – we did” document explaining what changes have been made here.

The letter below is our group’s response to the original consultation in January 2021.

Dear Transport North East,

Re: North East Transport Plan Consultation – January 2021

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the North East Transport Plan. It is extremely positive to see The North East Combined Authority and The North of Tyne Combined Authority working together on a single coherent plan for the region.

We welcome and acknowledge the need, as you say, to “deliver profound and lasting improvements that will shape the North East and its people for decades to come.” We are in the midst of a Climate Emergency, a health crisis made worse because of existing high levels of poor health in part caused by inactivity, and scandalously we have still have not met legally-binding targets for air quality that came into force in 2005.

Between 2010 and 2019, 511 people were killed and 6,450 people were seriously injured on the North East’s roads. These are not just statistics, they were mums, dads, children, friends and neighbours. Almost half of those killed or seriously injured on the region’s roads were under 35 years old. Change is needed, and it is needed quickly, by 2025 not by 2035.

“The truth about a region’s aspirations isn’t found in its vision. It’s found in its budget.”

We’ve looked at the plan’s vision and objectives, and we’ve looked at the schemes proposed. The vision talks about carbon reduction, health, reducing inequalities, safer streets and sustainable travel. The schemes include link roads, corridor improvements, capacity upgrades, addressing vehicle pinch points, dual carriageways and junction upgrades. These clearly don’t align.

Carbon reduction, improved health and more sustainable travel all point to less vehicle traffic in future, not more. Building for more traffic while at the same time forecasting less traffic is just throwing money away, and will lead to more emissions and poor health outcomes.

While we acknowledge many of the schemes included do support active travel and public transport, for a region of two million people they could be substantially more ambitious than proposed, and achieve benefits far more quickly if funds weren’t being diverted to expensive schemes to create unneeded additional vehicle capacity.

The vision should define the destination

The plan vision needs to establish and make tangible what the end goal is and start to build towards that, so people understand the destination rather than only seeing individual steps on the journey. This will support both community buy-in to the plan and provide better focus for the initiatives that make up the plan.

It is not hard to envisage what this would look like. As a minimum it would need to include:

  • Accessible and inclusive local streets with pavements that are not cluttered or used for parking.
  • A defined road network for essential vehicle journeys, with reduced capacity compared to now, as fewer journeys will need a vehicle in future when other better options become available.
  • Local roads that are not part of that main-road network that can be used for walking, cycling, socializing and street play, but not for through traffic (low traffic neighbourhoods).
  • Junctions designed to prevent high-speed collisions and speed limits set to ensure collisions do not lead to serious injury or death.
  • A region-wide network of safe walking and cycling routes to connect homes to shops, schools, parks and other local destinations and which support inclusive cycling and allow children to travel independently.
  • An efficient high-frequency bus network with good quality interchanges and integration with walking and cycling routes for longer multi-modal journeys.

These alone would substantially achieve all the plan objectives with money to spare. The question for Transport North East is how quickly it can move to achieve this vision, so that everyone who lives in the North East can start to see and feel the benefits.

Transport North East has work to do to demonstrate this is not a ‘business as usual’ transport plan.

Substantially the objectives in the plan do speak to the serious economic, climate, air quality, health and wellbeing issues that are today caused by road transport, and need to be addressed through changes to the transport system. Good intentions though are not enough to achieve good outcomes.

As we have said, many of the actual schemes proposed are very much business as usual.

We therefore want to challenge Transport North East to come up with a revised set of schemes, including those on the list above, that will demonstrably prove this is not a ‘business as usual’ plan.

To be genuinely transformational, and not just business as usual, the plan should very clearly:

  • Enable the five of seven local authorities that have set a target to be carbon neutral by 2030 to achieve that by substantially decarbonizing the transport system by 2030.
  • Achieve zero killed and seriously injured on the region’s roads by 2025. (This should be part of the safe, secure network objective, not hidden away on page 33.)
  • Create safe networks of routes leading to a step-change increase in walking and cycling for local (< 5 mile) journeys throughout the region.
  • Demonstrate that Transport North East and the constituent authorities can act with the necessary pace and urgency to make these happen, with substantial progress by 2025 or sooner.

There’s no such thing as a ‘two minutes late for work emergency’

There is a Climate Emergency. Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK. Physical inactivity is responsible for one in six UK deaths.

Choosing how the budget is allocated is a moral and political choice. Transport North East can either deliver profound and lasting improvements by prioritising the budget to address transport poverty, health, climate, economy and environment, or it can build more link roads to make driving marginally more attractive for a few years for people who can afford it. Almost certainly it won’t be possible to do both.

Please choose wisely.

We enclose our response to the consultation questions below.

Yours faithfully,

SPACE for Gosforth

SPACE for Gosforth North East Transport Plan Questionnaire Response

2. Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?

We are responding on behalf of the SPACE for Gosforth group, based in Gosforth in Newcastle upon Tyne. SPACE for Gosforth is a residents’ group with the aim of promoting healthy, liveable, accessible and safe neighbourhoods where walking and cycling are safe, practical and attractive travel options for residents of all ages and abilities. We are residents of Gosforth, most of us with families and we walk, cycle, use public transport and drive. SPACE stands for Safe Pedestrian and Cycling Environment.

6. Do we support the Vision Statement: “Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East”

Yes, we support the Vision Statement.

This needs to be brought to life and explained properly so people understand where the plan is, or should be according to the objectives, leading us. For example:

  • Accessible and inclusive local streets with pavements that are not cluttered or used for parking.
  • A defined road network for essential vehicle journeys, with reduced capacity compared to now, as fewer journeys will need a vehicle in future when other better options become available.
  • Local roads that are not part of that main-road network that can be used for walking, cycling, socializing and street play, but not for through traffic (low traffic neighbourhoods).
  • Speed limits set to ensure collisions do not lead to serious injury or death, and junctions designed to prevent high-speed collisions.
  • A region-wide network of safe walking and cycling routes to connect homes to shops, schools, parks and other local destinations and which support inclusive cycling and allow children to travel independently.
  • An efficient high-frequency bus network with good quality interchanges and integration with walking and cycling routes for longer multi-modal journeys

How much do you agree with each of the following objectives?

NETP Objective SPACE for Gosforth Response
7. Carbon neutral North East

We will initiate actions to make travel in the North East net carbon zero, helping to tackle the climate emergency declared by our two Combined and seven Local Authorities, addressing our air quality challenges, and helping to achieve the UK’s net zero by 2050 commitment.


We support the Climate Emergency declarations made by North East councils, the work underway to achieve legal air quality limits in the shortest possible timescales (as required by the UK High Court), and further improvements in air quality even where limits have been met.

Five of the seven councils have a stated aim to become carbon neutral by 2030 (see p103 of the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal).

This objective, as written, would not achieve the stated policies of the members of the NE Joint Transport Committee, and for the same reason it is not compliant with UK air quality law as determined in ClientEarth v Secretary of State for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Case No: CO/1508/2016).

A compatible objectives would be: “The NETP will ensure that transport in the NE will be carbon neutral by 2030 and that air quality will meet legal limits in the shortest possible timescales.”

8. Overcome inequality and grow our economy

The Plan is aligned with the North East LEP’s long term goals to first return the region to pre-Covid-19 GDP and employment levels and then to move forward in pursuit of the economic ambitions set down in their Strategic Economic Plan (SEP).


Inequality and economy are different objectives and should be recorded as such. We suggest:

  1. The NETP will ensure all transport options are accessible and inclusive and will reduce ‘transport poverty’ caused by the high cost of owning and running a car, and a lack of alternative transport methods.
  2. The NETP will support economic growth by
    1. Maximising transport capacity through the prioritisation of the most space-efficient modes of transport,
    2. Reducing the cost of travel by prioritising investment to walking and cycling as the default travel option for local journeys, and
    3. Managing vehicle transport demand so that those that have a health or business need to use a private vehicle can do so without being delayed by those that have other viable options for how to travel.

We support both these objectives.

9. Healthier North East

The North East has the lowest life expectancy of all the English regions. The Plan will help achieve better health outcomes for people in the region by encouraging active travel and getting people to travel by more sustainable means, improving air quality, helping our region to attain health levels at least equal to other regions in the UK.


We support this objective, however suggest the use of ‘enable’ rather than ‘encourage’ i.e.

“The Plan will help achieve better health outcomes for people in the region by enabling active travel …”

This is because there is no evidence we are aware of that encouragement by itself is likely to make a substantial difference to how people travel. See for example

10. Appealing sustainable transport choices

We will introduce measures which make sustainable travel, including cycling and walking, a more attractive, greener, and easy alternative to getting around.


We support this objective and suggest ‘a more attractive’ is replaced by ‘the most attractive’ to support and enable other plan objectives to be met. I.e. “We will introduce measures which make sustainable travel, including cycling and walking, the most attractive, greener, and easiest way to get around.

11. Safe, secure network

We will improve transport safety and security, ensuring that people are confident that they will be able to feel safe and secure when travelling around the North East.


We support this objective but suggest it is updated to explicitly include the target noted on page 33 of the plan: “Our aim is for there to be no fatalities or serious injuries on the regions’ road network by 2025.”

The objective should also aim to reduce the number of people who believe that cycling on the roads is too dangerous. According to the 2019 National Travel Attitude Survey 61% of people currently believe that cycling on the roads is too dangerous.

What do you think are the barriers to achieving each of these objectives?

The following are common barriers and / or risks that are likely to apply to all the objectives. We suggest these are included in a NE Transport Risk log to be tracked along with appropriate mitigations.

Governance and Leadership Risks

  • Lack of political leadership and/or lack of alignment between political leaders.
  • Lack of urgency to achieve committed timescales e.g. carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Focusing on, and getting bogged down in, small incremental changes at the expense of the more widespread changes needed to achieve the objectives.
  • Delays due to schemes not being initiated until the overall plan is agreed.
  • Lack of clear prioritisation between objectives e.g. air quality limits need by law to be met ‘in the shortest possible timescale’ and the target for five of seven authorities is to be carbon neutral is 2030.
  • Poor quality governance that means schemes, especially those that increase vehicle capacity, are implemented even if they don’t meet the NETP objectives.
  • Failure to account for the longer-term impact of Covid in reducing demand for transport.
  • Weak planning policies that lead to the creation of new car-dependant suburbs with no local facilities.
  • Not exploring alternative revenue raising options for traffic demand management such as a workplace parking levy.

Risks relating to the selection of schemes

  • Insufficient portion of the overall budget allocated to meet specific objectives.
  • Too much focus on ‘encouragement’ rather than making changes to make streets safer to enable people to walk or cycle.
  • Inappropriate allocation of the budget to the wrong schemes that either will not support the objectives or prevent budget being allocated to more effective, more strategically aligned, cheaper or quicker to deliver schemes.
  • Over-reliance on traffic management changes, which are unlikely to achieve the objectives and risk inducing increasing traffic volumes and adding to pollution and emissions.
  • A lack of measures to manage and reduce the demand for private vehicle travel.
  • Promotion of headline-grabbing ‘mega-schemes’ that sound impressive but are less effective than using the same budget for a package of smaller measures.
  • Continued over-reliance on traditional ‘predict and provide’ planning for new roads that assume increasing traffic levels even though the NETP objectives implicitly require that in future fewer vehicle miles will be driven than now.

Risks relating to Public Engagement

  • Failing to make the case for urgent change through lack of, or poor quality public communications.
  • Poor quality or overly-long consultations that delay implementation.
  • Too much weight given to relatively minor objections, or issues that can be mitigated, compared to the benefits from achieving the plan objectives.
  • Mixed messages vs other council policies e.g. free parking offers.

Risks relating to Implementation

  • Over-reliance on modelling vs trialling changes.
  • Lack of training and expertise within councils and suppliers to make the necessary change to move quickly from traditional vehicle-led design to people-led design of road schemes.

Further barriers and / or risks that apply to specific objectives are set out in the table below.

NETP Objective SPACE for Gosforth Response – Barriers
7. Carbon neutral North East The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Lack of sufficient urgency.
  • Insufficient prioritisation of the transport budget for schemes to enable transport in the NE to be carbon neutral by 2030. E.g. an expensive rail scheme that does not deliver until 2032 would be much less use in reaching the target compared to a smaller scheme that can be implemented by 2025, even if the long-term affect would be greater.
  • Over-reliance on electric vehicles as a ‘silver bullet’.
  • Inclusion of schemes, such as new link roads, that will lead to increased emissions.
8. Overcome inequality and grow our economy The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Lack of focus on ensuring local streets are accessible and can be used by all ages and abilities including children and older people.
  • Failing to provide a linked network of inclusive, accessible, all age and ability cycling facilities to link homes and key destinations.
  • Incorrectly focusing on expensive schemes to reduce private vehicle journey times instead of measures that will be effective to reduce transport costs and support increased economic activity in the NE.
  • Too much priority given to vehicle parking even though evidence shows that pedestrianisation or replacing parking with good quality cycle provision are both likely to lead to higher retail sales.
9. Healthier North East The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Too many schemes funded to make private vehicle transport more attractive compared to active transport.
  • Lack of focus on what makes us happy and healthy e.g. quiet (low noise/traffic), safe streets with street trees, benches and places to meet, play, exercise and socialise that can be quickly achieved through low-traffic neighbourhoods.
  • Over-reliance on soft ‘behaviour change’ initiatives without associated infrastructure changes.
10. Appealing sustainable transport choices The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Lack of, or poor quality walking and cycling facilities that don’t meet standards and require longer, slower, routes or require people to mix with heavy traffic to complete journeys.
  • Insufficient focus on appealing places rather than moving vehicles.
  • Insufficient focus on changes needed to enable more local journeys, such as walking or cycling to school or to local shops, within urban areas.

We also submitted a list of barriers to walking and cycling in our response to the NECA Walking and Cycling Survey in July 2017. We have included a copy of that response in Appendix A to this letter.

11. Safe, secure network The main barriers or risks to achieving this objective are likely to be:

  • Conflicting objectives that lead to designs that speed up and prioritise space for vehicle traffic rather than more sustainable, safer, space-efficient travel modes like walking and cycling.
  • Inappropriate use of shared paths rather than separate walking and cycling facilities.
  • Lack of input from or consideration of vulnerable road users on what causes them to feel unsafe.
  • Failing to address pavement parking.

12. Are there any objectives you would have liked to see which are missing? If so, what are they?


Better places – streets as places where we all live, play, socialize, exercise, shop & where people want to live.

13. Do you agree that individual projects will be required to submit Monitoring and Evaluation Plans?

Yes, we agree. The monitoring and evaluation plans need to assess whether schemes support achievement of the NETP objectives.

How much do you agree with the following policy statements?

Policy Area Policy Statements SPACE for Gosforth response
Making the right travel choice 14. We will enable people to make greener and healthier travel choices whenever they can and ensure our sustainable network takes everyone where they need to go at a price they can afford. 5. Strongly Agree
15. We must ensure all our actions improve transport across the region and deliver to the objectives of this Plan so we are greener, more inclusive, healthier, safer and our economy thrives. 5. Strongly Agree
Active Travel 16. We will help more people use active travel by making the cycle network better across the North East. This will include being flexible in how we use road space to help cyclists and pedestrians. 5. Strongly Agree – Proposed alternative: “We will help more people use active travel by making the cycle network better across the North East. This will include reallocating road space to separate people walking and cycling and from moving traffic.”
Public transport: travelling by bus, ferry
and on demand public transport 17. We will improve bus travel and attract more passengers with new rapid bus corridors. This will include changing how road space is used to help buses move more quickly. 4. Agree – including improved integration with cycling to expand the area that will benefit from the new bus corridors. This would include the provision of secure cycle storage at main bus stops.
18. We will take action to continue to support the Shields Ferry and develop potential improvements where possible. 4. Agree – including improved integration with cycling.
19. We must help more people to reach the sustainable transport network with more ‘on demand’ solutions. 3. Neither agree nor disagree. On demand’ public transport is typically inefficient and costly, only likely to be justified for people with specific transport needs, or with semi-flexible services to support sparse demand in rural areas. See e.g.
Private transport: travelling by car and using
road infrastructure 20. We must make our roads flow better for goods and essential car journeys. Proposed alternative: “We will reduce non-essential vehicle journeys and manage road traffic demand so roads flow better for goods and essential car journeys.” Note that improving ‘flow’ risks increasing fuel consumption and air pollution. See e.g.
21. We must strengthen use of cleaner, greener cars, vans and lorries. 4. Agree Proposed alternative: “We will support the introduction of cleaner, greener cars, vans and lorries for journeys that cannot be made by other, more sustainable means.”
Public transport: travelling by local rail
and Metro 22. We must invest in Metro and local rail to extend and improve the network. 4. Agree – where this would meet the timescales set out in the objectives.
23. We will take action to drive our partners to make travelling and moving goods around our region more efficient and greener. 4. Agree – for local freight this policy might be better included in the Active Travel policy area, rather than public transport, given the substantial untapped potential for cargo bikes for first and last mile deliveries.
Connectivity beyond
our own boundaries 24. We must work with partners to make movement of people and goods to and from our region, more efficient and greener. 4. Agree – however this should be of lower priority than movement of people and goods within our region.
25. We must work with partners to strengthen connections from destinations in our region to everywhere in the UK and beyond. 2. Disagree It is not clear what ‘strengthen connections’ means in this context? Agglomeration benefits are only relevant to local journeys within or between nearby conurbations, so this policy is unlikely to support achievement any of the stated objectives. A greater focus on digital (out of scope for this plan) might be more effective.
Research, Development Active travel and Innovation 26. We will embrace new technologies to meet our transport objectives and set innovation challenges to industry creating new opportunities with our network as the testbed. 2. Disagree – substantially all the technologies to meet the NETP transport objectives already exist. This is likely to distract from rather than improve the chance that the NETP will meet its objectives.
Overarching policy areas 27. We will strive to integrate within and between different types of transport, so that each contributes its full potential and people can move easily between them. 4. Agree e.g. In the Netherlands a high proportion of people combine cycling and public transport for longer journeys.
28. We must constantly seek funding opportunities to deliver our Transport Plan objectives. 5. Strongly Agree
29. We will take action to make travel in the North East net carbon zero and improve transport safety and security. 5. Strongly Agree. Proposed alternative: “We will take action to make travel in the North East net carbon zero by 2030 and improve transport safety and security. Our aim is for there to be no fatalities or serious injuries on the regions’ road network by 2025.”
30. We must ensure that we work with partner organisations to drive new, quality roles and innovate in the transport sectors. 3. Neither agree nor disagree.

31. Are there any comments you would like to make on the policy statements?

See table above.

32. Are there any policy statements which you think are missing?

Please see alternative proposals in the table above. In addition we would like to propose:

Active Travel – Streets are easier and safer to navigate for residents or visitors with limited mobility and for residents or visitors with disabilities or conditions for whom travel is a challenge.

Active Travel – There is good walking and cycling access to local community destinations including schools, shops, medical centres, work-places and transport hubs.

Active Travel – Streets are valued as places where people live, meet and socialise, and not just for travelling through.

33. What do you think of the timeline for the delivery of schemes up to 2035?

The pace of change in the plan is massively too slow and risks not achieving set targets especially:

  • Achieving air quality legal limits ‘in the shortest possible timescales’.
  • Achieving no fatalities or serious injuries on the regions’ road network by 2025.
  • Achieving carbon neutral transport by 2030.

34. Are there any schemes which you feel are missing from this timeline? 

Schemes that support these urgent time-bound objectives should be prioritised and delivered early in the plan timescale. These can include:

  • Widespread (region-wide) implementation of low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets.
  • New main road crossings, in support of new safe walking and cycling networks.
  • Narrowing lanes on urban main roads to 3m maximum width for improved safety for all users.
  • Trial schemes to reallocate space on main roads to create wider pop-up protected cycle lanes.
  • Review of speed limits to meet Vision Zero principles: 20 mph speed limits in cities, 40mph limits on rural minor roads.
  • Clear Air Zones where air quality limits are currently not met.
  • Using parking charges to manage and limit traffic demand in busy city centres, including workplace parking levies.
  • New bus lanes, where space is not needed for walking and cycling facilities.
  • Tightening entrances and exits from junctions to prevent vehicles from travelling through those junctions at high speeds, putting other users at risk.
  • Better enforcement of traffic offences, including via the use of ANPR cameras.
  • Improved winter maintenance of pavements and cycle lanes.
  • On-street secure cycle storage (e.g. cycle hoops)
  • Definition and implementation of a minimum viable cycle network that connects homes to major destinations and can then be expanded and improved on.
  • Creation of a plan for a regional cycle network including traffic-free cycle links between adjacent urban areas e.g. Newcastle to Ponteland, Killingworth or Cramlington.

SPACE for Gosforth has previously submitted evidence-based suggestions for how to reduce carbon emissions to the Newcastle City Council climate change consultation, which can be found here:

SPACE for Gosforth has also completed a literature review to find what type of measures have evidence to show they are effective to reduce air pollution, which can be found here:

SPACE for Gosforth’s response to the Newcastle City Council Breathe Clean Air consultation, which proposes schemes to address air pollution in Newcastle can be found here:

We would also like to propose the inclusion of this walking and cycling scheme by Regent Centre in Gosforth:

35. Are there any schemes in our programme which you feel should not be included? 

Yes. Building for more traffic while at the same time forecasting less traffic is just throwing money away, and will lead to more emissions and poor health outcomes.

Link roads, corridor improvements, capacity upgrades, addressing vehicle pinch points, dual carriageways and junction upgrades are how we ended up with a climate crisis and illegal levels of air pollution. More of the same won’t address the climate crisis, won’t solve air pollution, won’t make it safer or more attractive to walk or cycle, won’t address transport poverty, and will further decimate local High Streets as people who can drive are incentivised to travel long-distances to out of town shopping centres rather than supporting local shops.

All the schemes that increase vehicle capacity and encourage more driving need to be re-examined to assess whether they will actually support the objectives or if there are better options including the use of traffic demand management to keep roads clear for those that need to drive most.

Schemes that should be re-evaluated and removed if not consistent with the objectives or if better options exist include:

  • Schemes for new car parks, access roads and link roads,
  • Additional lanes, dual carriageways, bypasses and any scheme that claims to improve ‘flow’,
  • Junction changes designed to increase vehicle throughput, and ‘pinch point’ schemes,
  • Changes to vehicle capacity made as part of ‘all user improvements’ or ‘strategic corridor improvements’, and
  • Relief roads and new vehicle bridges.

36. Are there any other comments you would like to make? 

In our response to the NECA Walking and Cycling survey in 2017 we said the following, which is equally relevant to the NE Transport Plan.

The strategy [Plan] needs to recognise that every journey driven that could have been undertaken by foot or by cycle:

  • Increases travelling cost for the person travelling, money that might otherwise have been spent in the local area.
  • Adds to the overall cost of road maintenance.
  • Worsens air quality and creates risks for other road users.
  • Increases carbon emissions.
  • Is a lost opportunity for fresh air and exercise.
  • Creates additional demand for parking which means less land available for housing and other more productive uses.

Likewise for every neighbourhood designed to prioritise traffic over place we find:

  • Children unable to play outside
  • Teenagers not able to travel independently
  • Older people stuck alone in their home
  • And a community weakened through lack of on-street social interaction.
  • Local shops and services diminished because of competition from out of town shopping centres.

Whether or not these are part of the thinking for the transport strategy, or part of its aims, these are the real life outcomes. Nor are these just words. Tens of thousands of people die early each year due to poor air quality near roads. Many more die due to other conditions and illnesses related to how we travel. For example “regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%, the incidence of cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%” (

By prioritising walking and cycling, the NECA Strategic Transport Plan can deal with air pollution, it can reduce social isolation, it can improve choice for how we travel and make neighbourhoods more accessible for those with reduced mobility. It can reduce road injuries and deaths and reduce the fear that people feel when travelling on foot or by cycle. It can enable children’s independence so they can travel to go to school or play outside with their friends. It can enable people to travel to work and make them feel better when they get there. And it can align individual and community-wide incentives to ensure the transport system as a whole is as efficient as possible.

We hope that Transport North East will seize this opportunity and put in place a robust and well-funded plan to address all these issues as a matter of urgency.

For reference, we have previously responded to two NECA consultations and a consultation by Transport for the North.

The 20 year transport manifesto for the North East, in April 2016 –

The July 2017 NECA Walking and Cycling survey –

Transport for the North Strategic Transport Plan April 2018 –


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Coronavirus – Shop Local Gosforth Sat, 28 Mar 2020 22:43:34 +0000 From Monday 23 March, the UK Government ordered all non-essential businesses to close to reduce the further spread of coronavirus. While most people will agree this is necessary, the potential consequences for businesses are significant. This is true both for businesses that have to close and those that can remain open but have to adapt quickly to new hygiene requirements. 

The post Coronavirus – Shop Local Gosforth appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

From Monday 23 March, the UK Government ordered all non-essential businesses to close to reduce the further spread of coronavirus. While most people will agree this is necessary, the potential consequences for businesses are significant. This is true both for businesses that have to close and those that can remain open but have to adapt quickly to new hygiene requirements.

The most important thing we can do is to follow Government advice to avoid spreading the disease. We can also continue to support those local shops that remain open to help them through this difficult time.

Below is a list of shops and services in Gosforth that we believe are currently still open, and whether they will deliver – especially important for those required to self-isolate.

The situation is changing rapidly though, so If you spot a business hasn’t been included that should be, or any other errors or omissions, please do let us know via the comments below and we’ll do our best to keep this list up to date.

For the most up to date information though, please do visit the shop’s website or give them a call.

Current NHS advice is available here, which (at 26/3/2020) includes:

  1. Stay at home and do not visit shops if you or someone you live with has symptoms of Coronavirus, or are at high risk of getting seriously ill.
  2. Minimise time spent outside of the home. Ensure you are 2 metres apart from anyone outside of your household, including when inside shops.
  3. Only shop for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible.
  4. Wash your hands with soap and water often – for at least 20 seconds.
  5. Wash your hands as soon as you get back home.

You can register here for email alerts to let you know when advice has been updated. Government guidance on which businesses should shut and which can remain open is here.

ChronicleLive has also done an article on where to get takeaways covering Newcastle as a whole. You can also check for takeaways via Just Eat or Deliveroo.

Food Deliveries and Takeaways

Gosforth High Street

Restaurants, cafes and pubs Services provided
Ahad Tandoori
78-82 High Street, NE3 1HB
Indian restaurant to takeaway.
See Facebook for contact details.
The Bake One
215 – 217 High Street, NE3 1HQ
Lebanese food to takeaway. See:
Cafe 1901
Trinity Centre, High Street
Meal delivery service. See Facebook for details.
Deli Espresso
3A Salters Rd, NE3 1DH
Food takeaway or delivery. Order by phone.
Gosforth Chippy
216 High St, NE3 1HH
Limited opening. Order on-line for delivery or collection
Gosforth Flame
207 High St, NE3 1HQ
Fast food takeaway for delivery or collection.
Order at:
Greyjoy’s [Now closed]
75 High Street, NE3 4AA
On-line grocery store for delivery or collection.
Order at:
New New Bengal
232 High Street, NE3 1HH
Open for takeaways. No deliveries.
Oli & Joes
235 High Street, NE3 1HQ
Open for takeaways and deliveries (via Deliveroo).
See Facebook:
Papa John’s
74 High Street, NE3 1HB
Pizza delivery. No collection.
Order at:
Pizza Hut
233 High Street, NE3 1HQ
Pizza delivery.
Order at:
Queen Vic
206 High Street, NE3 1HD
Pub food for collection or delivery.
See Facebook:
Wai Ho
222 High Street, NE3 1HH
Chinese food for delivery or takeaway
Order via:

Rest of Gosforth

Restaurant, cafe or pub Services provided
Domino’s Pizza
6 Station Road, NE3 1QD
Pizza delivery. No collection.
Order at:
Gosforth Traders
151-153 Salters Road
Off-licence. Deliveries
Little India
25 Station Road, NE3 1QD
Indian takeaway for collection or delivery
See: Facebook
Love and Peas
41 Station Road, NE3 1QD
Italian cafe takeaway.
See Facebook.
Moti Jheel
38 Station Road, NE3 1QD
Indian takeaway for collection or delivery
Nice Noodle
89 Great North Road
Chinese takeaway for collection or delivery
Order at:
Pak Lok [Might be closed?]
84 Station Road, NE3 1QD
Chinese takeaway for collection or delivery
Order at: 
The Days of the Raj 
49 Great North Rd, NE3 2HH
Indian Restaurant deliveries or takeaway
Order at:

Supermarkets and other food shops

Gosforth High Street

Shop Services provided
Carruthers and Kent
3A Elmfield Road, NE3 4AY
Wine, cheese and oils for delivery
Donald Gilberts Butchers
Unit 18, Gosforth Shopping Centre, NE3 1JZ
Traditional Butcher. Visit the shop or order for delivery.
See Facebook for details.
McColl’s [Closed Friday 3 April]
92 High Street, NE3 1HB.
Grocery Store.
Pink Lane Bakery
Old Fire Station Court Yard
Bakery, deliveries for people in self-isolation
1-7 The Gosforth Centre, NE3 1JZ.
Supermarket with deliveries.

Rest of Gosforth

Shop Services provided
Hollywood Avenue, NE3 5BU
Wansbeck Road, NE3 3HQ
Supermarket with deliveries. 
Ashburton Village Store
21 Ashburton Road
Convenience store
Charlotte’s Butchery
15 Ashburton Road, NE3 4XN
Visit the shop or phone orders for delivery.
Coppers at Gosforth
17 Princes Road, Brunton Park
Small supermarket
George Payne Butchers
27 Princes Road, Brunton Park, NE3 5TT
Visit the shop or phone an order on 0191 236 2992.
Greenwells Greengrocers
4 Ashburton Road, NE3 4XN
Shops open limited hours or email [email protected]
8 Kenton Park Shopping Centre, NE3 4RU
Great North Road, NE3 2DQ
Convenience store
Newlands Convenience Store
16 Newlands Road, NE2 3NT
Simply Local convenience store
Nisa Local
1st James St, NE3 1BB
Convenience store. See
Haddricks Mill Road, NE3 1SR
Small supermarket
83A Salters Road, NE3 1DU
Small supermarket

Other Shops and Services

Pharmacies and chemists, hardware shops, pet shops, corner shops and newsagents, off-licenses, laundrettes and dry cleaners, bicycle shops, post offices, banks and building societies are all permitted to stay open. The full list of which businesses can remain open is here.

Selected Shops Services provided
Ciel School Uniform
39 High St, NE3 4AA
Online shop & deliveries. See
Concept Eye Care 
157 – 159 High St, NE3 1HE
Emergency and essential eye care only.
Douglas Pharmacy
17 Ashburton Road, NE3 4XN
Jump shoes for kids
43-45 High St, NE3 4AA
Online ordering and local delivery service.
Order via
Katherine’s Florists
59a High St, NE3 4AA
Flower Shop, delivery available
For Paws
15-17 Church Road, NE31TX
Pet shop. Shop closed but delivery is available.
London Camera Exchange
76 High St, NE3 1HB
The online shop remains open:
M&A Cleaners
and Gosforth Shoe Doctor
4 Salters’ Rd, NE3 1DJ
Dry cleaning, collection and delivery service.
Thorpes of Gosforth
110-112 High St, NE3 1HB
Hardware shop. Deliveries.
Please see Facebook for details or tel on 0191 285 1710
Up and Running
55 High St, NE3 4AA
Running shoes, apparel, accessories and electronics
On-line shop:


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Salters Road New Crossing – comments by 23rd December Wed, 19 Dec 2018 13:44:50 +0000   Newcastle City Council are seeking your views on a proposed crossing to be sited on Salters Road.  You can access the original consultation, which closed on 23 December 2018, […]

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Newcastle City Council are seeking your views on a proposed crossing to be sited on Salters Road.  You can access the original consultation, which closed on 23 December 2018, on the Let’s Talk website.  The proposal is to remove the zebra crossing and replace it with a puffin crossing outside of the Spar shop.

Update 3/9/2019: The Council approved the original proposal without modification.
Update 21/1/2022: The Council have installed the crossing (see bottom of blog).

The Council’s reasons for proposing the above crossing are as follows:-

  • Requests to review the existing zebra crossing have been received as concerns
    were raised that this type of crossing is no longer adequate for the number of
    pedestrians using the facility.
  • Surveys were carried out and in accordance with set criteria, the results showed that
    it would be justified for the existing zebra crossing facility to be upgraded to a puffin
  • As the layout of a puffin crossing is slightly wider than the existing crossing, the new
    puffin facility could not remain in the same location due to the proximity of residents’
  • It is therefore proposed to remove the existing zebra crossing and introduce a puffin
    crossing outside the Spar shop on Salters Road. There are no direct frontages in
    this location and the crossing facility could also be useful for pedestrians accessing
    the adjacent shops.

Salters Road is a very busy road with parked cars running down its length on the South side from the Jubilee Road junction to High Street junction.

The average weekday traffic volumes (measurement point is not at this location but further up Salters Road – counter 1264 – source: Traffic and Accident Data Unitare:

  • 2015 – 9,959
  • 2016 – 9,879
  • 2017 – 9,864

This count does not include vehicles joining from Jubilee Road.  To put this into perspective 9,864 vehicles is approximately half the vehicles that use Great North Road on an average weekday.

Salters Road is close to several schools and is a daily crossing point for many parents with young children attending Archbald First School and St Charles RC Primary schools, as well as youngsters heading to Gosforth Academy Junior High .

Gosforth Post Office is located in the Spar shop that the proposed crossing will serve.

Recommendations for changes to the proposed plan

SPACE for Gosforth supports the plan for this crossing, which will clearly make crossing this busy road much safer and providing direct access to the Post Office and Spar for all pedestrians.  The zig zag lines from the crossing will aid drivers’ sight lines when exiting Ivy Road.  A notorious junction for vehicles parking close to the exit.

Proposed Puffin Crossing – Salters Road  Newcastle City Council – Nov 2019

However, SPACE for Gosforth believe that with the addition of some small changes the crossing and area can be further improved.   In the drawing below, SPACE for Gosforth propose the following changes:

  • Build out the pavement at the crossing point on the shop side.  This will not impede the flow of vehicles.  Drivers park the length of Salters Road on the South side and the build out of the pavement improves the sight line for pedestrians without impacting on the width of the road for vehicles.  In addition, the build out provides a degree of protection for disabled drivers parking in the space outside of the shop.
  • Make the pavement continuous across Ivy Road (as is the case at the opposite end of Ivy Road joining the High Street).  This will also slow vehicles down entering the 20mph zone.
Plan showing build out of pavement at the crossing point on Salters road and a continuous pavement across Ivy Road.

Built out pavement at the crossing point with continuous pavement across Ivy Road.

Extending the design further, adding greenery with planters would dramatically improve the area outside of the shops.

Plan showing build out of pavement at the crossing point on Salters road and a continuous pavement across Ivy Road. With the addition of some planters for greenery close to the road.

Planters added to plan to improve the environment and make the area more pleasant for customers.

Raising the pavement across the junction with Ivy Road will ensure pedestrian priority and a continuous path for pedestrians, slowing vehicles and increasing safety.

Photo of junction of Ivy Road with Salters Road. Vehicles are travelling up Salters with queued vehicles all the way back from the high street. In the foreground is a post box and pillar, with a deep puddle at the kerbside.

SPACE for Gosforth propose making the crossing over Ivy Road continuous.

Additional Support for the crossing

In addition to our own review SPACE for Gosforth met with representatives from Newcastle Children’s Vision Team and charity Guide Dogs to review the proposed location of the crossing and the area outside of the Spar shop.

The needs of those with a visual impairment should be at the forefront of debate about traffic in Gosforth, not least because three of Gosforth’s schools house Newcastle upon Tyne’s Visual Impairment Additionally Resourced Centres (VI ARCs).  As one of our members has previously noted:

If we can design our streets to meet the needs of the visually impaired it’ll be a much safer and more pleasant place for everyone. This should be the absolute baseline for any changes undertaken.

Both the Children’s Vision Team and Guide Dogs welcome the crossing.  The zebra crossing is challenging and dangerous for people with visual impairments.  With the volume of traffic it is difficult to be sure that vehicles have actually stopped to allow safe passage.  The Children’s Vision Team work with children in and around this area, familiarising them with their surroundings and teaching them how to navigate the area.  It is a key route for the Children heading to and from the High Street.  With a road as busy as Salters Road the children are taught to “indent” at junctions like these.  Meaning that they turn along Ivy Road and walk away from Salters Road, so that they can hear vehicles approaching on Ivy Road before attempting to cross.  This highlights the importance of slowing vehicles down as they turn into Ivy Road and approach Salters Road which the continuous pavement would help ensure.

Further Improvements to the area

While not within the remit of the Council one area that could also be improved is the parking area to the side of the shop.  The pavement alongside these parking spaces is broken and uneven due to drivers crossing the pavement or in the case of the delivery lorry, straddling the parking space and the pavement.

Photograph of broken and uneven paving stones between the parking spaces, the pavement and the road

The “lip” that runs around this area is also a trip hazard for both people with good sight and visual impairments.  Indeed while we were chatting, a gentleman tripped while cutting the corner.  This corner is a frequent short cut for people heading to the High Street and walking down Ivy Road.

Delivery lorry parked on the parking space and pavement

The cycle racks are ineffective, too low and too close to the wall.  Most people lock their bikes against the railing on the ramp outside of the shop door.

Photograph of three metal bike racks about 3 foot high lined up close to the shop wall with a blue utilities box to the right.

SPACE recommends that the bicycle racks are installed against the wall by the dry cleaners.  Leaving sufficient space away from the main pavement  so as not to cause a trip hazard for people with visual impairments.

And finally…

SPACE for Gosforth believes that in addition to the signalised crossing the area outside of the shops could be improved with the changes suggested above, making the area more pleasant for people visiting the shops and Post Office.

The Spar and Post Office are both popular shops for local people, the crossing will be an asset to the shop and customers alike.

Living Streets Scotland, part of the UK charity for everyday walking has launched its updated research, ‘The Pedestrian Pound’  (7 December).

A review of academic evidence in the report shows that shoppers on foot can spend up to six times more than those who arrive by car, and that people value walkable destinations and investment in the public realm.  Data on streets where the pedestrian experience has been improved shows footfall increasing 20-35 per cent.

This bucks a 22 per cent decline in footfall across the UK between 2007-2017. When streets are regenerated to boost walking, there is a corresponding impact on turnover, property values and rental yields. For well-designed projects, sales can increase by 30 per cent or more when footfall is boosted.

The secret to saving our High Street is in our feet!

Remember to submit your views for the crossing on the Let’s Talk website.  Closing date is Sunday 23rd December 2018.

Update January 2022

The new pedestrian crossing has been installed.

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Transport For The North – responses due by 17 April Mon, 09 Apr 2018 17:20:30 +0000 Transport for the North are currently consulting on their Strategic Transport Plan.

As part of the report TfN have set out a number of key objectives and 'Connectivity Priorities'. The strategy's objectives in themselves make broad sense. The problem comes in linking these to the proposals, as there is little evidence to suggest that these objectives will be achieved by investing in long distance road links.

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Transport for the North "Connectivity Priorities" 

Transport for the North are currently consulting on their Strategic Transport Plan for the north of England with responses due by 17 April.

As part of the report TfN have set out a number of key objectives and have also, in a supporting 152 page Roads Report, identified a set of ‘Connectivity Priorities’. The picture above is from page 86 of that report showing the three road priorities that connect the north east broadly corresponding to existing routes including A1, A19, A66 and A69.

The strategy’s objectives in themselves make broad sense in terms of improving efficiency and economic performance, providing better access to jobs and promoting sustainable travel. The problem comes in linking these to the proposals, as there is little evidence to suggest that these objectives will be achieved by investing in long distance road links.

      TfN Vision - Rail, Road and Smart ticketing TfN Strategic Plan Objectives

The report The end of the road? Challenging the road-building consensus by the Campaign to Protect Rural England sets out the evidence quite clearly but there are numerous other studies we could point to that make the same case. Even the report that is quoted to support the supposed economic benefits of the investments proposed says “effects on productivity have been found to be non-existent beyond 80 minutes driving time“. 

The same report, Economic growth and the strategic road network written by the construction company Atkins for Highways England, also states: “The evidence reviewed generally relates to transport investment of all types. Whilst there is less evidence specific to the impacts of investment in roads, the importance of the SRN for business use suggests that the broader evidence would be relevant“. So it seems like the case for spending billions of pounds of road investment rather than other forms of transport is based on what appears to be a hunch, whereas we know for example that the case for investing in active travel is very strong. So why is there practically no mention of walking and cycling in the strategy?

We also know we weren’t the only ones that were sceptical on reading the report – this was from Chris Boardman, Cycling and Walking Commissioner for Greater Manchester.

The TfN response that walking and cycling is outside their remit doesn’t cut it for us. If there’s a better value more effective way to meet the same objectives then that should be prioritised and funded first.

We thought as a first step though, and to be fair to TfN, we should ask to see if they were aware of evidence that we are not that does link long distance road links. We sent the following letter by email on 15 March to TfN with a chase on the TfN Strategy Director Jonathan Spruce on 22 March, but have had no reply.

If the evidence does exist then clearly that will guide our response. If not, then we will be asking for a major rethink as the last thing we need in Newcastle is more congestion, pollution and ill health, all as a result of billions of pounds wasted on bigger roads funnelling traffic into our city.

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a community group based in the suburb of Gosforth in Newcastle upon Tyne so firmly in the region covered by Transport for the North. We have a particular interest in walking and cycling and also avoiding the consequences of excess vehicle traffic such as air pollution, noise and road danger. For information our objectives are stated in full here:

Having reviewed the draft Strategic Plan we are broadly supportive of the objectives as set and also of using an evidence-based approach for determining how best to achieve those objectives that also establishes a compelling case for change and ensures the best possible value for money.

While we understand the benefits of rail investment in enabling the objectives the plan seems far less clear on how major road investment will best meet the objectives as set out and are wondering if there is some evidence that has been missed from the plan that relates to this?

I hope you don’t mind but we’ve listed below where we think those gaps are and if you are able to confirm what the TfN thinking is I’m sure that will be beneficial for ourselves and others who might have a similar concern. Our hope would be to provide a response based on that evidence and share that via our website to inform others who may also wish to response.

Many thanks in advance,

SPACE for Gosforth.
TfN Objective: Increase efficiency, reliability and resilience in the transport system

  1. Have you completed an analysis of efficiency, reliability and resilience of different modes of transport* to determine the relative levels of investment by mode in the plan? By ‘transport mode’ I include driving, national and local rail, bus and coach travel, walking, cycling and air travel.
  2. ‘Demand Management’ is mentioned, though very briefly e.g. p54 of the Major Roads Report. What approaches have been considered and have you evidence of their effectiveness?

TfN Objective: Transforming economic performance

  1. Have you assessed the relative levels of agglomeration benefits if investing in transport within existing agglomeration vs investing in transport between agglomerations?
  2. Does the plan include measures to offset or limit the impact of induced traffic that historically has meant road schemes do not result in faster journey times, negating any potential agglomeration benefit?
  3. Have you assessed evidence relating to the relative economic impact of investing in different transport modes, especially low-cost modes?
  4. Have you assessed risk related to businesses relocating away from northern cities due to better transport links?

TfN Objective: Improve access to opportunities across the North

  1. Have you assessed which transport modes are most accessible and affordable for those on low incomes or with limited mobility to avoid transport poverty?
  2. Have you assessed likely journey lengths for those on low incomes or with limited mobility to inform where to focus investment?
  3. Have you assessed risk related to employment and services relocating away from residential areas due to improved transport networks?

TfN Objective: Promote and support the built and natural environment

  1. What factors are you considering in order to make ‘sustainable options as attractive as possible’? E.g. cost, safety, time, directness.
  2. How will this objective determine the relative level of investment by travel mode?
  3. How will increases in carbon emissions and air pollution resulting from increased road travel be offset?
  4. How will health impacts of different investment options be taken into account? E.g. lung and heart disease due to poor air quality, illnesses related to inactivity, mental health issues.

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Forest Hall Public Realm Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:34:14 +0000 North Tyneside Council have recently completed a short 10 day consultation on options for regeneration of Station Road North in Forest Hall. Forest Hall is within easy cycling distance of Gosforth, only 15 minutes from South Gosforth Metro, though currently cycling to Forest Hall from Gosforth requires the use of a number of busy and unpleasant roads. SPACE for Gosforth submitted the following general feedback about the scheme with suggestions to improve the public realm and access to shops and local businesses.

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North Tyneside Council diagram of potential improvements in a Traditional Style.

North Tyneside Council have recently completed a short 10 day consultation on options for regeneration of Station Road North in Forest Hall. Forest Hall is within easy cycling distance of Gosforth, only 15 minutes from South Gosforth Metro, though currently cycling to Forest Hall from Gosforth requires the use of a number of busy and unpleasant roads. It is also likely that anyone from Forest Hall seeking to drive into Newcastle City Centre would travel through both the South Gosforth Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and the City Centre AQMA.

The consultation states that the proposals “have been developed in response to feedback from ward members who highlighted certain issues within the area – the need for more parking, traffic calming measures, upgrading of the paving materials, replacement street furniture to create a pleasant area for visitors” and that the main choice is between a traditional option [above] or a contemporary look and feel.

According to the Chronicle, the budget for this scheme is £500,000.

SPACE for Gosforth submitted the following general feedback about the scheme with suggestions to improve the public realm and access to shops and local businesses.

Dear sir/madam,

We are writing in relation to the Forest Hall Regeneration Proposals, which North Tyneside Council are currently consulting on, and would like to provide some feedback based on our experience looking at similar issues in the Gosforth area. We understand that as we don’t live in Forest Hall our comments will carry less weight than those that do live nearby however we still hope that we may provide some useful input.

Broadly, we support the scheme aims to re-allocate space to pedestrians and cyclists, to create open spaces, create a more inclusive environment and increase business use. There are a number of aspects to the scheme that  support these aims including:

  • new benches
  • new cycle stands
  • enlarging the pavement and
  • adding tactile paving to crossings.

We also support the changes that will help calm traffic and make it safer to walk or cycle by encouraging slower vehicle speeds through the area including the removal of central line markings and the raised table at the junction with station road.

We believe however that there are further opportunities for improvement that could also be made in support of the stated aims and which would require little or no additional investment. These are set out in the attached diagram and in the text below.

Satellite image with SPACE for Gosforth suggestions for improvement as set out in the article text.

SPACE for Gosforth improvement suggestions

1. Parking

We understand that parking is an important consideration for any retail centre and why the Council may wish to consider adding additional capacity. This does mean however that space that was allocated to pedestrians has been lost, apparently in opposition to the scheme’s aims. A quick look at the local map suggests that actually there is a considerable amount of parking in the vicinity, both in the centre itself and in nearby streets, and that little of this is restricted. On that basis we suggest that before any additional spaces are created, and pavement space lost, further analysis is undertaken to confirm that such demand exists and cannot be met through demand management as set out in the North Tyneside Parking Strategy. This might include improvements to walking and cycling facilities or changes to parking regulations.

It will also be useful to consider experience from elsewhere, including locally in Jesmond, where footfall has increased following public realm improvements enabled by the removal of parking spaces.

We also note that Google Maps shows Briar Edge, which has unrestricted parking, as having cars parked blocking the pavement making pedestrian access harder. Addressing this would improve pedestrian access to the shops. 

Picture showing pavement parking on Briar Edge

Google Maps showing Briar Edge,-1.5686597,3a,37.5y,144.26h,81.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFgpwxE8cmw-XGbGLIXYDzw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

2. Improvement for Walking

As shown in the attached diagram the biggest potential improvements are likely to be gained

  1. in tightening corners to reduce crossing widths and making crossing safer due to slower traffic speeds, including at the east end of Station Road North.
  2. by implementing continuous pavements across junctions to Burn Avenue and the private car park next to Sainsburys, similar to that proposed here for Gosforth High Street:
  3. restricting vehicle access on Burn Road to create further pavement space
  4. address local access issues due to pavement parking
  5. removing unnecessary pedestrian guard rails.

3. Improvement for Cycling

Making cycling improvements has also been shown to improve business performance, for example as summarised here: We note that North Tyneside Council’s draft cycling strategy states that “cycling is considered as part of all highway and regeneration projects and any new infrastructure is in line with best and emerging good practice.”

Best practice in these circumstances would require the provision of traffic-free cycle paths usable by all ages and abilities and we have sketched out a potential layout in our attached diagram. For Lansdowne Road we note that the Council has proposed one-way access heading south to north. Our suggestion would be to reverse this but also to allow contraflow cycling via a parking-protected cycle lane.

Any changes at this location should also have due regard to North Tyneside’s future Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). According to LCWIP technical guidance Station Road, in particular the crossing over the railway line, is likely to be a major route connecting the communities that live either side of the railway line and providing onwards access to Killingworth, Longbenton and into Newcastle. We have written about this in relation to Gosforth here:

4. Public Realm

By restricting vehicle access on Burn Avenue and retaining pavement space rather than adding additional, and possibly unnecessary parking spaces, this creates additional space which might for example be used for:

  1. additional planters in the entrance to Burn Avenue
  2. up to seven additional trees on the south side of Station Road North
  3. additional cycle parking locations and
  4. further additional seating, including potentially for street cafes similar to Hawthorn Road in Gosforth.

5. Other considerations

The other key issue left unaddressed by the current plan is the footbridge connecting the shopping centre with Albany Avenue which isn’t compliant with the Equality Act 2010 due to its steep steps. Improving this link will help those living west of the railway line to access local shops and businesses. We have written about a similar situation on the Great North Road in Gosforth:

Picture of the Forest Hall footbridge over the railway line

Forest Hall Railway Footbridge – Picture from Google Maps

We hope you will consider these suggestions as we feel there is an significant opportunity to improve the Forest Hall area and attract more people to use local shops on foot and by cycle, and to make it a more pleasant environment for everyone.

More widely, we hope that North Tyneside Council will look to implement further improvements to walking and cycling to give North Tyneside residents the best possible choice of travel options and to address air quality and other public health concerns.

Kind regards,

SPACE for Gosforth.

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Guest blog – Recyke y’Bike Tue, 02 Jan 2018 21:38:37 +0000 Local charity Recyke y'Bike is a well-established part of the North East cycling scene. We asked their general manager, Karl McCracken, to write a guest blog about the charity and how people can get involved.

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Local charity Recyke y’Bike is a well-established part of the North East cycling scene. Their activities include reconditioning donated bikes to sell at their shops in Byker, Durham and The Journey in Newcastle city centre. They also support local schools, youth groups, other charities and asylum seekers by providing reconditioned bikes. We asked their general manager, Karl McCracken, to write a guest blog about the charity and how people can get involved.

Recyke y’Bike Byker.

Recyke y’bike is one of those charities that always seems to have been around. But we’ve only been here for just over a decade. What we do is really simple – people donate bikes to us and we put them to good use. It’s been pretty successful too, with over 2,000 bikes a year coming in. Of those, nearly 600 go to projects in Kenya and the Gambia, enabling people to get to school, or to work, and raising funds for orphanages and schools. A further 200 or so are given away locally, going to schools, youth groups, other charities and asylum seekers.


Tricycles in the Byker branch

Recyke y’Bike receive a wide variety of bikes as donations

Dealing with thousands of bikes a year takes some doing. We have around 40 volunteers who help out. They come from a range of backgrounds from retired professionals to those who have mental health problems, learning difficulties, or drug and alcohol issues. Helping them find their way in society is one of our charitable objectives – it’s not all about the bikes!


The volunteers help get the bikes ready for our professional mechanics to work on them. Broken bits are taken off, the bikes thoroughly cleaned, and then replacement parts fitted. The mechanics then do the final tune-up and end-to-end safety check.

A tag-along bicycle waiting for repairs at Byker

Inside the Byker workshop

We raise our own funds rather than relying on grant funding. We do this by selling bikes, providing low-cost transport to people in the North East. The average price of a bike from our shops is a little over £100, and in terms of the number of bikes, we’re one of the biggest independent bike shops in the region.

Asylum seekers with staff in front of a lorry with bikes

Asylum seekers with Recyke y’Bike staff

Giving bikes away to asylum seekers is something we’ve always done.

Prior to being accepted as a refugee, people arriving in this country who are fleeing war, torture, or persecution (for anything from race to sexual orientation) are distributed to local authorities. They’re housed, and given £37 a week to live on, which has to cover all non-housing expenses. They also have to regularly sign in with the Home Office.

Cargo bike inside the workshop in the Journey

Inside the Journey – Recyke y’Bike’s City Centre branch

That last point can be particularly onerous. I met an asylum seeker at Recyke y’bike last autumn who’d been housed in the West End of Newcastle, and had to travel to South Shields once a fortnight to sign in. With his limited budget, he chose to walk the 30 mile round trip rather than lose out on a day’s food by buying a Metro ticket.

A bike can really help in a situation like this, which is why we give away around 50 bikes a year to asylum seekers. We work with a number of agencies, and each month we put on a day for them to come to our workshop, learn a bit about how to look after a bike, and fix things like punctures. That way, we know they’ll get more value from the bike. We also hope that some will go on to be volunteers with us.

Chris Boardman locking up his bike

Chris Boardman arriving to open the Journey in 2015


As a charity, we rely on the generosity of people in the North East. There are lots of ways to help, from donating any unwanted bikes, or volunteering, or even just doing something as simple as telling your friends about us.

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A Busy Citizen’s Guide to the Planning System Thu, 20 Jul 2017 20:32:35 +0000 The planning system plays a vital part in our civic lives - but many residents (including us) find it a complicated and confusing system. So we asked Blue Kayak to write a guide for busy citizens.

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Plan of the proposed development at Gosforth Business Park

At SPACE for Gosforth, we have learned that the planning system plays a vital part in our civic life.  At its best the planning process can improve a vibrant, healthy community – but bad planning can leave a legacy of problems for future generations.  

The planning process is also a system that is not always understood and is further complicated by the use of legal terms and jargon.

So SPACE for Gosforth is delighted to have permission to share Blue Kayak‘s Guide to the planning system (1) – as we believe the planning system is something that every citizen needs to understand.

A Busy Citizen’s Guide to the Planning System

As the title implies, this is not a detailed analysis of the planning system. Nor is it a guide for householders or business people wishing to carry out a development, or wanting to find out whether planning permission is needed for a given project – although excellent, bespoke advice and support from project planning to application is available from Blue Kayak at very reasonable prices. It is a brief for those who wish to have an input on matters relating to land use and built development, either with regard to a specific proposal or in more general terms.

What is the planning system, and why should we care?

19th century terraced houses in Gosforth

19th century Gosforth – Gosforth developed rapidly at that time due to mining

For most of human history, if you wanted to build a house (say) and had rights over the intended site, you would simply do so. During the later nineteenth and earlier twentieth centuries, however, as the population expanded and the Industrial Revolution happened, concerns began to be voiced: firstly, about the growth of slums in the new industrial cities; secondly, about the extension of towns and cities into the surrounding countryside.


The solution – reached in 1947 with the passing of the Town and Country Planning Act – was simple and radical, and has essentially remained in force since then. Anyone wishing to build anything would have to seek permission from the relevant local authority. For its part, the local authority would have to produce a development plan stating what sort of development would be permitted, and where.

Great Park – a major greenfield development bordering on Gosforth and built by a consortium of developers

What has changed since 1947 is that local authorities in the UK do not, by and large, build very much themselves. Phrases such as “planners will be expected to deliver x houses in the next 10 years” or “planners wish to build a new shopping centre…” are often used but are shorthand for the process that actually exists, in which planners decide that, should a proposal to build the desired houses or shopping centre be made by a third party, it would be approved. They may, of course, discuss the proposals with developers, but have no power to make them carry them out.

Planning has become one of the key elements of local democracy. Local planning decisions are made in public, by elected politicians, throughout the year, in a forum where any citizen may attend and comment. The decisions don’t just affect what towns, cities and the countryside look like. They affect the way in which places function – whether they support social justice and environmental sustainability, whether enterprise can succeed, and whether people have access to accommodation and employment.

Policy: what decisions are based on

Indigo Park is another local development under construction

Theoretically, whether a development is permitted or not should depend upon whether it is in accordance with national and local policy.

National policy is summarised within a terse document called the National Planning Policy Framework, which falls within a web-based resource called Planning Practice Guidance. These can be accessed here.


Image of a polling station sign on a brick wall with Way in sign underneath

Just about every new government makes changes to the way local planning policy is produced; since the process for producing it is lengthy and involves several stages of public consultation, this means that in terms of its format, it is nearly always out of date. However, a council’s planning policy – currently called, imaginatively, a Local Plan – always consists of a document or documents, accompanied by maps, describing the type, quantity and location of development that the authority would be willing to permit, over a given period of time (normally 20 years).

Image of the Urban Core Strategy

Newcastle City Council has published a number of documents which make up its Local Plan; the most important one is the Core Strategy, which can be accessed here.

Any factor which may be considered in a planning decision is called a “material consideration”; these may include things that aren’t specifically mentioned within local or national policy. However, certain things are “non-material considerations” which may not be taken into account. By and large, these involve effects upon a neighbour where it is only in his private interest, rather than the public interest, that his objection should be upheld. So a proposal may not be opposed on the grounds that it would devalue a neighbour’s house, or that a new business would compete with existing ones. (Since, however, obstructing light is a material consideration, whereas spoiling a view is non-material, the distinction may not always be obvious!)

The Application Process

Certain types of development – small extensions and garden sheds, for example – can be carried out without planning permission. These are “permitted development”; the easiest guide to what is and what is not permitted development can be found here.

Picture of the former La Sagesse school which is now converted for housing

La Sagesse in Jesmond includes both a John Dobson house and new build

Anyone wishing to build anything else must submit an application. The amount of information required will depend upon the scale of development, and its likely impacts – so a large housing development may be accompanied not just by site plans and drawings of the proposed houses but also by flood risk assessments, wildlife surveys, and so on.

The local authority must publicise planning applications – in general, all are publicised online and may be viewed at local authority offices; they may also be publicised via notices placed on the development site, letters to neighbours and other concerned parties, and/or advertisements in the local press.

Houses in the La Sagesse development

La Sagesse development in Jesmond

A decision should be made within 8 weeks of a complete application being received – 13 weeks in the case of large or complex proposals. Theoretically, the decision rests with the Planning Committee – a group of councillors chosen for this purpose – but in practice most proposals, particularly less significant ones, are determined by planning officers and are therefore “delegated” decisions.



If a proposal is rejected, the applicant may appeal against the decision. The proposal will then be re-examined by an independent inspector, who may either approve it or uphold the rejection. There is no third-party right of appeal against an approved proposal.

How you can get involved

Flat in Hawthorn Road

New flats in an old street – Hawthorn Rd, Gosforth

There are two main points at which any citizen may get involved in the planning process: when a Local Plan is being put together, and when a specific application is being determined.

A Local Plan should be extensively publicised through online consultations, public meetings, exhibitions, etc. These should culminate in an Examination in Public – a series of meetings, chaired by an outside Planning Inspector, at which interested parties may speak.

Anyone may comment on a planning application for 21 days (often longer) after it is made public. In Newcastle, the easiest way to find out what applications have been received, and to comment on them, is to look online here.

You can also sign up to receive alerts if an application is made in your area.

Old Church on Woodbine Road

An old building with a change of use – Woodbine Rd, Gosforth

If a proposal is determined at a meeting of the planning committee, objectors and supporters have a right to speak at the meeting. Generally, only a short amount of time will be allotted for this purpose, to be divided between all those who wish to speak on the same “side”; if there are many, it would be advisable to pick one or two people to speak for everyone.

You may, of course, appoint a planning consultant to object to a proposal in writing, and/ or to speak on your behalf at a planning committee meeting. The advantages of doing so are, firstly, that it saves you the trouble of having to go through the various documents yourself to determine where, and whether, the proposal accords or otherwise with local or national policy; secondly, a consultant will have a better idea of what factors should be emphasised in the submission.

Other consultants besides Blue Kayak are available, but they aren’t writing this article, and in any case would, I’m sure, fail to exhibit the same level of detailed analysis and expressive-yet-factual turn of phrase.

Closing remarks

Recently built flats on Gosforth High Street

A new development on Gosforth High Street

The planning system is supposed to serve the public good. It isn’t supposed to serve the narrow interests of those who wish to see no change at all in their area even if it means people are homeless, nor the narrow interests of housebuilders and landowners who wish to make money even if it harms societies and landscapes. Planners, of course, have a difficult job balancing up the competing requirements of different groups of people and of the environment; most of the time they more or less succeed; we tend to hear about it when they don’t.

We do not have a perfect planning system, but we do have a process which provides everyone with a real opportunity to comment on the way our towns and cities develop; and, theoretically at least, the more people do so, the better the places we create will serve us.

A few useful concepts

Drawing by a SPACE member of a cycle lane at the Regent Centre.

One of our members had this suggestion for a developer contribution

Developer contributions: these are sums paid by a developer to the local authority where the proposed development is thought to make certain social works necessary – things like highway improvements, schools and affordable (i.e. social) housing. By and large, developers will try to argue that they can’t afford them.

There are two main mechanisms by which developer contributions are paid:

  • Section 106 Agreements – agreements made on a case-by-case basis between the local authority and the developer
  • Community Infrastructure Levies (CIL) – a blanket fee levied on all applications which meet certain criteria. The advent of CIL was supposed to make things simpler, because setting up two different systems to do the same thing generally does have that effect.

Planning conditions: these are requirements set by the local authority when they permit an application. They may, for example, require a landscaping scheme to be submitted and approved before the development goes ahead.

Green Belt: this is an area around a town or city, specifically designated as a place where new development will not generally be permitted. The main purpose is to stop the outward growth of urban areas. Green Belts should not be confused either with “greenfield sites” – i.e. sites which have not been developed in the past – or the open countryside as a whole.

5-year land supply: local authorities are required to show, on a rolling basis, that there is enough suitable land within their area where they would permit housing if it were proposed, to meet the needs of the population for five years. This is important because, if the 5-year land supply doesn’t exist and a housing proposal is rejected, an inspector may approve it even if it conflicts with other policies.


 (1)  We would like to thank Josephine Ellis of Blue Kayak for her kind permission to publish this post, originally published on the  Blue Kayak blog.

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Choo! Choo! Book your ticket for the Killi Road Bike Train 17-21 July! Tue, 11 Jul 2017 10:41:09 +0000 Killingworth Road closes 20 July. SPACE for Gosforth and Bike4Health have arranged a Killi Road Bike Train to Quorum to help commuters from Fenham, Spital Tongues, Jesmond and Gosforth beat the traffic!

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Photograph of the Bike Train

We are delighted to announce that Bike4Health will be running a Bike Train for 5 days – Monday 17 to Friday 21 July – from the Bike Garden in Nuns Moor Park Fenham to Quorum Business Park via Spital Tongues, Jesmond and Gosforth.

Photo of Killingworth Road Metro Bridge

Killingworth Road Metro Bridge

A Bike Train is a group ride on quiet roads and traffic-free paths. We have been working with Bike4Health to arrange this as Killingworth Road will close on 20 July 2017 for the replacement of the Metro Bridge and the widening of Killingworth Road.

You can see a map of the Bike Train route here.


Photo of the Bike Train

The Bike Train in action

The Bike Train should help people avoid the likely disruption during the first few weeks of the Killingworth Road closure. Each ride will be led by a Bike4Health Guide so no one gets lost, and will be ideal for commuters travelling from near Fenham and Gosforth who want to try cycling but are maybe not so confident on the road or are not sure of what routes to take.

You can see a Bike Train in action on Bike4Health’s promotional film.

Councillor Robin Ashby of Parklands Ward has tried out our route, and you can read about his experiences here.  Cllr Ashby cycled the route as an “Easy Rider” and found that the entire route took 35 minutes, which compares very favourably with driving through Fenham, Jesmond and Gosforth, especially during the rush hour.

Photo of the Bike Train

The Bike Train Guide heading for Quorum!

Bike4Health are a community interest company developed to enable local communities, businesses and children to incorporate cycling into their lives. They have received funding to run this Bike Train, so it’s free for anyone wishing to try it out.


Photo of the Bike Train Guide at Quorum Business Park

Arrival at Quorum!

Some of our members have previously taken part in an earlier Bike4Health Bike Train that ran from Kingston Park to Quorum – you can read about their experience here.

We also know that Bike Trains have been run in London to help commuters deal with the effects of strikes on the London Underground.

To book please click on the links below for the day or days you want, or copy and paste the links into your browser.

  • Monday 17th July :
  • Tuesday 18th July :
  • Wednesday 19th July :
  • Thursday 20th July :
  • Friday 21st July :
Photo of bikes in bike racks at Quorum Business Park

Bike park at Quorum

If you do catch the Bike Train, please leave a comment on this blog to tell us about your experiences.  SPACE for Gosforth hopes that the Killi Road Bike Train will encourage local employers to run regular Bike Trains as part of their initiatives to promote sustainable travel to work.

We would like to thank Cllr Ashby for championing and testing our Bike Train.  The closure of Killingworth Road risks increasing air pollution in the South Gosforth Air Quality Management Area if the mitigation measures for the roadworks are not effective.  This is a real threat to the health of our community and we hope other councillors will follow his example in actively encouraging residents to consider alternative means of travel.

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SPACE’s 2016: some things old, new, borrowed and BLUE Tue, 06 Jun 2017 11:34:45 +0000 Blue House, Gosforth High Street, electric bikes, guest speakers and much much more - a year in the life of SPACE for Gosforth!

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A packed Trinity Church at the SPACE for Gosforth Blue House Meeting

A packed Trinity Church at the SPACE for Gosforth Blue House Meeting

In our look back at 2015, the year SPACE for Gosforth was formed, we wrote that this was only the beginning and that in 2016 we had a whole year to make a difference.  What we could not have anticipated at that time was the immense difference that 2016 would bring to our community.

Something old … Gosforth High Street

A better Gosforth High Street was the reason SPACE for Gosforth was founded in 2015, and we continued to focus on the High Street 2016.

Two images side by side, looking South along the High Street. Image on the right is an overlay of pin holes to represent tunnel vision

A High Street filled with hidden dangers!

We began the year by publishing an account of a walk by one of our members on Gosforth High Street to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those with a visual impairment.  Our member was blindfolded and accompanied by a volunteer guide from Guide Dogs for the Blind, and his walk revealed a High Street filled with hidden – and not so hidden – dangers.  This would be an issue for any community given that the UK has an ageing population, but it is a particular issue for Gosforth as three Gosforth schools house Newcastle City Council’s Visual Impairment Additionally Resourced Centres.

Traffic on Gosforth High Street

Gosforth High Street

Newcastle City Council also agreed to work with SPACE for Gosforth and local traders to improve plans for Gosforth High Street.  These improvements will take place in stages – the first stage to be agreed was improvements for pedestrians, which has recently been the subject of a consultation.


Map of the South Gosforth Air Quality Management Area, which includes Gosforth High Street (between Salters' Road junction and the Little Moor), Jesmond Dene Road, Matthew Bank and Haddricks Mill Roundabout

South Gosforth AQMA

Gosforth High Street is part of the South Gosforth Air Quality Management Area.  The South Gosforth AQMA was declared due to high levels of nitrogen dioxide, and is one of two AQMAs in Newcastle upon Tyne (the other is the City Centre AQMA, which has even higher levels of nitrogen dioxide).  SPACE for Gosforth began investigating this issue in 2015 and we continued to highlight the issue of air pollution during 2016 as well as other costs to the community of the negative impacts of traffic.  By contrast, research confirms that increasing cycling has a positive effect on local business.


Air pollution monitor on Gosforth High Street

Air pollution monitor on Gosforth High St.

During the autumn, we were able to track daily readings from the Gosforth High Street air pollution monitor thanks to Newcastle University’s Urban Observatory project. Graph showing nitrogen dioxide levels increased between 25 November and 20 December 2016

We were very worried to note the increase in levels of nitrogen dioxide on Gosforth High Street before Christmas  – and a similar increase in the City Centre Air Quality Management Area.

Graph showing increasing in nitrogen dioxide on Jesmond Road between 25 November and 20 December 2016


This is an issue SPACE for Gosforth intends to continue investigating due to the risk to residents’ health from air pollution.


Graph showing the responses to the Brunton to Broadway consultation - most popular reasons for liking were safer cycling routes, better air quality and more attractive environment

Responses to Brunton to Broadway Consultation

Further north from Gosforth High Street on the Great North Road, we also looked at the responses to the proposed new cycle route between Broadway and Brunton Lane, a proposal that received strong support during the consultation.  The graph on the left shows the reasons why respondents liked the proposals.


Push button for a toucan crossing

Despite this, there have been concerns raised relating to the introduction of a toucan crossing.  We examined the issues relating to this crossing, in particular the need for a fully accessible crossing at this point.


Something new … adding to the local debate

SPACE for Gosforth was founded to add new information to the local debate and to take action on the challenges facing Gosforth, and we did this in a number of ways in 2016.

One important local issue we wished to examine at was the issue of drivers speeding on many of Gosforth’s residential streets, so we obtained and analysed traffic counts from Newcastle City Council to provide residents with accurate data about this issue.

Graph showing that casualties at the Great North Road Blue House camera location have declined since the camera was installed


When  Gosforth’s speed cameras made the local news, we analysed speed camera data to show that there has been a reduction of accidents since these cameras have been installed.

Map showing locations of collisions in East Gosforth ward

East Gosforth crash map



We returned to the issue of speeding at the time of the East Gosforth Ward Survey and Priority Event, when we also examined air pollution levels and road traffic casualties in East Gosforth Ward to provide residents with information on this issues .

Protected cycle lane on the Great North Road

Protected cycle lane on the Great North Road


Another issue we examined was children’s experience of cycling in our community.  We began by looking at safe cycling routes for children when we applied the research of Dr Rachel Aldred of Westminster University to our local cycling routes.  We found that while Gosforth does have examples of routes that are safe for children to cycle, these do not link together to form a coherent network and many streets are unsuitable for children.



We were also able to give an insight into how children see their school run in March, when we were privileged to be given permission by Archibald First School to publish a letter written by some of their pupils describing the near misses they have experienced on their way to school and requesting that parents drive safely around their school.

A school bike rack overflowing with bikes and scooters


In April several local schools took part in The Big Pedal, a challenge to encourage children to cycle safely to school.  We reported on the results at the end of the first week and at the end of the Big Pedal, when three Gosforth headteachers all commented on how much their pupils enjoyed travelling by bike.

Picture taken from a bike camera showing a close pass

A close pass at the Regent Centre

We also looked at the Safe Overtaking petition, a parliamentary petition for a safe overtaking distance, and published a YouTube video clip showing a close pass near a Gosforth primary school.

The petition closed with 23,834 signatures, however the Government responded that it does not currently have any plans to change the legislation.  This is concerning as many of our members have shared their experience of suffering close passes when cycling in our city.

A rider and bicycle at the electric bike trial in Gosforth Central Park

Electric bike in the park

Also in April we organised a taster session of Electric Parks in Gosforth Central Park.  Despite torrential rain, this session proved popular and one resident even arrived before the session began as he was so keen to try the bikes.  “Just brilliant” was the verdict of our members who collected the bikes from the Cycle Hub!

Bike Bingo Card for Bike WeekSPACE for Gosforth would like to see more events like this in Gosforth and we were pleased to see Go Smarter to Work organising an event in December at Trinity Church.  We also created the Bike Bingo Card for Bike Week.

the new cycleway on John Dobson Street, which is separated from the road by a paved area

John Dobson Street


2016 also saw the opening of Newcastle’s flagship cycle route on John Dobson Street, and we were impressed to find that the improvements have humanised a street that was previously inhospitable for both pedestrians and cycling.


The left half of the image is Newcastle's Theatre Royal and the right half shows an Amsterdam building also in a classical style

Newcastle / Amsterdam


During the media debate following the opening of the John Dobson Street route Newcastle was often compared with Amsterdam, so we looked at what the two cities have in common.  We found that while both have iconic bridges, lively nightlife and great architecture, there is much we can learn from Amsterdam as it has higher numbers of cyclists, higher driver satisfaction and a much higher GDP.


Something borrowed … working with others

Crash Map for Station Road

In January SPACE for Gosforth members met East Gosforth Councillor Henry Gallagher on Station Road to investigate residents’ concerns about proposals for parking, which were felt to be a possible danger to cyclists.  The plans were later withdrawn and other plans included as part of the Haddricks’ Mills proposals (more on these proposals below).

Newcastle City Futures logoWe ended January by holding a talk with a guest speaker, Professor Mark Tewdwr-Jones of Newcastle University, about the City Futures project, which looked at what Newcastle might look like in 2065.

Air monitor on Gosforth High Street in 2015

Monitor on the High Street

Following our air pollution monitoring on Gosforth High Street in 2015, we held a joint meeting in April with the Tyne and Wear Public Transport Users Group on air pollution with guest speakers Professor Margaret Bell and Dr Anil Namdeo from Newcastle University to explain this threat to our health.


Almere Consulting is named after a town in the Netherlands - photo shows a Dutch bike lane separated from the road by bollards and a plant border

The Netherlands is an inspiration for Almere Consulting

Finally in November, we held a meeting with Tom Bailey of Almere Consulting as our guest speaker to introduce his Garden City Guide to Active Travel.  Tom created his Guide after realising there was a gap in design standards for new large scale developments – and with so many new estates planned for Newcastle and its neighbouring communities, this was a gap that urgently needed filling.


Something Blue … Blue House Roundabout, Jesmond Dene Road and Haddricks Mill


The Blue House on Newcastle Town Moor and its roundabout

The Blue House roundabout

In April we looked at the North-East Combined Authority’s survey on the future of transport in our region.  NECA’s vision of the future for Gosforth became clear in July when plans for “improvements” to the Blue House roundabout, Jesmond Dene Road and Haddricks’ Mill roundabouts were published.

Diagram of the proposals for the Blue House roundabout

The proposals for Blue House



All three proposals caused outrage throughout the Gosforth Community and beyond, particularly Blue House, which would have had a devastating effect on Newcastle’s iconic Town Moor.

Cows on the Town Moor

The iconic Town Moor cows


SPACE for Gosforth objected to these proposals on these grounds and due to the risk to public health,  and because the proposals would not work.  We wrote an open letter to the NE Local Enterprise Partnership, who were contributing funding for the proposals and later received this reply.


A ribbon bearing a cardboard heart saying "Save the trees" on the Little Moor

Protest ribbons on the Little Moor

As SPACE for Gosforth believed that improvements for pedestrians and cyclists were needed at all three locations, we arranged a public meeting at Trinity Church to discuss alternatives.  We thought it was important that our community must not only say what it did not want, but also what it did want.

A full Trinity Church for SPACE for Gosforth's public meeting

SPACE for Gosforth public meeting at Trinity Church



The result of the unprecedented community rejection of these plans led to a public meeting organised by Chi Onwurah, MP for Newcastle Central, and also attended by Catherine McKinnell MP (Newcastle North), Cllr Ged Bell and Graham Grant (Head of Transport Investment).


Chi Onwurah MP speaking at Trinity Church

Following this meeting SPACE for Gosforth was invited to join the Blue House Working Group. Information about the group can be found on the Blue House Working Group website, and we have also blogged about the first, second, fifth and sixth Blue House meetings.

Graphic Representation of the 2nd Blue House Meeting


The future of Blue House will continue to be decided during 2017, and we set out a series of measures of success for both policies and for people movement against which the final plans (when published) can be judged.


A plan of the proposals for Gosforth Business Park

Poor planning at Gosforth Business Park


Shortly after the Blue House public meeting, plans were submitted to North Tyneside Council for a development on Gosforth Business Park which illustrated how planning can influence the type of journeys we make. We were very concerned to find that these plans made no reference to the nearby South Gosforth Air Quality Management Area and were likely to increase traffic in the AQMA.  With many other nearby developments planned, planning will remain an issue of concern in 2017.

And 2017?

Looking back on 2016, we are amazed at challenges our community has faced and are proud that we have added to local debate and have taken action to improve road safety and air quality in our community.

But these challenges will continue in 2017 – please join us to help make a difference!

The post SPACE’s 2016: some things old, new, borrowed and BLUE appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.

The Case for Healthy Streets Mon, 22 May 2017 20:31:58 +0000 On 12 April, six days before the General Election was announced, the Evening Standard published an article quoting Theresa May stating that toxic air pollution is the fourth biggest public health risk behind cancer, obesity and heart disease.

While there are multiple causes for each of these public health risks,
we can dramatically reduce the impact of all these risks - and more -
by changing how we travel.

The post The Case for Healthy Streets appeared first on SPACE for Gosforth.


On 12 April, six days before the General Election was announced, the Evening Standard published an article quoting Theresa May stating that toxic air pollution is the fourth biggest public health risk behind cancer, obesity and heart disease.

While there are multiple causes for each of these public health risks,
we can dramatically reduce the impact of all these risks – and more –
by changing how we travel.

Clearly this is true for air pollution. The Draft UK Air Quality Plan for tackling nitrogen dioxide published on 5 May 2017 confirms that “road transport is responsible for some 80% of NOx concentrations at roadside, with diesel vehicles the largest source in these local areas of greatest concern“. Poor air quality is responsible for 40,000 early deaths each year. [Royal College of Physicians]

It is also true for cancer and heart disease. On 20 April 2017 the BBC reported on a study of 250,000 people over 5 years showing how much cancer and heart disease figures could be reduced by if people walked or cycled to work. This found that “regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%, the incidence of cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%.“, while walking to work reduced the risk of death from heart disease by 36%.

A study of obesity in Europe and North America showed that “Countries with the highest levels of active transportation generally had the lowest obesity rates.” Obesity is estimated to be responsible for 30,000 early deaths each year. [Public Health England]

Walking, Cycling, and Obesity Rates in Europe, North America, and Australia from The Journal of Physical Activity and Health 

Inactivity has been shown to be responsible for many more early deaths than obesity. According to the British Heart Foundation Physical Activity Report 2017 42% of adults in the North East are classed as being inactive.

It is estimated that one in six deaths every year are directly due to inactivity. This is about 84,500 in England and Wales. Sedentary lifestyles: are also linked to increased pressure on (and costs of) social care.

Walking or cycling to work can also cut the chances of developing diabetes by 40-50% as well as reducing the prevalence of dementia.

In our blog Blue House – at what cost to health? we set out some of the other health risks of pollution including: reduced lung capacity and cognitive delay for children and links to dementia, infertility and sperm damage.

Walking and cycling also have a proven positive benefit to mental health. A study of 18,000 adults found that “Those who had an active commute were found to have a higher level of well-being than those who went by car or public transport. When researchers analysed the wellbeing of a small group who swapped the car or bus for a bike or going on foot, they found they became happier after the switch.

A separate study of 20,000 children found that “Children who walk or cycle to school rather than being driven by their parents have an increased power of concentration, and the effect of this ‘exercise’ lasts all morning.”

The case for Investing in Walking and Cycling

All these reasons show why the new Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) and associated investment is so important.

As well as improving health, investing in walking and cycling has also been shown to:

This doesn’t have to take a generation but it does require ambition. In Seville, the actions they took led to the number of bike trips multiplying 11-fold in a just few years. By contrast the UK CWIS states the aim that it “wants cycling and walking to become the norm by 2040” – about 20 years slower (and with 20 years of lost benefit) compared to what has already been achieved by Seville.

Taken together, the benefits associated with walking and cycling schemes are typically far greater than those for other transport projects, potentially worth a £17bn saving for the NHS. They are also financially achievable within the existing transport budget by diverting spend from  projects with lower returns on investment.

What you can do

You can respond to the Government consultation on air pollution up to 15 June 2017.

And please keep sharing your thoughts on how we can improve Gosforth to encourage more people to walk (or cycle) via our National Walking Month post.

Further links

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