GNR Speed Limits – comments by 7 May

The Chronicle has described it as one of the most hated junctions in Tyneside and also one of Britain's most dangerous roundabouts. So why is the Council is proposing more traffic and faster speeds, and claiming against all logic that this will somehow improve safety? Read more [...]
Grandstand Road used to be one of the worst places to cycle in Gosforth, even with marked cycle lanes. With heavy traffic, often travelling in excess of the 40mph speed limit, cycle lanes barely wider than a set of handlebars and deteriorating surface, it was both scary and unforgiving.
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Newcastle City Council has announced the start of the works to replace the Killingworth Road Metro bridge and widen Killingworth Road. From 20 July 2017 for up to nine months, Killingworth Road will be shut to all traffic including people walking and cycling. Salters Bridge and Castle Farm Road will also be shut to motor traffic. Read more [...]
Blue House, Gosforth High Street, electric bikes, guest speakers and much much more - a year in the life of SPACE for Gosforth! Read more [...]
The Blue House and Jesmond Dene Road Working group met on Monday 13th March. The Agenda for the seventh meeting included:
Feedback from group members
Principal options for the Blue House Junction
Proposals for Jesmond Dene Road and Ilford Road
Construction materials for new paths on the Town Moor
The notes from the meeting have been uploaded to the working group’s website, the main points of which are summarised below along with some additional context.
If you have any Read more [...]
Due to essential gas works, Killingworth Road will be closed northbound from Monday 27th March for up to 5 days, and then for a longer period later in the year when the Metro bridge is due to be replaced. For those that wish to (or have to) drive the advice is to leave extra time for your journey. Below are some alternative options if you don't need to take your car.
Coming from the north by car, there are Park and Ride sites at:
Metro Park and Ride at Kingston Park and Read more [...]
At our last Blue House Working Group Meeting in December 2016, the representatives from the various groups were asked to discuss and consult with their respective memberships on the potential impact of people taking short cuts (aka "rat running") through residential streets to avoid the junction and stay on the main roads. SPACE are aware of other residential streets around Gosforth that are known "rat runs" however, as requested, we are considering residential streets that are likely to be impacted Read more [...]
The Blue House and Jesmond Dene Road Working group met on Monday 12th December. The notes from the meeting have been uploaded to the working group's website.
As with all our meetings, there has been 100% attendance from all of the groups invited, which highlights the importance and acceptance of the process that Newcastle City Council has adopted. Not forgetting that everyone is also volunteering their time and clearly cares about the outcome.
At our sixth meeting we covered the following:
In our second article covering the 'Measures of Success' for the Blue House junction and Jesmond Dene Road we examine criteria to enable People Movement, specifically:
Quality of provision for walking
Quality of provision for cycling
Quality of provision for buses
We have focused on these three areas as they conform with Newcastle City Council's policy regarding hierarchy of users discussed in our previous article on 'Compliance with Adopted Policies'. SPACE will discuss vehicle Read more [...]