Comments on: Bike Week Bingo – No bike required Wed, 11 Jan 2017 22:10:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rupert Tue, 21 Jun 2016 21:03:43 +0000 In reply to paul bennison.

Paul, thanks. Good idea about Twitter. I’ll see if we can have a look at that.

In case you aren’t aware, GoSmarter is the Council initiative for ‘sustainable’ travel ( ) which promotes walking. I believe they do a lot of work with schools and businesses.

By: paul bennison Tue, 21 Jun 2016 07:18:31 +0000 Apologises Rupert but I don’t have either. Does WordPress allow Twitter website windows?
In terms of what occurred during ‘NATIONAL walking to school week’ I suspect the vast majority in Gosforth walked to school, although nationally the overall figure had dropped to 46% in 2014. Linking to the relevant Living Streets webpage and a few relevant documents on the bigger medium might have got a few people thinking, though interesting to note NCC did nothing yet again.
Interestingly, is it the fact that we walk all the time that means we seem to think we don’t need to publicise it and what the benefits are, together with the fact that funding doesn’t follow walking to anyway near the same as other forms of sustainable transport/movement. What better way in a compact city to move between neighbourhoods in a sociable, low impact, sustainable manner. Is there a NCC walking strategy? I would suggest walking doesn’t fit with many parts of the One Core Strategy?

By: Rupert Wed, 15 Jun 2016 21:34:42 +0000 In reply to paul bennison.

Thanks Paul. We did publicise National Walking Month and, I think, Walk to School week via Twitter and Facebook but not on the website as you say. If you are aware of a school or business or an individual in Gosforth who did something for National Walking Month then please let us know as we will be more than happy to publicise that.

By: paul bennison Mon, 13 Jun 2016 12:58:29 +0000 An interesting way to highlight benefits and disbenefits of various modes of travel and to get people thinking. In terms of 6. above, the direct cost to me per mile to get to work is 42p on the bus, 49p on the metro and 36p in a car. Whilst I go to work via metro 9o% of the time and there are benefits for everyone when I do, most people just look at the direct cost to their own pocket, in fact most just use there fuel costs! Also an opportunity missed in not promoting the recent ‘Walk to School’ week and ‘National Walking Month’, in May via relevant pages of the website and in particular given the name of the organisation and other promoted similar cycling schemes.
